Too hot to …..

18 06 2010


Running through the Valley of the Kings

The weather is heating-up. The running is drying-up. And the skin is starting to perspire even on a gentle walk into Hamilton. It’s summer time kids!

And it’s time to get the last run in of the season. Starting on Monday with the Heroes’ Day  Sprit Triathalon.

This is followed by the last two organized road races of the season here in Bermuda – the Fidelity Couples’ race next weekend. June 27th and then finally the BF&M weight handicap 5km on July 6th.

Why do I bring this up? Well I think anyone who has followed my blog will know I have a penchant for running. It’s something I started young with my dad.

But I only started it competitively a couple of years ago. Why? A friend and colleague convinced me to do the RMS 10 km. It’s set me off on a regular-running-routine.

And it was a great outlet while I was traveling. Not just as a way to let-out any stress, but to meet people and see places.

Well, that is if you are good at following where you ran. What do I mean? In Arcachon, France I lived with a family for five weeks. I decided one day that the family was leaving for the day and I was going to go for a run.

Two hours later I was circling the same road twice. I saw the area….thoroughly. Finally I asked a kind French man for directions. Yes, my French was good enough even through desperate attempts to breath.

I found my house. And I found a great way to see a place. This helped me in Bali. I could run along the beach and see the sun rise with the regulars walking their dogs.

Baking in Bali

In Santiago, Chile I could scale the mountain for the best view of the city and the Andes while also working-off the wine, steak and tamales.

Argentina? Well in Buenos Aires it’s all about the athletes. It’s all about bods. Can’t say I could compete but it was fun trying.

Now I’m back in Bermuda traipsing the sand dunes and enjoying the beaches, but need a get-away? Want to combine that with running? Here are some ideas for destination running.

Check ya lata!

Run, run as fast as you can

15 05 2010

Running through the Valley of the Kings in Egypt

Calling all runners. Today is the last day to register for the May 24 Marathon Derby. Everyone ready for the 13.1 miles in a week? Have you registered for the race? Have your running clothes ready? How about your feet?

Yes feet. No, not shoes. Feet.

For many, running shoes are now a superfluous part of their exercise regime. Yep! Barefoot running. Actually I saw one girl running sans-shoes in a 20 km three weeks ago here in Bermuda. I meant to ask her why and how she did it. But, well, the race started….so….here’s what I’ve found on this phenom.

Barefoot running is more than one girl in Bermuda. It is a traveling trend on the up-swing. Just last year Christopher McDougall wrote the book: “Born to Run”  and various studies and stalwarts of the natural sole selection proclaim it a healthier way to run.

Their reasons? 1. They can feel the asphalt beneath their feet and it’s invigorating. 2. It causes less injuries than running with shoes.

Barefoot Ken Bob is one of the stalwarts. Check out his blog to prove it. He has run 77 marathons and only one of those was with shoes! And contradictory it is also the slowest time of any of his races – more than five hours.

Then there are the Vibram Five Fingers. These light-weight shoes isolate the toes and are supposed to help not hide our feet from the real world. Unlike our regular shoes, according to their website these will safely work-out our feet.

Their website states: “The typical human foot is an anatomical marvel of evolution with 26 bones, 33 joints, 20 muscles, and hundreds of sensory receptors, tendons and ligaments. Like the rest of the body, to keep our feet healthy, they need to be stimulated and exercised.”

While others are not so sure. which is written by an anonymous blogger and points out some of the absurd arguments made by the barefoot runners of the world. The best? Do barefoot runners fly in planes? Good point. We used to run barefoot. Now we don’t. We never flew. Now we do.

Barefoot traveling. Interesting. For me….I don’t think so. I think I will stick with my shoes and keep up the miles! Good luck to all those training and see you May 24!