Stockholm’s trash

25 09 2010

Taking out the trash

I looked at my watch. It was already 12.00 p.m. Geez. My first day in Sweden had flown by….and I was still in bed. Oops.

It’s hard when you’re battling jet lag that included an overnight flight from Bermuda to London and then the next day a three a.m. start for a flight from London to Stockholm, Sweden. I should have been thrilled to be back in Sweden but I couldn’t get out of bed.

So I stayed in ….no of course not. I made a coffee and decided to get my act in gear and head for the cobblestoned streets. I can see why Ikea is Swedish.

I can also see why it is so darn clean in this Scandinavian country. They don’t just put their trash away they also lock it up! Hence this photo of the day. A key pad will unlock this trash!

Well what more can you want? Oh you need a gift for a wedding? I’ve got the perfect one tomorrow straight from Stockholm.

Trashed your hotel room lately?

10 06 2010

Trashy hotel in Rome

Well in Rome, Italy there quite literally is a hotel made from trash! Coming on the heels of the World Environment Day I thought this was appropriate topic for today’s blog.

The hotel was built by German artist Ha Shult and sponsored by the Corona Save the Beach Project. This organisation strives to highlight the amount of trash that washes up on Europe’s beaches.

Not only that but they also try to save the beaches! What could be better? Uh…a stay in a trash hotel of course. Check out their site here.

KBB (Keep Bermuda Beautiful), Greenrock a new idea? Hotel from Bermuda’s trash…I think it’s a sure-fire tourism draw!:)