What is this?

2 10 2010

Moon over London

Through my blurred eyes, I stumbled. I seemed to be stumbling a lot. Was it the shoes? My sad little white sneakers that had made it through London, Sweden and Berlin?

I don’t think so. They hadn’t been causing problems before. Could it be my arch nemesis – WHEAT?! Don’t think so. I had been very careful and not eaten anything out of the ordinary. In fact I had found a grocery store filled to the brim with gluten-free food and I had stuffed my face with them.

It wasn’t the side-walk. I was wandering along the groomed streets of London. And noooo. No it wasn’t to do with too much beer, wine or any other spirits. Unfortunately no.

What was it? What was this blurred image?

I was wandering through London. I was wandering through London FOUR hours LATER than I was supposed to be. I was sadly watching the young students stumble over each other and after each other as they propelled themselves from the clubs.

I couldn’t watch their antics any longer. I looked up.

It was my blurred image. It was my small sliver of a moon trying to peak into what these plastered freshers were doing. So I decided to try some night photography. Anything to keep me standing straight at 2.30 a.m. as I waited for my London, night-bus.

But why, you ask, was I standing on the streets of London at 2.30 a.m. sober? Good question.

Well the answer to that would have to be deferred to the likes of EasyJet.

Yes this budget, low-cost, cheap (whatever you want to call it) airline had been my choice for my latest adventure – Berlin, Germany – and was a bad choice at best (and remember to check on Monday’s Rock Fever Column in The Royal Gazette and here for tips on how to travel these budget airlines).

Last I left you here on my blog I was in Sweden. Berlin was my next stop and it was supposed to be easy. And I don’t mean because of the name of the airline. No, what I mean is that my flight from London to Berlin was late in the day which meant no early risings.

Too bad my flight that was supposed to leave at 7.50 p.m. didn’t leave until 11. That led to a late-night Berlin commute.

Just to even things out Easy Jet decided to offer me a late-night London wandering too. From Luton (i.e. an hour and a half from London centre). My flight was supposed to arrive at 11. It arrived at 12.30 a.m.

I couldn’t get out of bed this morning. I couldn’t move. I’m exhausted. It’s been a lot of flying hours and not enough lying-in hours.

Hence the lateness of this blog. I think it might be time. It might be time to find a trip closer to London (remember I’m based here for a month trying to find cheap trips from this capital city).

Where should I visit? Got some ideas? Suggestions? I am happy to hear them!