Fishing for…..

31 07 2010

On our way.....

the prize! And I got it…without catching a thing. Yes I managed to split the Female Angler prize in the Hungry Bay Fishing tournament because well…there were only two of us in the whole tournament.

Why? I don’t know. For some reason women don’t enter our tournament (the one hosted in the bay, Hungry Bay, where my family lives)

My father and family friend Peter who go out every year? No prizes, but they did get two fish so the day wasn’t a complete wash for them. But while they got to eat some beautiful fish I got to eat…ugh I didn’t want to eat at all.

What do I mean? Well let’s start with my day traveling by boat. For my day out I planned ahead.

1. I didn’t go out the night before.

2. I got up early enough to take stugeron (anti-seasick pills)

3. Ate some breakfast and had coffee to wake-up.

4. I wore a hat.

But I should have known as the sun rose above the boats on our way out of Hamilton Harbour that it was going to be a hot day. It was going to be hot day, it was going to be a rough day and I was going to get ill.

All was good on the way out. We escaped the harbour, went under Somerset Bridge, wandered down South Shore and found the entrance to Hungry Bay.

Anchoring wasn’t easy. But it had to be done to try to chum for the fish. Three times and I convinced my dad to wait and see if we moved. We didn’t . The anchor was down and we were free to fish.

I take credit for this.

My line went out first. It came in last. It didn’t catch a thing. But not all was lost. I wasn’t just a dead-weight on the boat.

My dad’s line went off. Fighting and fighting, the fish flew into the air, fighting and fight……it was a Barracuda. A big one.

The Robins circled the boat. Swarming left right and centre they were easy pickings to be used as bait fish and that’s what kept my dad busy.

Peter, a family friend, was also on the boat. His line brought in three Coneys and almost another barracuda until it saw the boat and gave him the shake.

Robins waiting for their turn as bait

The weather turned and grey clouds meandered onto the island and over our boat. Sun burn was replaced by goosebumps as we got belted with air juice.

Nothing was biting. I thought rain was supposed to help. My dad kept raising the issue of moving.

“Do you think we should get some of these Robins and start trolling? I think we should get going. We haven’t had anything in ages.”

“Yeah  but dad we’ve already spent hours chumming the water. I think if the Robins go we’ll get fish.”

His line went off. A four-pound Bonita was on the other end.

Peter’s line went-off soon afterwards. A five-pound Bonita answered his call. We were not going to get skunked (see previous post if confused).

But the day was catching-up with me. My well-planned attack on fishing was letting me down. I couldn’t speak. I sat in the bow of the boat. I tried to keep my eyes open. I fell asleep. I would roll awake. The waves were picking-up. Ugh I feel ill. There’s no way they’re going to take me in.

I’m done. I’m done with boating. I want to travel by land. I want to walk and nothing moves below me. I want to be able to get a glass of water without falling into something.

“Shall we call it a day?”

“YES!” is all I could say. Salvation. We got the anchor in and we headed for the breaking waves of the mouth of Hungry Bay and home…and solid land.

That might be enough boats for me ….until  tomorrow! Bring on the non-mariner’s race and check back here for traveling by non-boating mechanics. Or at least enjoying them with a Dark n Stormy.

Bermuda’s Cup Match continues.