Traveling Kids need (or maybe parents?)

7 12 2010

Zoobies: blankets/toys/pillows in one for kids who travel!

They need….what do they need?

Well they need a stressless trip. What can entertain a child? Well toys. But what a pain having to pack the toys and the pillows and the blankets!

Cause you know the kids are also going to get cold and tired! And Sheilagh Robertson at The Harbourmaster store in Bermuda recommends that parents plan ahead to make travel as stress free for you and your children.

She said: “Airlines now charge for pillows and blankets so you may want to bring your own. Zoobies makes the ideal solution- a stuffed plush toy that comes with a travel blanket folded up inside. Available in a variety of animals these cuddly animals serve as toy, pillow and blanket all rolled into one.”

Because: ”Traveling with children can be stressful at the best of times so it is important to try to keep young children as close as possible to their normal schedules for meals and sleep.”

So why not buy these purpose-built toys/blankets/pillows at The Harbourmaster?

Travel light and comfortable with these!

It’s the perfect Christmas gift and only costs $64 at the Washington Mall store! And of course Sheilagh and her staff will be there to help  you pick out the right animal to make sure it’s the right trip!

And of course if you want just a pillow substitute for the kid in your life, Sheilagh at The Harbourmaster is with you all the way!

Comfy Kids Pillows

For just $21 this panda or lion can join your child for your next trip and keep everyone happy! Remember Christmas is coming and it’s the perfect time to treat you (and your child) to some peaceful sleep!

Traveling with order?

24 08 2010

Trying to travel light

“Where’s my charger? I can’t find my blue tshirt! I was sure it was in here. Have you seen it? Did it get muddled in your clothes?”

“No, Robyn. I haven’t seen your charger or your shirt. Didn’t you check under the bed?”

“Ugh! I am getting so sick of this!”

I had been traveling for eight months and my backpack was starting to look like the inside of a martini shaker and my travel buddy was getting tired of my constant scavenger hunt. To my defense, moving from hostels was usually early in the morning on little sleep or repacking for climbs into the mountains.

This inevitably meant the shirt I needed or the pants I needed next time were on the bottom. The backpack would get emptied…..again! And then one day in Cusco, Peru I met a man with his act together. I know…shocking. His clothes? Not in a muddled bundle like mine. Nope. He had them all sorted into separate compartments and bags. Brilliant.

Eagle Creeks Cube which can help keep your clothes and shoes organized

Me? I was unpacking my entire bag. It was an exhausting affair that managed to claim more than enough of my shirts (there is a blue one floating around Bali) and converters (there’s one still plugged-in in Selcuk, Turkey). What did this mean? When I got to the next destination I had to re-purchase what I lost.

I wasted time and money on re-organising my affairs when I could have just visited The Harbourmaster and Sheilagh Robertson for her Travel Tip Tuesdays.

Mobile Lockers for organizing your clothes!

“We all tend to pack too much when we travel. The new 50 lb weight limit on airlines has made it more important to plan more carefully before traveling.

“Eagle Creek “Pack-it” organizers help organize your suitcase more efficiently by enabling you to:

-group and pack coordinating items together,

-fold shirts neatly,

-roll up the socks and underwear,

-and pack toiletries in small containers suitable for carry-on bags.”

Pictured on the left these range in size and prize from $55 to $62.50 at The Harbourmaster on the ground floor of the Washington Mall in Hamilton.

“The organizer cubes come in various sizes, big enough for large sweaters, or small for lingerie. There is even a suit folder that is more compact than the traditional garment bag but ideal for a blazer or single suit.”

Sheilagh added: “By packing your coordinating items together you will find it easier to eliminate the items that don’t mix and match that just add weight to your bag.”

Are you traveling for business? Or need to keep your shirts clean and unwrinkled? The Harbourmaster is at your rescue. These shirt folders (below) offer almost flat cases for folding your shirts in perfect harmony with the inside instruction sheet (second photo below). The cost of looking pulled-together? For an 18 inch folder: $43. For a 14inch: $37.50.

Keeping your shirts pressed and folded

With a handy instruction sheet included

I could definitely have used the cubes for my trip! Remember The Harbourmaster is located on the ground floor of the Washington Mall near the Washington Alley entrance!