Traffic Tango

16 07 2010

Guy with Goats in Hanoi

Why do I have to honk for Jesus? Let’s just say that I did believe in Jesus and I took my eyes away from the road to read your sign. And lets say the car in front of me came to a screeching halt.

Would I be honking for Jesus or visiting him?

Why am I on this rant? And what has it got to do with my Friday Photo of the week?

If you haven’t been following my daily blogs I’ll let you know that I have been working in an office for the past two weeks. I’ve made lots of friends. The fax machine hates me. The computer won’t turn on. I constantly forget the mail.

But the worst part? The commute in the morning. And that is even after I recognize that I live on a 21-square-mile island.

But recognize this: I ride a motorbike. It’s hot. It’s even worse with the car exhaust belting out behind the line of vehicles desperate to drop-off their passengers.

To top it off I now have to face a group of religious zealots standing on the entrance to the capital of Bermuda telling me to honk for Jesus. Somehow mixing religion and exhaust doesn’t really work for me.

And what is the point? What is the point of honking for Jesus? Are you trying to “OUT” the religious? Is Jesus really going to feel chuffed that he’s being honked at?

Do girls walking by construction sites enjoy being heckled?

To all these questions the answer is NO. (Ok maybe some girls do, but you get my point).

So why the photo? Well as I rant and rave and try to expel fumes from my lungs I try to remember that other places in the world (i.e. Vietnam) have worse traffic issues than Bermuda. Visit my photo pages for more views of Vietnam than just the traffic.

I have to remember almost a year ago I was taking overnight bus rides where I would get an hour of sleep. Then I was expelled onto a street in the middle of nowhere Hanoi, Vietnam.

Vietnam Traffic Cops

My only choice? Accept the lift of a hotel tout on his motorbike during their rush hour. This entailed meandering through guys with goats, police officers who looked ready to shoot, noodle sellers scrounging-up breakfast and coating myself in black exhaust.

I finally arrived at the hotel and immediately got a shower. Now I arrive in the office and try to recover with a cup of coffee.

And when I look at these photos I remember the difficulty last year. And I calm-down. Maybe Bermuda’s rush hour’s not so bad. Maybe I could get through it….if I wasn’t told to honk for Jesus!

Where in the world…

2 06 2010

were you a year ago? Why am I writing about this? Because I received an email from a friend who commemorated his year anniversary of his flight to Hanoi, Vietnam. It was the first time he left home (England) for such a far away land on his own.

Ho Chi Minh's Tomb in Hanoi

It was an experience that he will, unfortunately, never regain. I can understand.

Last year at this time (i.e. June 2) I was in London, England debating an escapade on my own as well. It wasn’t an easy decision and that was even after all of the traveling I have done in the past.

I did it. I decided to jump with both feet and do it. Was it worth it? Absolutely. I have never done anything quite as empowering as travel on my own for six months.

I managed in that time to meet some great friends who I caught-up with this weekend in Boston. Two weeks traveling together can seem like a lifetime and seeing those guys again (they helped me reach Machu Picchu) was like taking the trip again.

Peaks of Patagonia, Chile

But what about the sites? Yeah they were alright too. You know, what can you say about the mountains in Patagonia, Chile? Really!? You’re going to try an adjective? Good luck. I’m just going to show you.

So why this rant, blog, post, whatever you want to call it?  I suppose reminiscing with the guys this weekend plus the email from another travel buddy today. It made me miss traveling.

And it makes me want to hear more about your travels. I am still looking for the next, best Bermuda Abroad story for this website.

It can be 500 words, a photo essay, both. It just needs to be featured on this website so we can all be inspired to step away from the desk, take that car to the airport and board a plane to……anywhere.