How to plan a hurricane…!

18 09 2010


Look I’m all about being safe and keeping Igor contained as best you can i.e. board-up those windows, fill those bathtubs, move everything inside and charge-up all your appliances.

But what do you do after that? Um….well if you’re a couple……let’s say in nine months time maternity is going to be a very busy place in the hospital.

If you’re not!? What else do you do? Umm….well a party of course! I mean really how else are you supposed to keep the time at bay?

Apparently this is an established course. I googled Hurricane Party just to see what was out there. This is what I found courtesy of the ambiguously licensed website

“A hurricane party is a social event held by people in the coastal United States who live in hurricane valley between Maine and Texas. The event is held during ahurricane just as any other party would. However the guests are typically allowed to stay with the host for 3–5 days (weather permitting) and guests, in return, bring hurricane supplies such as radios, food, etc.”

A way to pass the time? Sure, but hurricane party’s can offer some tricky hurdles normal parties may not have. i.e. no electricity. I mean really who would have a party on any regular day without electricity? You wouldn’t.

So some things to think about for your Hurricane Party:

1. Do I have to state it? Really? Of course most importantly: WINE/BEER/SPIRITS and of course MIXERS. Don’t forget the mixers. Though a shot of vodka might help you forget the tree that goes through the roof.

2. Go with red wine not white: As my father instructed me….red wine can be served at room temperature. Warm white wine? No thank you.

3. Of course you’re going to need towels to soak-up any leaks and plenty of food to soak up 1&2 of this list. So bring the BBQ to somewhere sheltered, buy extras coals, lighter fluid or gas and get ready for some hurricane cooking!

You may need it for weeks if the electricity decides not to cooperate so make sure you stock-up.

4. candles, torches, crank-up radio and flashlight in one: whatever it takes to shed some light on the situation. Though maybe those dark corners are good? Nine months. Nine months. It’s all I’ve got to say.

Sea is not a happy camper!

5. obviously  the easier route is a generator. You’ve got one? Sweet invite me over for running water and a cold fridge after Igor goes through….

5. So you’ve got the drinks, you’ve got the food….oh wait did you forget to invite the friends? These can be tricky to order, but don’t worry it is possible. Rent a Friend is here to save the day. Failing that…email anyone you’ve ever spoken to and someone will show…..I promise.

6. Keep hands busy. Board games are the oldies but goodies. You can’t miss with one of my favourites: Scattergories! But charge-up the lap-top to ensure movie-watching is completely possible.

7. And finally make sure you have blankets and a floor….those Rent-a-friends could cost more than you think. Unfortunately you can’t kick them out. Um there’s a hurricane?!

Did I forget anything? Let me know in the comment section and make sure you hunker-down, stay safe and Bermuda will make it through!