Straight from India for the Holidays

23 11 2010


Bracelets straight from India, $25 each

A twelve hour delay in an airport with a monkey running around and check-in gates with ticker sheets rather than an electronic board, I missed my flight.

After spending three months in India I was ready to go home, but India wasn’t ready to let me. From Delhi I landed in New York, missed my flight to Bermuda and arrived exhausted on Christmas Eve.

I had survived tuk tuk rides through crater-like potholes, navigated cows in the street ridden on a camel and eaten something that gave me a tummy bug.

But I was home. And I was excited, ready-even, to hand-out my Christmas gifts from India. There is nothing quite like India. They certainly know how to pummel a traveler and place them in awe.

Colours, colours everywhere, which is why it was so hard to NOT buy everything. But not everyone can go to India for their Christmas gifts, right? I certainly can’t this year.

Good thing the Harbourmaster is here! Sheilagh Robertson, owner of the Washington Mall store, prides herself on bringing-in goods that Bermudians will not find in the United States! Why shop abroad when you can’t find these beautiful bracelets for only $25?


Bracelets from India for $25

Perhaps you are looking for the unique, leather bag that you saw in Italy but decided to leave? Why not ask for it for Christmas?

Why? Because Sheilagh Robertson has all sorts of leather handbags that only a trip through Europe or South America might find for the woman at home. Have you got the money for those flights? Ok then how about for the gas for the car to visit The Harbourmaster?

Check out these perfectly coloured lines for the Fall and winter season that will be descending on Bermuda. And no, you will not find them in the United States.


LAND Presto Line; handbag: $175 and wallet:$135

These wallets and bags are all in stock right now! So don’t delay your Christmas shopping here in Bermuda and miss your chance.

Sheilagh Robertson has a whole range of sizes and colours that will keep any woman on your list happy. Not fancy the red? Well there is beautiful line of black and brown bags from the Presto line with wallets to match.

Presto Line, Handbag:$255 and wallet: $149

These lines range on the larger size. Maybe your friend, wife, girlfriend is looking for something a bit smaller? Something more petite to take with her on the next trip?

Well have no fear, yet again, Sheilagh Robertson also has a hearty supply of should strap hand-bags for anyone looking for hands-free traveling. And again these are unique to Bermuda and The United States!


LAND: $299

And of course this bag comes with a matching wallet to ensure you look put together and organized as always. Even better? You’ll be supporting the Bermuda economy. Should make you feel good?!


Matching Handbag and Wallet

So what are you waiting for? Write your Christmas list and visit The Harbourmaster on the first floor of the Washington Mall before these handbags and wallets go! And if you’re a lucky, little elf the sales table with all sorts of wallets, shoes and handbags will be available with discounts of 25 to 30%!


Sales Table at The Harbourmaster

Traveling back to work? Make it fun

28 09 2010

Cognac bag $359 with a matching shoe: $125 OLD WORLD Collection

We’ve been having fun. We’ve had our summer. Bermuda’s enjoyed our Cup Match (even with a little rain). We’ve had our Hurricane to cap it off.

Now what? Now kids are heading back to school and it’s time for adults to head back to their desks.

But does it have to be that depressing? No! How? Good question.

And Sheilagh Robertson from The Harbourmaster has the answer. In fact her Washington Mall store is brimming with answers to the path back to work.

The first? Well that’s in the photo above! A beautiful, Cognac-coloured bag from the Old World Collection. Hey throw-in the shoe for good measure! It will help with those steps up to the office door.

Want something with a bit more colour? Sheilagh says: “When you travel it is nice to have a handbag that will coordinate with many outfits. At The Harbourmaster we have several fashion collections that feature multi-coloured bags.”

LAND Tissage Collection- perfect for Fall fashions in Autumn shades: $230

The Tissage Collection comes in two color combinations: 1.brown shades with natural and gold tones and 2. black with fuchsia and purple tones.

And finally (but definitely not lastly) find some fun! Especially says Sheilagh if you have to travel and black is your base. Why not spruce up that dreary colour?

She said: “Multi coloured bags also add a little pizzazz to an outfit if you are travelling with a basic black wardrobe.”

LAND Presto Collection: Tassle bag: $310

The Presto Collection also offers two combinations: Tan with red,Navy and Green and Black with Brown, Bronze, Silver, and a hint of Yellow

So what are you waiting for? Sheilagh and her helpful staff are ready to help when you are ready to travel in their ground floor store of the Washington Mall!

Enjoy your travels back to the office!