How to learn to ski without ending relationships!

19 01 2011

Skiing in Vermont

There are a few ways to end a relationship.

“Wait Robyn, what has this got to do with travel?”

Ha! Relationships and travel are inevitably intertwined, but that’s not the point this week. Nope. I already wrote about how to pick your travel buddies in this column.

That’s why this week, my Rock Fever Column in The Royal Gazette is about skiing. While travel might be the number one way to end a relationship, the number two? Teaching someone to ski.

Believe me I have tried. Seven years ago I took a boyfriend (now ex) to the slopes for a weekend. I became the teacher and there were some kids on the beginner’s slope who learned some very bad words that day.

So when it came to planning a New Year’s ski trip this year I debated what to do. There was going to be five of us: a Brit, a Canadian and two Americans and of course, me, a Bermudian.

Take a guess how many of us could ski….. One. Guess who… The Bermudian. We won’t go into why that is ridiculous, what we will go into is what was a good plan for a ski/combo trip because not everyone in the group wanted to even learn to ski.

Trying to ski in Vermont?

So this wee? Ten tips for planning a ski trip with various levels of people (or basically any good ski getaway from Bermuda). Take tip one: go close to home. Now living on a 21-square-mile island doesn’t usually afford us that possibility. Luckily Boston is not far away. I found a flight on Delta for a little more than $300 and that was over New Years. (remember my tips about using online agencies). With Delta your flight will be under two hours.

Tip two is find good car deals and rent at least one (with a group of friends you might want two to ensure flexibility). There are plenty of sites to investigate prices. You know all of the main car rental places: Alamo, Hertz, Budget, etc… So start with the online agencies (,, and then go directly to the car rental sites to ensure the prices.

Now you’ve got the vehicle so drive for two hours to….Quechee, Vermont (or at least that is what we did). Tip three is to book a house in Quechee. Luckily there are plenty of Bermudians who frequent Quechee and you’ll be able to find a place to borrow or even a place to rent (if you want to rent your place out check our my website which lists them for free!) With a group of friends that is the perfect option.

Which leads to four: Quechee is quaint. Quechee is beautiful. Quechee could be a Norman Rockwell painting. It is also a great place to combine a group that wants different things from a holiday. I wanted to ski. My Canadian and British travel buddies wanted to learn, but my American travel buddies wanted to take photos (there are at least two covered bridges and waterfalls next to a Simon Pearce – a glass blowing factory – to add to your albums) and visit Breweries (Harpoon has their brewery a good 20 minutes nearby). We were all accommodated.

Even better is tip five for planning your ski trip here. There is a great rental place (Henderson’s Ski Rentals) which charges only about $30 a day for boots, poles and skis. That’s a great deal if you look at any other resorts (Killington, which is only 45 minutes away charges at least $10 more). I mean skiing is never going to be a cheap sport, but you can cut costs where you can.

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Which leads to six and the five minute drive to Quechee’s own “mountain” (I would say hill because it’s too small for anyone with experience). But it is right in the middle of town. That means it’s close enough if people are sick of skiing or cold or tired, it’s not a far ride back to home.

Even better is seven, which is for the beginners there are great slopes which will keep them busy and instructors that will help immediately. We showed-up at 10.30 a.m. and had the beginners on the slope by 11! I had to keep myself busy going on the higher slopes that were open, but luckily Vermonters are incredibly friendly and I was always chatting with someone from Harvard who visited Bermuda every year or the wife of a producer for XSports.

And when everyone gets better at skiing you head to tip eight, which is that Quechee offers more than beginner skiing. A 45-minute drive (or so) will deliver you to Killington, which has been named one of the top resorts for skiing in the United States! Even better is if you stay in Quechee you don’t get the prices ( can help you find an affordable house for a group. If we had not borrowed a house it would have been about $60 a night each. That’s a deal!)

Cheese at Sugar Bush farm in Quechee, Vermont

Plus you get the choices like nine: which is going into Woodstock ( a town 15 minutes away) with little restaurants, cafes and even a country store that sells everything from rubber boots to gluten-free beer. Yeah it’s old school and very cool! Ha I rhyme. Anyway, Woodstock is beautiful and small, which makes it perfect for those who don’t want to ski. Or even better is the family farm Sugar Bush which offers all the cheese tasting you could ever want. I mean seriously do NOT eat lunch or breakfast and go try their 8-year-old cheddar. Besides a stunning setting that allows a view of the Vermont valley, it also fills the tummy.

Which is good because, as we found, the restaurants in Quechee were definitely hit or miss. Tip ten: CAREFUL where you eat twice. Because our flight to Boston was delayed by five hours, my Philadelphia friends arrived in Quechee before us. They chose a seat at the Firestone’s Restaurant. We eventually arrived, had amazing service and great pub/upscale food. I was relieved because I had booked the same place for New Year’s Eve. What a mistake revisiting. We splurged on Kobe steaks which came cold and sea bass that could have been in the Quechee river. Luckily, like everything in Quechee, our night was salvaged by a view that was spectacular: fireworks leaving the side of the Quechee ski mountain, a fire in the place, and a front seat to the NYC ball drop. As far as we were concerned with Quechee, Vermont, we had it all.

Which is why I would totally recommend it as a destination for Bermudians hoping to learn to ski or even those advanced enough for Killington’s slopes to tackle more! And next week I will give you how to ensure entering the United States is not a problem. Hint: It means a visa!

A Bermudian, a Brit, a Canadian and two Americans walked into a Vermont pub……

7 01 2011

Menu from Firestones in Quechee, Vermont

Yes, a Bermudian, a Canadian, a Brit, and two Americans walked into a pub (Firestones) in Quechee, Vermont and we ordered three Dark n Stormys, a gingerale (definitely not for the Bermudian) and a Vermont Ale (for the Brit).

No, this is not a joke. Well what transpired was a comedy of errors, but it was never meant to be. Nope, this was supposed to be my New Year’s Eve.

I had planned ahead. I never do that, but this time I had four other people depending on me. Why? Because I decided to drag two friends who live in Bermuda (the Canadian and the Brit) and my college roommate and her boyfriend to a house in Quechee, VT.

Some skiing, New England quaintness and a place where I wouldn’t know anyone was just what the doctored ordered. I had rock fever.

Unfortunately this ailment is nothing that a doctor can cure. Nope. Instead, it is what Bermudians feel after spending too much time on our 21 square-mile island. That and my travel column every Wednesday in The Royal Gazette, of course!

After Delta delayed our escape by five hours we arrived in Boston by 7 p.m. and began our trek to Vermont. It’s only two hours so it wasn’t too bad.

The Americans had already made it to Quechee and we found them ensconced in beer and nibbles at the Firestones’ Pub waiting for us. It was busy, but our waitress was so amazing it made the time fly.

She even carded me! I felt young again. Heck maybe I’m a questionable 21-year-old at 31? Works for me. This was going to be a good vacation.

Even better, we had a little bit of Bermuda waiting for us on the menu. Yes I wanted to escape, but I always love seeing my home country featured somewhere. Well especially because we’re so small!

There it was listed on the Firestones’ menu: a Dark ‘n’ Stormy. Arguably Bermuda’s National drink,  the Dark ‘n’ Stormy consists of our Black Seal Rum (a dark, rich

Quchee's Waterfall/Glass Blowing Company

and smooth alcohol) mixed with Barritt’s Ginger Beer. Any other ginger beer just simply will not do.

I was sure Firestones did not have Barritt’s, but I thought I would give Firestones’ the benefit of the doubt (the friendly waitress who carded me, helped) and we decided to book our New Year’s Eve dinner here.

There were not many other choices. I mean, I love Quechee. It’s quintessential New England. But as far as eating on New Year’s Eve we were at a loss.

Sure we could have chosen Simon Pearce and spent $80 on a four course meal, but that would not have included drinks, tax or service. We didn’t have that kind of money.

The 31st came. We put the skis down, showered and even donned some make-up for the occasion. At 8p.m. we were ready for a good night.

Too bad our Firestones’ waitress wasn’t. Our friendly, first night waitress had been replaced with another.

“What do you want to order?”

Well, hello to you too. Yes, we would love to have a great New Year’s Eve, thank you for asking, I belittled the waitress in my head. I bit my tongue and we gave her the drinks order.

Three Dark ‘n’ Stormys, a gingerale and a Vermont ale.

“Ok, now do you know what food you want to order?”

“uhh, I mean, uh…no!”

She was starting to get downright pushy. I was getting tired of it. She left.

Five minutes later, she returned.

“Ok fine we’ll order.”

That meant our starters. We were still holding out on her. I mean we planned to be there for midnight. We were not going to get so lucky. As soon as she placed the order in the kitchen she was back.

“Now do you want to order your mains?” Not much of a question really. We did. Three Kobe steaks at various levels of cooking, a sea bass and chicken parmesan.

Easy, right? Nope.

The starters came, they entered our stomachs and the cutlery was taken away….never to return. Well not until we’d already had the steaks and the chicken.

Robyn, you forgot the sea bass?! Nope, nope I didn’t. Actually the waitress did.

I remained gracious: “Dig in guys. Please don’t wait for me.”

Drive-by photo of Firestones

“Ugh, mine’s cold. Mine’s not cooked enough,” echoed around the table.

We called over the waitress. Our conversations turned from borderline impolite to downright rude.

Us: “Sorry, but our steaks are all cold and we still don’t have the sea bass.”

Waitress: “What do you want me to do about it?”

I get it’s New Year’s Eve. I get that no one wants to work, but well, we would have spent a decent chunk of change. She would have done all right if she had managed an iota of pleasantness.

“Are you sorry they’re cold?” I asked her.

“Yes, I’m sorry. So what would you like me to do?”

Fly to the moon, solve world poverty, find the cure for cancer, I don’t know, maybe cook new steaks?!

The men at our table decided to confront the manager; I had already tried to no avail.

Manager: “Oh, yeah well I only heard about this five minutes before. I’m supposed to have dinner with my wife of 27-years. Um….let’s see how this turns out.”

It turned out that after fixing the steaks, my sea bass came out colder than before, the chicken parmesan had congealed cheese and we were done.

And so was her tip and half of the bill! We bid Firestone’s farewell.

A quick trip to the gas station delivered a few beers and some wine into our party and as we arrived home fireworks erupted on the ski hill!

I think we had the last laugh!

Happy New Years from…..a plane!

1 01 2011


Fireworks over the Charles' Bridge in Prague!

Where did you welcome in 2011? Well me? Me? Well in Vermont of course! That was an experience that consisted of two Americans, a Brit, a Canadian and a Bermudian walking into a pub……
No it’s not a joke, but it turned into one! It turned into one sick sea bass and three destroyed Kobe steaks……my story will all become clearer in my post another day.
For today it’s all about Robyn’s second Wanderer, Nicola Arnold. Where did this world ranger spend her New Year’s Eve? On a plane of course! Here is Nicola’s New Year’s post:

Nicola on her camel in India! (a previous trip of course!)

Greetings from Heathrow Airport in England, and a Happy 2011 to one & all!

My New Year’s Eve was spent on a jumbo jet, flying from Johannesburg to London, and to tell the truth – I quite enjoyed it! The last few years, New Year’s Eve parties have been a bit hit-or-miss, and I don’t mind spending NYE with friends and toasting with a glass of bubbly… hold the orange juice!
On the flight, we enjoyed a flute of champagne on our 10 hour flight (we meaning my parents and myself). The stewardess brought some at midnight (South African time), for those brave souls who resisted sleep and pulled all-nighters watching movies. I pride myself on being one of those movie-watchers on flights, even if I pay for it the next day. I indulged in a few children’s movies, such as Despicable Me (but I have to admit I fell asleep halfway through and had to re-watch the ending) … plus one of my old favourites, Monsters. Inc.
[On the subject of movies, I watched my first 3D movie in South Africa on a night at the movies with my cousins… TRON: Legacy. I know, I know, a guy’s movie, and I was with 4 male family members… but hey, I enjoyed the graphics and animation! Plus we watched the original 1982 version beforehand so we saw the leaps & bounds that technology has made in the movie-making world.]
So onward the journeys go! Right now, we’re ready to hop on another flight to Amsterdam to wander the canals, check out Anne Frank’s old digs and perhaps take photos in a mammoth-sized-Dutch-clog (I know one exists in the city, I just do not remember where). Then the last leg of the journey brings us back to England for a few days.
Next time I write, it will be from Bermuda – home sweet home!

What are you doing for New Years?

11 11 2010

Berlin's Wall

I said I wanted to go back.

Back where? Back to Berlin.

What better time than for Christmas? I can’t think of any which is why it’s cool that Globus through CTravel in Bermuda offers affordable trips to some of the most beautiful Eastern European cities.

Departing on December 17th the nine day trip will cost only $1,449 and will include everything from the my favourite, Berlin, to Prague, Budapest and Vienna.

And do you know what you would be seeing? Eating? Drinking? Well everything! These European cities know how to do Christmas right.

Try the beiglie, a Christmas cookie made of walnuts and regional spices in Budapest; savor the Glühwein, a hot spiced wine, in Vienna; and sample the Stollen, the traditional Christmas cake originated in Dresden, Germany.

But this is more than eating, drinking and shopping. Though those are good things. It will also be a vacation filled with the beautiful history that haunts these European cities. That includes the infamous St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna to the Hradcany Castle in Prague.

Or maybe you’re trying to find somewhere for New Years. Yeah me too! I’ve been trying to organize a trip with

New Years in London

a group. Talk about a full time job.

So why not get someone else to do it for you?! Perfect. Globus also has an affordable alternative for you.

For nine days you will enjoy a Christmas Eve dinner in one of Paris’ fine restaurants, before wandering to London to celebrate New Year’s Eve with dinner at a local London restaurant.

Need something more? How about visiting the top of the Eiffel Tower while you’re at it before a fast ride on the infamous Eurostar train through the Chunnel from Paris to London. You also have plenty of free time in both cities to explore the museums, historical sites, and optional excursions.

And why not take advantage of the sales while you’re there? And if that’s not quite in the books, enjoy the window shopping at the infamous Harrods in London and Galleries Lafayette in Paris. These stores know how to decorate for the holidays and CTravel knows how to help you book your trip. So what are you waiting for?

Create your own?

Or maybe you are interested in creating your own tour? You want to travel independently, but you don’t want the hassle of booking your hotels, tickets, etc…

Yeah me too! Perfect. CTravel and Virtuoso are here to help.

With the new Monograms site these can be affordable and creatively coordinated. Want to build an eight day vacation in Paris? No problem. They are here for you picking what you want and what you are interested in and the best part: It’s just for you!

So remember to visit CTravel on their website or their offices on Queen Street for all the personalized vacation help you need.

Take your chances in Chile?

5 08 2010

Patagonia, Chile

I landed in Santiago, Chile after almost 38 hours on planes and sitting in airports such as Singapore, Tokyo and Dallas. Actually Dallas included an unintended stay-over when I slept through my departure AT the gate. Should that have told me something? Yes. I needed more sleep.

Luckily I got it in a Dallas airport hotel and the next day flew to my intended first-stop in South America – ever – Santiago. Chile. I don’t speak Spanish and I didn’t have a guidebook, but I did have the name of my hostel and a taxi service.

Golden. But where was I going to go? Chile’s long and thin and difficult to navigate by land. Especially when I landed there in their spring (late September).

Eeny, meeny….miny….moe: Patagonia. Best decision I ever made as I witnessed glaciers for the first time in my life and the most spectacular scenery at the end of the world. Well almost.

I couldn’t quite make it to Ushuaia, which names itself the most Southern city in the world, thanks to bus schedules. So I stayed in Punta Arenas and almost made it to the tip of the world. But don’t let that stop you!

Punta Arenas in Patagonia, Chile

Why not combine spa with adventure and a chance to visit tuxed-out non-flying birds? Why not spend New Years’ Eve in the luxury of a high-end cruise that will depart from Ushuaia (in Argentina) deliver you to some glaciers, cross the straight of Magellan and visit Magdela Island where 120,000 penguins await?

If that’s not your cup of tea, Chile by Sportstour, which you can book through CTravel, also offers New Years Eve in Chile’s desert and the highest in the world – the Atacama Desert. With moon-like landscapes that will mystify why not try it? Make the New Years resolution.

New Years Eve may seem miles away as we enter August, but if you’re looking for a deal in December you need to book with Windstar Cruises for their 2-for-1 deals. Take a 15-day cruise to:St. Barts, Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Curacao, Aruba
Transit Panama Canal, Isla de Coiba, Quepos, Tortuga Island.

If you book by August 14 (i.e. only nine days away) one person can sail for 15-days for :$3,575 pp. It was originally $7,149 per person. Can’t think of a nicer place to be spending Christmas!

Varanasi/Robyn Skinner

Or maybe you want something sooner? Something for September? Why not travel on the only Riverboat along the Ganges between Kolkata and Varanasi, India?

The next trip for the 56-person Bengal Pandaw river cruise is September 27th. There are only ten cruises a year! Each one is 11 days, but the entire trip includes stays in Kolkata for a night and Varanasi (the holiest city in India) for two.

For more information on the Bengal Pandaw Riverboat contact Carl Paiva, CEO of CTravel at 292-3033 and for the other deals check CTravel’s website or give them a call.

And as always: check the Travel Deals’ Page for more advice.