Fill your stockings with these travel accessories

14 12 2010


Socking Stuffers


Tiny is the theme this year in travel as airlines cut-back on luggage allowances and carry-on’s become almost obsolete. Even worse is the restriction on liquids that now appears to be destined to remain.

Remember when they said they would take it off? Right. Well what are you going to do about your shampoo? And the soap you need so you don’t have to do laundry?

Well that’s why we have The Harbourmaster on the first floor of the Washington Mall in Hamilton. All the tiny little stocking stuffers to make your travel easy are there.

Like this tiny Woolite soap. Wash your underwear, clean-off the stain on your shirt and basically keep clean with the help of this light-weight and accessible soap.


Woolite soap for just $6.50


But perhaps you want to bring your own soap? Or that traveling family and friend does? Well have no fear, The Harbourmaster is here:


refillable Travel Tube for just $13.50


There’s is nothing quite like carrying more than one bag. You know, one for your clothes and then one for a possible day trip. You don’t want to do it!!! So why would you when The Harbourmaster has a convenient day bag that wraps into the size of your hand?

You wouldn’t:


Eagle Creek Day Pack with super comfortable straps for $55


The best laid plans, however, can go astray when you are traveling. The last thing you want to do though is lose your money. Without money…..well let’s not think about it.

Which is exactly why The Harbourmaster has thought about it for you. With a variety of coin purses and belts with secret compartments, owner Sheilagh Robertson has thought about all of your travel security needs.


A range of coin purses from $18.75 to $26.00


Check out these belts:


Belt with hidden money pouch on the inseam is $26


Just make sure you stay in touch while you’re away! We’d hate to have to bug you for a postcard. To help you with your addresses, of course The Harbourmaster has a tiny, leather address book waiting for you.


Scully leather Address Book for $26

Need more stocking stuffer ideas? Well you can visit The Harbourmaster store in the Washington Mall in Hamilton, Bermuda or come-back here next week!


Traveling with order?

24 08 2010

Trying to travel light

“Where’s my charger? I can’t find my blue tshirt! I was sure it was in here. Have you seen it? Did it get muddled in your clothes?”

“No, Robyn. I haven’t seen your charger or your shirt. Didn’t you check under the bed?”

“Ugh! I am getting so sick of this!”

I had been traveling for eight months and my backpack was starting to look like the inside of a martini shaker and my travel buddy was getting tired of my constant scavenger hunt. To my defense, moving from hostels was usually early in the morning on little sleep or repacking for climbs into the mountains.

This inevitably meant the shirt I needed or the pants I needed next time were on the bottom. The backpack would get emptied…..again! And then one day in Cusco, Peru I met a man with his act together. I know…shocking. His clothes? Not in a muddled bundle like mine. Nope. He had them all sorted into separate compartments and bags. Brilliant.

Eagle Creeks Cube which can help keep your clothes and shoes organized

Me? I was unpacking my entire bag. It was an exhausting affair that managed to claim more than enough of my shirts (there is a blue one floating around Bali) and converters (there’s one still plugged-in in Selcuk, Turkey). What did this mean? When I got to the next destination I had to re-purchase what I lost.

I wasted time and money on re-organising my affairs when I could have just visited The Harbourmaster and Sheilagh Robertson for her Travel Tip Tuesdays.

Mobile Lockers for organizing your clothes!

“We all tend to pack too much when we travel. The new 50 lb weight limit on airlines has made it more important to plan more carefully before traveling.

“Eagle Creek “Pack-it” organizers help organize your suitcase more efficiently by enabling you to:

-group and pack coordinating items together,

-fold shirts neatly,

-roll up the socks and underwear,

-and pack toiletries in small containers suitable for carry-on bags.”

Pictured on the left these range in size and prize from $55 to $62.50 at The Harbourmaster on the ground floor of the Washington Mall in Hamilton.

“The organizer cubes come in various sizes, big enough for large sweaters, or small for lingerie. There is even a suit folder that is more compact than the traditional garment bag but ideal for a blazer or single suit.”

Sheilagh added: “By packing your coordinating items together you will find it easier to eliminate the items that don’t mix and match that just add weight to your bag.”

Are you traveling for business? Or need to keep your shirts clean and unwrinkled? The Harbourmaster is at your rescue. These shirt folders (below) offer almost flat cases for folding your shirts in perfect harmony with the inside instruction sheet (second photo below). The cost of looking pulled-together? For an 18 inch folder: $43. For a 14inch: $37.50.

Keeping your shirts pressed and folded

With a handy instruction sheet included

I could definitely have used the cubes for my trip! Remember The Harbourmaster is located on the ground floor of the Washington Mall near the Washington Alley entrance!

Roommate? Check.

20 07 2010

Kipling on the move to college

And she seemed perfectly normal.

“So what are you going to bring?”

“Well I can’t bring much because I am coming from Bermuda. I have a CD player (does this date me or what?) I might bring so we can have music.”

“Cool, well I can bring the fridge.”

The ultimate roommate chat was done, but the worst was still to come. I rolled onto my University of Richmond, Virginia campus with my mom and whatever we could shove into the little Toyota rental. I checked-in, got my key and walked through the dark hallways to the heavy wooden door.

My room was empty so what else were we going to do? Uh…snoop of course!!! My roommate had one thing hanging in her closet – a plain white dress. In her top drawer? sock lined in a row. My mom started getting nervous. I started thinking I was in The Shining.

The shadow of a roommate returned. She was a mormon (no judgement) and she hadn’t packed anything. I was from Bermuda and had very little I could pack. We had an empty room.

Well except for my two massive suitcases that, luckily, our storage room downstairs could hold. But not so many people are lucky.

Which brings us to Tuesday. What day? yes just the second day of the work week (in Bermuda anyway) and it’s time for the Tip of the Week from…..The Harbourmaster.

What is it? Well I hate to tell you students, but it’s time to start planning for the return to school and for some that will mean packing your life into bags and boarding a plane.

So Tuesday’s Tip: Plan early! And take advantage of the Harbourmaster’s one month lay away plan if necessary. Luggage sells quickly this time of the year and shipments don’t always arrive when planned.

Convenient Kipling with duffel bag (wheels and handle included) lying in front. Matching suitcase standing to attention behind!

Kipling luggage is very popular with students because it is relatively lightweight, packs fairly flat and has proven to be very reliable.

Sheilagh Robertson, owner of The Harbourmaster (which you can find in the Washington Mall of course) says: “I recommend taking one large 30” duffel or suitcase on wheels for clothing, a carry-on bag, and possibly a second large folding duffel to take things that are needed to set up your dorm room at the beginning of the year that will stay there all year.

“Dorms have limited storage and soft bags take up less space. Most college students buy a lot of stuff second-hand after they arrive.”

Another option at The Harbourmaster? The Eagle Creek line with duffel bags that come complete with a collapsible carry bag for better storage. It’s all here in the slide show.

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And finally….my advice? Move-out from the Mormon before they get a chance to tell you, that you’re an “unfit roommate.”

Hey! At least I brought a CD player and I flew to two cities and drove miles with nothing more than two bulky suitcases….

I could have picked a better roommate and luggage. Now you’ve got the chance for both.

Visit The Harbourmaster for one of them!

Bags for any Trip