Roommate? Check.

20 07 2010

Kipling on the move to college

And she seemed perfectly normal.

“So what are you going to bring?”

“Well I can’t bring much because I am coming from Bermuda. I have a CD player (does this date me or what?) I might bring so we can have music.”

“Cool, well I can bring the fridge.”

The ultimate roommate chat was done, but the worst was still to come. I rolled onto my University of Richmond, Virginia campus with my mom and whatever we could shove into the little Toyota rental. I checked-in, got my key and walked through the dark hallways to the heavy wooden door.

My room was empty so what else were we going to do? Uh…snoop of course!!! My roommate had one thing hanging in her closet – a plain white dress. In her top drawer? sock lined in a row. My mom started getting nervous. I started thinking I was in The Shining.

The shadow of a roommate returned. She was a mormon (no judgement) and she hadn’t packed anything. I was from Bermuda and had very little I could pack. We had an empty room.

Well except for my two massive suitcases that, luckily, our storage room downstairs could hold. But not so many people are lucky.

Which brings us to Tuesday. What day? yes just the second day of the work week (in Bermuda anyway) and it’s time for the Tip of the Week from…..The Harbourmaster.

What is it? Well I hate to tell you students, but it’s time to start planning for the return to school and for some that will mean packing your life into bags and boarding a plane.

So Tuesday’s Tip: Plan early! And take advantage of the Harbourmaster’s one month lay away plan if necessary. Luggage sells quickly this time of the year and shipments don’t always arrive when planned.

Convenient Kipling with duffel bag (wheels and handle included) lying in front. Matching suitcase standing to attention behind!

Kipling luggage is very popular with students because it is relatively lightweight, packs fairly flat and has proven to be very reliable.

Sheilagh Robertson, owner of The Harbourmaster (which you can find in the Washington Mall of course) says: “I recommend taking one large 30” duffel or suitcase on wheels for clothing, a carry-on bag, and possibly a second large folding duffel to take things that are needed to set up your dorm room at the beginning of the year that will stay there all year.

“Dorms have limited storage and soft bags take up less space. Most college students buy a lot of stuff second-hand after they arrive.”

Another option at The Harbourmaster? The Eagle Creek line with duffel bags that come complete with a collapsible carry bag for better storage. It’s all here in the slide show.

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And finally….my advice? Move-out from the Mormon before they get a chance to tell you, that you’re an “unfit roommate.”

Hey! At least I brought a CD player and I flew to two cities and drove miles with nothing more than two bulky suitcases….

I could have picked a better roommate and luggage. Now you’ve got the chance for both.

Visit The Harbourmaster for one of them!

Bags for any Trip

She’s got baggage

13 07 2010

But luckily, Sheilagh Robertson’s is the traveling kind! That’s because Mrs. Robertson is the owner of what was Bermuda’s first specialty luggage and leather goods store.

Her 35-years of business have produced, everything from the wacky – a student with 14 bags to go to college – to the informative – travel tips such as travel with an extra, empty duffel bag for additional shopping.

But while her opening was a first for Bermuda, her 35-years have made her almost one of the last – one of the last original shops in the Island’s capital – Hamilton.

How has this little, leather and luggage mecca survive? Mrs. Robertson says it is based on what she provides.

Mrs. Robertson said: “My aim at The Harbourmaster was to provide a selection of high-quality luggage and leather goods that were durable, well-designed and at a more moderate price than the high-end designer brands that are featured in all the fashion magazines.

The Harbourmaster in the Washington Mall

“The Harbourmaster was the first specialty luggage and leather goods store in Bermuda and even now there are very few stores anywhere that offer the same degree of quality and choice that we do.

“Over the years our merchandise mix has evolved. When we opened we carried luggage and leather goods manufactured in Canada, England, Germany, Spain, Italy, Colombia, and the USA . Many of the manufacturers that we did business with were small family owned companies.

“Many of these companies no longer exist as they were sold as owners have retired and the younger generation have sold out. In recent years most of the manufacturing side of the industry has moved to China and many of the smaller brands are now owned by large conglomerates.

“It is much harder for a new small business to compete in today’s world which is dominated by Wal-Mart, “big box” stores, and large chains  in the USA. Today everything is accessible from everywhere on the internet,provided the customer is willing to pay the price.

“We have stayed in business by continuing to focus on  high quality merchandise and good customer service. We want our customers to enjoy their shopping experience and be able to buy items that will suit their needs.”

Inside The Harbourmaster - bags for all your travels!

What has impacted her business? What else…the airlines. These traveling tons of tin have limited the space and size of luggage much to the chagrin of the avid luggage expert.

While Mrs. Robertson still finds her line of leather goods from Colombia (not the college; the country) flying-off her shelves, Kipling has also crept into the limelight.

Land line from Colombia

She said: “Our best-selling leather goods line is from Land, a company based in Colombia South America. We have sold their products for 34 of our 35 years and many of our customers still use items that they purchased from us years ago.

“Our best-selling luggage line is Kipling-especially now that the airlines have severely restricted baggage weight allowances.  It is light-weight, well-made and features lots of fashion colours and styles in addition to the core colours.

“The reduction in weight limit from 70 lbs to 50 lbs means that most customers are looking for lighter luggage  so that they can pack more weight but avoid paying overweight fees.

“Most of the top quality luggage brands suitcases tend to be heavier because the component parts and fabrics are heavier, stronger and more durable.  Now all the top manufacturers are looking for new materials and ways of manufacturing that will reduce weight without compromising the quality.”

Sheilagh’s tip: “For frequent travelers it is still better to buy a well-made suitcase and to pack smarter.”

Want more tips? Well check-in here every Tuesday for the best way to get to college, cruise or generally pack for Cup Match.

So what are you waiting for? Oh directions….sure well: Drive to Hamilton, Bermuda. Walk into the Washington Mall (on the first floor) via the alley. The Harbourmaster is there on your right! Enjoy!!!

Adios Amigos and Bon Voyage with your new gear!