It’s the SS …….s

21 12 2010

Stocking Stuffers!

Ok it’s not. I mean it’s not the guards coming from Berlin. I know. Silly, but maybe it’s that time of year. The absolute silly season.

I should know. I tried to complete all of my holiday shopping yesterday in the pouring rain, dodging hail and the five o’clock closing of Bermuda’s stores.

But’s that’s not what I’m talking about either. Instead it’s all about Solstice Stocking Stuffers today. Why? Because today is the Solstice.

What is that? Good question and one I had to look-up myself. To break it down: solstice comes from the Latin sol (sun) and statum (to stand still).

To make it fun, Solstice is generally celebrated throughout the world with sacrifice or prayers for fertility. Doesn’t sound like as much fun anymore, does it?

For the chinese it is celebrated with making balls of rice (to symbolize the gathering of the family) and it’s called “dongzhi.”

In Korea? No they don’t attack each other. That’s for every other day. Today, instead they worry about ghosts coming into villages to haunt them. It’s lore, but apparently dipping the rice balls in sweet red bean called pat jook helps repel the ghosts.

Pakistani men have cold water poured over their head for purification and then are forbidden to sit in a chair. Finally their heads are sprinkled with goats’ blood.

For the Japanese and the Scandinavians (two completely opposite cultures), on the other hand it’s all about fertility and they go about this with either lathering butter on doors or visit farms to ensure the land is ready. read more on the New York Times editorial.

But for most of us today is all about having only four days until dooms day or Christmas. Obviously for the Christians out there!

So what are you going to do? Well you could surrender and believe me yesterday I did, or you could find-out what The Harbourmaster store in Hamilton Bermuda has to offer.

Tag your luggage for $13.25!

The traveler in the family (i.e. everyone in Bermuda) will need to identify their bags, no? Well why not use these fantastic name-tags from The Harbourmaster to help?

Need something else? Got someone a bit more on the hipster side? How about a pom-pom? Yeah I wrote it. A pom-pom.

Pom-pom for your luggage locations for just $9.95

Perhaps you have someone with pesky keys which they can never find? Have you done that? You know left the island and come home to find….no home! Well no home if you don’t have your keys.

What a pain trying to fish them out of your bag. Well why not find these beautiful and hefty key chains which well mean your keys are never lost:

Keys for Keys for $20

or these handy leather-bound key chains:

Leather Key Chain for $30

Finally there is nothing like trying to keep hold of your blackberry. So I hear. I don’t have one, but from those who do I hear you want them at your finger tips.

So why not get your help from The Harbourmaster? They have all sorts of beautiful, leather cases that can carry your mechanical device like this one below:

Blackberry case for $54

Or maybe you’re someone who keeps their cash wadded in your pockets? Floating around your purse? Maybe you know someone who does?

Well that’s ok because The Harbourmaster can help you out! They have all sorts of wallets that are handy, leather and beautiful!

Like this leather wallet from the LAND Meridian collection. The best part, and you will understand if you’re from Bermuda, it’s in stock! No waiting for it to be imported.

Wallets!! Starting at $75

Or The Harbourmaster also has this selection:

Wallet with credit card holders on the outside for just $59

Whatever you do make sure that you visit The Harbourmaster on the first floor of The Washington Mall and get all the help you need for your travel goods from their helpful staff.

And OF COURSE mention Robyn’s Wanderings! Happy Holidays.

Fill your stockings with these travel accessories

14 12 2010


Socking Stuffers


Tiny is the theme this year in travel as airlines cut-back on luggage allowances and carry-on’s become almost obsolete. Even worse is the restriction on liquids that now appears to be destined to remain.

Remember when they said they would take it off? Right. Well what are you going to do about your shampoo? And the soap you need so you don’t have to do laundry?

Well that’s why we have The Harbourmaster on the first floor of the Washington Mall in Hamilton. All the tiny little stocking stuffers to make your travel easy are there.

Like this tiny Woolite soap. Wash your underwear, clean-off the stain on your shirt and basically keep clean with the help of this light-weight and accessible soap.


Woolite soap for just $6.50


But perhaps you want to bring your own soap? Or that traveling family and friend does? Well have no fear, The Harbourmaster is here:


refillable Travel Tube for just $13.50


There’s is nothing quite like carrying more than one bag. You know, one for your clothes and then one for a possible day trip. You don’t want to do it!!! So why would you when The Harbourmaster has a convenient day bag that wraps into the size of your hand?

You wouldn’t:


Eagle Creek Day Pack with super comfortable straps for $55


The best laid plans, however, can go astray when you are traveling. The last thing you want to do though is lose your money. Without money…..well let’s not think about it.

Which is exactly why The Harbourmaster has thought about it for you. With a variety of coin purses and belts with secret compartments, owner Sheilagh Robertson has thought about all of your travel security needs.


A range of coin purses from $18.75 to $26.00


Check out these belts:


Belt with hidden money pouch on the inseam is $26


Just make sure you stay in touch while you’re away! We’d hate to have to bug you for a postcard. To help you with your addresses, of course The Harbourmaster has a tiny, leather address book waiting for you.


Scully leather Address Book for $26

Need more stocking stuffer ideas? Well you can visit The Harbourmaster store in the Washington Mall in Hamilton, Bermuda or come-back here next week!