Labouring away all summer?

18 08 2010

Sun setting on the summer

Maybe you need a break? Maybe it’s a last hurrah before kids go back to school (and need to find backpacks)? Or maybe you’ve already planned a vaca for the first weekend in September? Whatever the case is, this is time to stop labouring (well except for you momma’s to be and there are a lot of you out there right now) and enjoy some time off. I know I am!

But the Americans know how to do it best. In fact they started the holiday dedicated to workers by not working. Somehow seems backwards but there you have it.

So where did it all begin? In New York of course. On September 5, 1884 it was celebrated as a “workingman’s holiday” when workers united in a parade 10,000 strong down Broadway, NYC proudly led by Irish-American activist Peter MacGuire. None of them got fired (or too few to matter) so they did it again the following year and now even Canada gets in on the mix.

What am I going to do to celebrate Labour Day? Well, for one, I am going to be in Bermuda so probably not much. But I hope to go to New York the weekend before and maybe catch a game of….tennis?!

While it’s Labour Day and most take the time to hang with their families, the tennis elite struggle under the last hurrah of the summer sun for the U.S. Open. From August 30 to September 12 thousands of spectators will trample through New York’s Underground for a chance to see the likes of Serena Williams and the American James Blake.

Combine major city with a major sporting event and you’ll be lucky to make it out …..happy. So before you go check out these ten tips for helping you survive this tremendous event. Check them out.

Looking for something closer to home, Bermudians? Want a way to celebrate Caribbean pride? Why no head to…..Brooklyn. Yes, I wrote Brooklyn. Why? Good question. Well on Sunday, September 6 the colours, music and people descend on the streets to celebrate the West Indian Parade.

Or perhaps you’re looking for a more subtle music experience. Well America does it right with two, yes I wrote two Jazz festivals to finish their summer.

To start you off there’s the Chicago Jazz Festival or heading further North? What about Detroit? They’re in the game too with the Detroit Jazz Festival.

Or maybe you want to find the Largest Free Concert in The United States? And you want to do it on Labour Day Weekend? Try and head for Atlanta, Georgia and their Freedom Atlanta Concert. It’s the largest, free one-day outdoor concert and takes place on Saturday during Labor Day weekend at Jim R. Miller Park (new location) from about 10 a.m. until 11 p.m. with a fireworks finale. Celebrate Freedom Atlanta Website.

Catch yourself some Catfish in Georgia over Labour Day

Atlanta may be it’s capital, but why not explore a little more of Georgia and catch yourself a catfish? Yep. This quirky state celebrates the Annual Labor Day Weekend Catfish Festival. What more can you ask for?

Are you heading to America’s Capital? Labour yourself in Washington, D.C. with another free concert courtesy of The National Symphony Orchestra. This is held on the West Lawn of the U. S. Capitol each year, the Sunday before Labor Day. The annual concert is led by NSO Associate Conductor Emil de Cou and the event is part of theKennedy Center’s Prelude Festival, which includes free performances to kickoff the performing arts season in Washington, DC.

Looking for a last-minute vacation for your weekend? Why not head to Maine….Sebago Maine: For $119 a night the Park Homes on a family resort and mile of beach and 18-hole golf course. Check out this deal here.

Or go to Canada – yes they celebrate Labour Day too – for your last hurrah on these deals.

It’s Thursday so travel to Argentina

22 07 2010

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 “Does anyone need coca leaves?”
Huh? What kind of tour had my friend Jenny taken me on? I looked at her.

“Robyn, it’s totally normal here. You’re going more than 3,000 metres above sea level and chewing coca leaves helps with the nausea.”

But these leaves are more than altitude – acquainters. In Andean culture these leaves play an important ceremonial role.

Oh and in case anyone was wondering, yes coca leaves are the material cocaine is made from and they are legal in Argentina. But before you start thinking I was drugging myself I will let you know that it takes more than a kilo of the leaves to make some minor amount of the drug.

Jenny and I shared some coca leaves (it comes in tea and candy too!) and continued on our van tour of the pink/red/yellow and incredible hills of Northern Argentina.

And the buses were ok….I mean if you like an Argentinian Idol wannabe singing over the mic or a guide who couldn’t be bothered to speak at all. And I got antsy! We barely walked and the tours required hours of sitting on a bus. We had booked the cheapo tour and it showed.

Which is why I wish I had known about the Backroads Tours which combine exercise and culture in a nicely tied package complete with wine tasting and dulce de leche (a butterscotch-type spread that Argentinians eat on everything).

So where do they go? Here’s the map of the 8 night/7 Day trip and it includes many of the sites I included in my gallery before.

But, you ask, how much does it cost? Well they cater to both couples and singles. For singles it ranges from $800 to $920.

I can’t think of any reason not to do this tour. They even have some tours in October this year! I wish I had!

But if you’ve done the North of Argentina or you’re hankering for the Patagonian wilds, Backroads have those options too!!

Just check with CTravel (because it is CTravel Thursdays!!) and they can help with all of your bookings.

Fancy visiting the Asian side of the world? Yeah I did too! I spent almost four months here, ate my weight in Pad Thai and then finally headed to South America.

But did you want to do something this fall? A cheap and cheerful trip to Dubai/India/Thailand and Vietnam….to name a few?

Or maybe you’re looking for a great deal that will still get you off-island (and away from Rock Fever) next spring?

Well Oceania Cruises, through CTravel are offering some amazing deals on trips – 63% off!! So do you know how much that means the above trip will cost? For 25 nights to go from Hong Kong to Dubai it ranges from $3,125 to $6,250.

Before? It ranged from $8,199 to $14,699. How crazy is that? Totally nuts if you ask me, but don’t. Instead ask CTravel agents who know what this is all about!

I can’t think of a sport I don’t do….oh wait there’s golf. But hey that’s me. Luckily we’re different people and lots seem to enjoy watching this little ball round the green.

So if you’re one of these why not book your trip to the Masters’ Tournament in Augusta next April. I know, I know it seems to early to plan that, but it’s not.

Why? Because Horizon & Co are offering $500 less on packages for anyone who books their trips  with CTravel before August 1 this year.

What do they include? Absolute luxury for four days of incredible golf. I can’t say much more but you know that CTravel definitely can. So check out what they’ve got and remember to return to my daily blog….tomorrow!