What’s your name?

16 09 2010

Want to fly?

No, seriously. What’s your name?


No it’s not. What’s your name on your passport?

Oh….it’s……a struggle. It’s a struggle. Bermudians have so many nicknames we can’t seem to remember the exact name our parents wrote on that piece of paper as we struggled to enter the world.

Or more importantly the one we placed on the form as we applied for a passport. Sound crazy? It happens more often than you realize, according to Carl Paiva of CTravel.

Why does this matter? The ubiquitous nicknames that bound around this 21-square-mile island are not what the airlines are looking for…..and they WON’T let you travel.

We’re not alone in this issue. Apparently lots of other countries also struggle to know their names. So starting November 1 this year airlines without your proper “Secured Flight Passenger Data” (say that ten times fast) will be fined and will take that out on you.

No plane for you Robbles!

So make sure you fill out your passport details because you wouldn’t want to miss some of these amazing deals brought only to you….yes you whatever your name is….by CTravel.

How sad would you be if you couldn’t fly around Namibia in a private plane for 12 days for just $7,995? Yeah I would be.

Fly over and then drive through the Namibian desert before hitting the sea to discover the dolphins and seals that waddle around Walvis bay!

The luxury is not lost on this off-the-beaten track tour of Namibia either. You’ll get the chance to hike along the Uarosib River and enjoy a visit with local Himba families who will share their stories and traditions before a two-day safari.

Where can you sign-up? I though you’d ask. Well with CTravel of course. And don’t worry they will make sure you get the right name on your passport!

Or maybe you want to travel from Bermuda without ever having to leave Bermuda? What am I talking about?

Cruising from Bermuda with Oceania

No I haven’t lost my mind.

I’m talking about CTravel’s Board in Bermuda cruises. In April (yeah but these cruises fill so book ahead!) you – Bermudians and residents – will get a chance to walk the plank….onto a cruise that delivers you to Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Turks and Caicos and Miami for as little as $1,725!!!

If you stay on you go through the Panama Canal to California and Mexico for as little as $5,975! All without having to leave the island.

You’ll still need the passport though so….make sure you know your name!