Escalator Etiquette

10 10 2010


Descending into the the dungeons of London's Tube


Wandering rage. Walking rage. Whatever you want to call it….. just make sure you’re on the right of the escalator when I want to walk on the left.

I’ve got it. I’ve been in London now a week (after returning from my Stockholm and Berlin escapades) and I’ve become incensed at walking around this city.

The worst place for this kind of walking rage? The Underground. The Tube. London’s trains. If you are taking the escalator up or down to the Tube there is etiquette.

If you want to stand and let the escalator do the work, stand on the right. If you want to get run down, tsked tsked or told to move then stand on the left.

Got the memo? People who are in a rush are walking-up the left. And I am always in a rush on London’s Tube. Why? Because being from a small island where it takes ten minutes to meet someone for a coffee I’m not used to taking fifteen minutes to get to my transportation and another 45 minutes to get to the coffee.

Plus I haven’t had my coffee at this point so…..for your safety: STAY TO THE RIGHT ON THE TUBE ESCALATORS.

And don’t even get my started about Tower Bridge…..ok you did. If I want to run this is my route. Only it takes half the run to dodge the tourists entranced by their cameras or the tourists who decide the top of the stairs is the right place to meet to discuss their next plan of attack.

MOVE AWAY from the stairs. STEP AWAY from the middle of the bridge and PLEASE PLEASE when you’re looking in your camera also have some idea of the people running around you.

I might not live in London, but I’ve now spent enough time here to no longer be amazed by the Tower or entranced by my camera.

And more importantly I like to think of myself as an aware tourist. SO when I take pictures I also know what is going on around me.

Like I said. I have rage. I’m going for a walk.