Wrestling the World

21 01 2011

On Monday it’s someone who doesn’t like what you write. On Tuesday it’s the washing machine that won’t stop leaking. On Wednesday it’s a dryer that has no vent and Thursday… well let’s just move onto Friday.

Which is exactly what it is and for most that means the weekend is coming soon and so is a break. Well, not for me. I’ll be running around tables.

But now I’ve got the chance to show you a photo for Friday: Cholita wresting in Bolivia. La Paz to be exact. Have you ever seen women wrestling?

Ok besides a bar brawl! How about women with their hair braided, in full skirts and men dressed as skeletons? Yeah it’s like a pajama party with outfits. It’s the WWF with women.

Even better? Sitting miles above the highest capital in the world, this wrestling ring is surrounded by both locals and tourists throwing popcorn and heckling the wrestlers!

Apparently the cholita wrestling is a time-honoured tradition in town and it’s the place to be! So make sure you enjoy your Friday and find yourself in Bolivia….La Paz to be exact soon.