Do you know why you should be thanking the giving?

18 11 2010

Get your Gift Certificate by November 30th and win two tickets!

I know we don’t celebrate it in Bermuda. Well, we don’t celebrate this meal on the fourth Thursday of November since 1863 unless you are American or have the American heritage.

But why do Americans celebrate it? Well apparently way back when, Americans were not quite as hardy and they barely made it through their first winter in a new land.

They put together a meal of venison, calms, fruit, pumpkin, etc… and sat down for three days! Yes, three days. They managed to consume enough food for 53 pilgrims and 90 Native Americans.

Not a bad job. Now that food feeds a family of five. Just kidding.

But why am I bringing this up? Good question. Fancy celebrating Thanksgiving in the country that founded it? For free? Why not, right? I do!

Want to finish a bit of Christmas shopping too?!? I know. I know. You’re thinking: “This is boring, Robyn. Just tell us.”

Ok well if you go into CTravel by November 30th and buy a gift certificate for someone on your Christmas gift list (or even yourself) you’ll be entered to win two tickets to anywhere in the United States!

No I’m not kidding! So what are you waiting for?

More suggestions? We that’s good because CTravel has also launched a new website for those looking for more travel ideas.

What’s it called? CTravel Society. It has all of your travel advisories, currency converter, FAA tips, etc.! So check it out and find-out about their latest ventures.

And finally…..what are you doing tonight? Need an excuse to shop?

Well perfect then.

The Phoenix Centre is opening its doors to the lucky shoppers who make it to the store between 6.30 and 9.00 p.m. tonight!

Sip, shop, sample and save!!!

Need I say more? Well how about if you get your Christmas gifts sorted now you can fly to Jamaica directly from Bermuda for the holidays!

Don’t bother having to connect through America or swing through London.

For Christmas CTravel can connect you directly to Jamaica for the low price of $1,200 per person.

That runs from December 18th to January 8th and the price includes all of your accommodations!

Optional visits to Cuba, Panama, Santo Domingo and other islands can also be arranged.

For more information or to make a reservation please contact: Pam Maybury at: 294-6908 or email:

Or visit their website for more trips!

The first time…..

29 07 2010

A Christmas Market in Europe

I ever spent Christmas away from home I was cold and in Europe.  It was 2002 and I had just finished a TEFL (Teach English as a Foreign Language) course and I was hoping to find a job. I also rented an apartment with a buddy of mine so money was tight and so was time.

My family wasn’t particularly thrilled, but I didn’t have much of a choice. And to be honest I was glad I did. Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic was fantastic with Christmas Markets in every square, mulled wine warming my hands and fantastic wood carvings to enjoy. Even the tubs of fish on the corners (kept this way to be fresh for Christmas dinner) were an interesting site.

Ok it’s cold, but isn’t Europe supposed to be cold? Isn’t the snow and the real warmth of the mulled wine worth it? For me? Yes.

What is the point? Well Viking Cruises, through CTravel, are offering amazing deals this Christmas in the form of 2-for-1 cruising and 2-for-1 airfare with free wine on select 10 and 8 day cruises. One of those includes a 10-day cruise from Nuremberg, Germany to Budapest, Hungary.

Where would you spend Christmas Eve? Vienna. And Christmas Day? Riding into the woods surrounding this operatic city.

Or maybe the sun, sand, sea option is more your speed?

Why not save 63% on an Oceania Cruise through CTravel to go from Miami to Grand Turk, Tortola, and St. John’s to name a few Caribbean destinations.

The cruise departs on January 2, 2011 and extends itself for ten days. But a Penthouse that would have cost $6,049 this year will only cost $2,500.

A Veranda will reduce from $4,849 to $2,000 and an outside room will move from $3,449 to $1,500.

by Robyn Skinner

Do children get included in your plans? Or maybe you’re looking for absolute luxury with a hint of history? Well Disney, yes I wrote Disney, offers an eight-day Egypt vacation that includes three days of cruising along the Nile.

You know, that little river that snakes through the country. But before boarding you will stop in Cairo for a tour of the famous and incredible Egyptian Museum. This place is packed to the rafters with old Egyptian goodies.

The on to a camel and a lift around the Pyramids, before flying down to Aswan (you know, where the Dam is) and then cruising for three days until Luxor.

Here the tour guides (because there are two with Disney tours) will take you to the Valley of the Kings and the temples that imbibe this town.

Disney is offering this cruise in April, June, July and December next year.

So what are you doing with your two days off? Well booking a trip with CTravel I hope (well when they open after the Cup Match holiday anyway). Happy Cup Match Bermuda!