Pic of the Week

14 05 2010


So it’s Friday. Congrats to everyone who has made it through another week. Glancing at your screen? Picturing your next trip?

Each week I want to feature pics from trips around the world to help inspire and entertain for the last day of the week. Here’s a start to your weekend and conversations (I hope) about your next trip.

This picture is Patagonia. I had just landed in Punta Arenas (the gateway to Chile’s Patagonian wilderness) and decided to hike 11 km to see some little penguins.

We walked past miles of this grassland along a Patagonian beach with wind desperately trying to knock us down. The best part? We had to take-off our shoes and socks to wade through “streams” (rivers) of near-freezing water.

Was it worth it? Click on the Photo of the Day to see more of my photos from Chile and the penguins. And send me your pics! The best one will be featured next week with a short blurb about what it is.