Lighten your load

14 09 2010

Are you sure that's the weight of the bag? Balaza digital luggage scale $39.50

We said good-bye on a street in India.

We had been traveling around the world together, but I couldn’t handle his weight.

It was either my back or his clinginess. I chose my back. It was the right thing to do.

But how easy was it to leave my favourite shirt? It wasn’t….

But it would have been harder to face the airlines who charge you for even the slightest amount of baggage.

If I had just listened to the advice of Sheilagh Robertson, owner of Bermuda’s own luggage store: The Harbourmaster…….

Sheilagh (owner of The Harbourmast) tell me what I should have packed with me?

Tip one: focus on packing only the absolute necessities. Choose a dark anchor colour such as black or brown for pants or skirts and choose tops and accessories that will mix and match with more than one outfit.

Compression Set: $36.50(Eagle Creek packing accessories- great for sweaters and other bulky items)

Sheilagh provides these Compression sets to help reduce the bulk and size of the clothes you are bringing with you……can’t do better than that in Bermuda can you? Why order them from away when you can easily walk into the Washington Mall, Ground Floor store and have the help of the experienced staff? Uh…you have no response so do it!

And then pick up the next tip:

Woolite Soap: $7.75/$6.759-ever tried doing your laundry in a sink without a stopper?

Tip Two: Pack clothing in easy care fabrics and take some detergent for washing.

And The Harbourmaster, luckily, has convenient and light-weight packages of woollite (one even comes with a stopper for the hotel’s sink!) for your next trip.

I can’t tell you how much I wish I had known this before I went traveling around the world. Do you know what a stopper and woollite means for someone whose clothes smell like fish?

But don’t forget, says Sheilagh, that traveling is not just about keeping clothes clean, but also yourself. That’s why The Harbourmaster offers convenient and perfectly sized carry-cases for your toiletries.

Travel bottle for soaps, shampoos, etc... $13.50

Tip Three: Take the minimum sizes for all toiletries. Remember you cannot take anything larger than a 3oz. size of liquids or gels in your carry-on bag.

I wish I had planned it better. Maybe my shirt would still be with me…..ahhh I will travel light next time.

Traveling Business classy

31 08 2010

Be Business Ready!

Yeah today I’m afraid it’s Tuesday, it’s the last day of August and it’s back to business after a summer of slacking. So why not make it fun?

How, you ask? Well do you remember that smell of new school gear? Ok am I really the only loser who loved breaking-out the new pens? Or finding the best binder? What about making sure you had the right lunch box?

Come on. You know you remember. So what’s fun for adults? What have they got to entice them back to work? How about a lovely leather bag? No fear The Harbourmaster’s Sheilagh Robertson is here with her Travel Tip for Tuesday and some beautiful business accessories to help get you back into the office or off the island.

She said: “Traveling on an important business trip? Many women today are looking for business cases that are fashionable and can serve as a handbag as well.” Here are a few options before.

Lovely, red, leather, rolling Jack George's bag to fit your computer and files with fashion for $455

“At the Harbourmaster there are handbags that are perfect for carrying the new smaller “net book” computers as well as wheeled briefcases that allow one to travel with all the paperwork without straining the shoulders.”

Handy handbag/briefcase with space for computer: $365

You need something smaller? Something to carry your notes for a meeting in style? How about a organizer with a beautiful leather finish? Why be boring when you can be bright and beautiful with the red organizer below?

Land's red, leather briefcase organiser for all your necessities, including your cell phone for $175.

And of course you have to visit The Harbourmaster on the first floor of the Washington Mall near the Washington Alley, Hamilton Bermuda for more options!

Take Monday down, tell Tuesday to hurry….

27 07 2010

and wait through Wednesday before…….Cup Match is a-coming.

What is Cup Match you ask (well obviously if you’re not from Bermuda)?

Well from today, most Bermudians and island residents will have today and one more workday before the biggest holiday of the year (bar Christmas on the island perhaps).

Thursday and Friday, not to mention Saturday and Sunday, will be devoted to: watching cricket, gamble at Crown and Anchor (which requires knowledge of shapes and the ability to put money on them), veg on the beach, head for the open water with our boats, and hang with family and friends.

What will I be doing? Good question. I’m hoping not to be skunked. What do I mean? Every Cup Match we have family friends who come down and then Thursday is the Hungry Bay (a tiny, beautiful outlet in the centre of the Island) fishing tournament.

This “exclusive” gaming event requires all boats to leave from the bay and return at 3 p.m. The poor fisherman who fails to land one fish receives a Skunk award. What does this include? A stuffed skunk and some backed beans (because you have no fish to eat of course!) and of course the right to multiple “big-fish-got-away” stories.

I have yet to find a boat for the tournament so I will probably safe from skunking. What are you doing this Cup Match??

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It will probably require toting towels, toddlers and all types of goodies for your days out. Why not make it fashionable with the bags from The Harbourmaster?

Kalencom by Amy Butler

Sheilagh Robertson, the owner of the Washington Mall (near the entrance off Washington Lane) shop offers these trendy totes and a few tips for Cup Match on this Harbourmaster Travel Tip Tuesday.

She says: “Cup Match is a time to let your hair down and have a little fun. The perfect time to splash out on a colourful tote in bright orange, snazzy stripes or blue florals.

Hadaki Blue!

“These totes make a fashion statement but are practical too with room for the bathing suit, sunblock, and water bottle.”

But what about the weather, Sheilagh?

“Whether you are going to the game, heading to the beach , or out on the water always make sure to drink lots of water and stay hydrated . Water is much better than alcohol and sugary drinks.

“Apply lots of sunblock and wear a hat. Girls like to pose in skimpy tops at Cup Match but it doesn’t take long to get serious sunburn. Parents should be especially careful with children.”

And for those heading for the water remember:

“Water safety. For many Bermudians Cup Match is the only time people go in the water.

“While everyone likes to picnic on the beach I often observe parents or family members sitting in the shade while toddlers and very young children play in the water some distance away.

“Remember it only takes an instant for a young child to be knocked over by a wave or wander in too deep. If your child is in the water playing, you or a responsible adult  who can swim should be with them at all times.”

Finally: Pick-up your last-minute bags from The Harbourmaster in the Washington Mall, Hamilton, Have fun, Stay Safe and remember to check back to the blog while on Cup Match! I will be here updating!!!