Pumpkins are people tooo

31 10 2010


It’s the end of the summer. Britain has even turned its clocks forward an hour. Days will be ending earlier. The chill will begin.

Good thing those Celts thought about carving fruit. What am I talking about? That old tradition you know! Carving Pumpkins.

In Bermuda these seem to have become the decoration of choice for people’s fence posts or gate entrances. Spooky.

But this tradition started years and years ago as a way to welcome deceased loved ones and to ward-off the bad spirits! Well it actually started with them carving turnips and gourds apparently.

Attacking the Pumpkin

When the European settlers hit America’s shores they found the pumpkins (which are actually fruit) better for carving.

Me too. That’s how I spent my Saturday night. I know…crazy me. The reason I wasn’t out enjoying the nightlife? I awoke for a truly scary experience this morning.

It required driving to Clearwater Beach (and the water is remarkably clear. I even saw turtles) in Bermuda and running 5 km. Why? Because it was there.

And because while I was away in Europe my friend emailed me. She wanted me to join a group for a team triathlon.


Feeling lazy on my trip I said yes. This morning my body kept saying no, no, no, no (well you get the point). Still I managed the run in approximately 24 minutes and my team came in third!

A mug for my cider and some baked pumpkin seeds made-up for the scary morning….I suppose.