Traveling Business classy

31 08 2010

Be Business Ready!

Yeah today I’m afraid it’s Tuesday, it’s the last day of August and it’s back to business after a summer of slacking. So why not make it fun?

How, you ask? Well do you remember that smell of new school gear? Ok am I really the only loser who loved breaking-out the new pens? Or finding the best binder? What about making sure you had the right lunch box?

Come on. You know you remember. So what’s fun for adults? What have they got to entice them back to work? How about a lovely leather bag? No fear The Harbourmaster’s Sheilagh Robertson is here with her Travel Tip for Tuesday and some beautiful business accessories to help get you back into the office or off the island.

She said: “Traveling on an important business trip? Many women today are looking for business cases that are fashionable and can serve as a handbag as well.” Here are a few options before.

Lovely, red, leather, rolling Jack George's bag to fit your computer and files with fashion for $455

“At the Harbourmaster there are handbags that are perfect for carrying the new smaller “net book” computers as well as wheeled briefcases that allow one to travel with all the paperwork without straining the shoulders.”

Handy handbag/briefcase with space for computer: $365

You need something smaller? Something to carry your notes for a meeting in style? How about a organizer with a beautiful leather finish? Why be boring when you can be bright and beautiful with the red organizer below?

Land's red, leather briefcase organiser for all your necessities, including your cell phone for $175.

And of course you have to visit The Harbourmaster on the first floor of the Washington Mall near the Washington Alley, Hamilton Bermuda for more options!