Looking for the Perfect Valentine’s gift?

13 01 2011

Swim in the warm waters of the Caribbean!

You know you are! So what are you going to get that special person? Sure you could get them chocolates or waste your money on flowers.

Yep, you could do that.

But why would you when you could………BUY A TICKET TO THE CARIBBEAN! Yes it sounds expensive, but here’s the best part – it isn’t.

Sail from Tampa, Florida to Cozumel, Mexico with the Royal Caribbean Cruise line for four days in a State Room (i.e. nothing but the best for your loved one) for just $529 per person.

And if you’re feeling even more adventurous and depending on how much you have to save things, you could splurge on the Love Affair package for an additional $327 per couple.

The package includes: Private Cocktail Parties – Special Gifts – Couples Workshops on Romance, Finance & Commun- ication – Wine & chocolate covered strawberries in your stateroom – Private Events – and more…

But this cruise is not just about, perhaps, salvaging a relationship or strengthening one, it’s also about visiting a new place.


Explore the ruins’s park in Cozumel or the markets festooned with the local and native produce! That is if you can get yourself away from the pristine beaches.

You’ll be happy you do book this, especially if you do through CTravel who are you local experts on cruises and ensuring you get the best deal!

Since today’s post is all about cruises and because those are where the best deals are these days of economic tightening, why not treat yourself to a second one (after Valentine’s of course) and sail with the Norwegian Cruise Line!

Only it will have to be a small treat because the cruise will only set you back $399 per person for seven days!!! Well that’s for an inside room. If you really want to up your game then you can book the balcony for $599 per person. That is still an incredible savings.

7-Day Eastern Caribbean from Miami Norwegian

For seven days sail in pure luxury from Miami to Nassau to St. Maarten to St. Thomas and ensure you get the best deal you know you need to contact CTravel!

Of course if you’re looking for something a bit more exotic and long distance there is really only one cruise for you: The Baltics!

Yes for just $106 a night per person you can sail from Copenhagen, Denmark to Stockholm, Sweden, Tallinn, Estonia, St. Petersburg, Russia, Helsinki, Finland and Warnemunde, Germany over nine days.

Cruise the Baltics

You would set sail on June 4th and return on June 13th into Copenhagen for the prices starting at $949! What are you waiting for?

Oh the temperatures?! Well have no fear, by then the weather should be warming and the ice should be melting. Heck it’s June right. The average temperature in Stockholm is 70 degrees (Fahrenheit of course).

So call or visit CTravel today for more information and book your cruise for 2011!

Five traveling Files for Friday

3 09 2010

Yes, I am trying to drive a communist car. It’s not easy. Especially when it is stuck in a communist museum. Where? Just outside of Budapest. How traveling has changed…..from minis that were only allowed to travel within their country to airlines that move travelers at the drop of the hat to airlines who don’t want to fly you anywhere unless you have a million dollars.

It’s airway robbery! We’ve all heard the lament before. “There’s never any food!” “We have to pay for blankets now?!?” “Why do I have to be charged for a bag? How exactly am I supposed to go to Miami without clothes?”

Yeah airlines have not made many friends lately, which is why travel file one this Friday is that airlines have found a HEART! Yes…who knew? Hurricane Earl is making life tricky for those trying to fly off the East Coast of the United States. Delta, Jet Blue and AirTran Airways are all canceling or reducing the change fees on their flights! Awww…they must still be recovering from the mayhem that was the Iceland Volcano.

Singapore's Symbol: Lion Mermaid

Not only are airlines changing their business plans so are airports. Wifi is free, bars are loaded and shops are in malls. Not so bad if you’re going to be stuck there because of Earl. So what are you going to do if you’re stuck in Singapore’s airport? How about slide down water?!?!

Singapore does nothing mediocre.

40 feet tall, and reaching speeds of around 19 miles per hour the slid sounds amazing and scary! Think I will stick to their butterfly sanctuary that is also contained in the Changi Airport.

Which is what I did when I was traveling solo around the world. I did it by plane. What if you want to do it by boat? Well you’re in luck. The Norwegian Epic has introduced Solo Sailing! Previously singles, like myself, had to book both beds….kinda a waste. Now studios are available at a substantially normal rate. Check out the Epic’s studios. But don’t worry, you won’t be alone for long. With entertainment such as the Blue Man Group and the Bliss Lounge forget finding a travel buddy! In Bermuda CTravel can help book your Norwegian Epic Cruise.

A cruise with a unique perspective. What about a hotel with the same intrigue? Yeah we can all go to Expedia.com or Hotwire.com, but these usually have deals with big name brands. What about finding deals on boutique hotels? Somewhere to stay with some grit? Well that’s where Tablet Hotels comes in. Finding great deals on beautiful and inspiring hotels around the world they are the site for the discerning traveler.

Helping a Turkish Lady get home safely

I wish I could say I have volunteered abroad….but I haven’t. I do try and help just like we did picking-up this Turkish Lady when the rain was pelting down and giving her a lift home. So what do you do if you want to volunteer? Well one of the problems in the past has been the amount of time it takes to become trained and the time they want devoted to the task.

No longer! The US Parks Service is now happy for a day or two from their volunteers. They advertise opportunities on Facebook. Check out more information about volunteering on vacation and other traveling trends on Time Magazine’s website.

And happy Friday!

Take your chances in Chile?

5 08 2010

Patagonia, Chile

I landed in Santiago, Chile after almost 38 hours on planes and sitting in airports such as Singapore, Tokyo and Dallas. Actually Dallas included an unintended stay-over when I slept through my departure AT the gate. Should that have told me something? Yes. I needed more sleep.

Luckily I got it in a Dallas airport hotel and the next day flew to my intended first-stop in South America – ever – Santiago. Chile. I don’t speak Spanish and I didn’t have a guidebook, but I did have the name of my hostel and a taxi service.

Golden. But where was I going to go? Chile’s long and thin and difficult to navigate by land. Especially when I landed there in their spring (late September).

Eeny, meeny….miny….moe: Patagonia. Best decision I ever made as I witnessed glaciers for the first time in my life and the most spectacular scenery at the end of the world. Well almost.

I couldn’t quite make it to Ushuaia, which names itself the most Southern city in the world, thanks to bus schedules. So I stayed in Punta Arenas and almost made it to the tip of the world. But don’t let that stop you!

Punta Arenas in Patagonia, Chile

Why not combine spa with adventure and a chance to visit tuxed-out non-flying birds? Why not spend New Years’ Eve in the luxury of a high-end cruise that will depart from Ushuaia (in Argentina) deliver you to some glaciers, cross the straight of Magellan and visit Magdela Island where 120,000 penguins await?

If that’s not your cup of tea, Chile by Sportstour, which you can book through CTravel, also offers New Years Eve in Chile’s desert and the highest in the world – the Atacama Desert. With moon-like landscapes that will mystify why not try it? Make the New Years resolution.

New Years Eve may seem miles away as we enter August, but if you’re looking for a deal in December you need to book with Windstar Cruises for their 2-for-1 deals. Take a 15-day cruise to:St. Barts, Tortola, Virgin Gorda, Curacao, Aruba
Transit Panama Canal, Isla de Coiba, Quepos, Tortuga Island.

If you book by August 14 (i.e. only nine days away) one person can sail for 15-days for :$3,575 pp. It was originally $7,149 per person. Can’t think of a nicer place to be spending Christmas!

Varanasi/Robyn Skinner

Or maybe you want something sooner? Something for September? Why not travel on the only Riverboat along the Ganges between Kolkata and Varanasi, India?

The next trip for the 56-person Bengal Pandaw river cruise is September 27th. There are only ten cruises a year! Each one is 11 days, but the entire trip includes stays in Kolkata for a night and Varanasi (the holiest city in India) for two.

For more information on the Bengal Pandaw Riverboat contact Carl Paiva, CEO of CTravel at 292-3033 and for the other deals check CTravel’s website or give them a call.

And as always: check the Travel Deals’ Page for more advice.

Travel Agent or Interior Designer?

12 07 2010

CTravel CEO Carl Paiva talks about the travel industry in Bermuda

It’s the day and age of the independent travel. For most that also means independent travel planning.

Visiting the internet rather than a travel agency is becoming far more common than when Mr. Paiva started in the industry in 1972, but the CEO of CTravel, a Bermuda-based travel agency, believes there is still a place for his industry.

What have almost 40 years in the island’s travel industry taught him? Mr. Paiva explained in his short Q&A in my Royal Gazette column – Rock Fever – today.

And here is the extended version with links to help you with your travel needs!

What got you into the travel business?

“I have been in the travel agency business since 1972. I had just graduated from college in 1971 with a degree in English and Art history.

“I got into the industry by default because I was really planning to go to graduate school for law. I joined Watlington and Conyers (a travel agency in Bermuda) where I started as a shipping agent for the summer. But I became a travel agent in the winter when there were no boats visiting Bermuda.

“In 1975 I joined Meyer-Franklin and stayed there until 2000 and I started CTravel in November, 2000.”

So where did the name for CTravel come from? I mean, besides the obvious travel portion?

“The ‘C’ in CTravel was born out of a marketing seminar that we attended that claimed ‘C’ was the strongest letter in the alphabet for marketing. Most people however believe it stands for Carl. This works for us too!!”

You have been in Bermuda’s travel business for almost 40 years and CTravel is stepping into the next arena by downsizing the physical office. How have you seen the travel industry evolve?

“It has changed absolutely. It used to all be done over the phone, calling airline reservation counters and everything was done on a personal level. We would have to wait for the confirmation from the airline. The airfares were much higher then and to book a hotel or car reservation was done through writing letters and we waited for a response. Everyone was patient. We were doing everything.”

And then there were the social … issues?

“Couples travelling to hotels or on a cruise ship, well we couldn’t book a couple unless they were married. They would have to be married and travelling in the same room.”

So what is a day in the life of a CEO of a travel agency?

“In my particular case it’s dealing with administration, coming up with new ideas, moving with the times, meeting with suppliers, meeting with everyone from a tour operator to a cruise company or speaking to them on the phone.

“Because I am in marketing I am also always trying to come up with new ideas to get on the radio and TV and the Internet (CTravel has its websitectravel.bmcruises.bm and quickertix.com). I also meet with the staff to discuss new opportunities.

“A lot of the job is personal contact with staff and clients. Suppliers sometimes come down here and they meet with me to explain their vision moving forward and they do training with the staff. Relationships are absolutely critical and in our industry that means meeting face to face or getting to know them over the phone. I also encourage the travel advisors (because that is what the industry calls them) to embrace what they love because the travel industry is so diversified.”

I book most of my trips online and when I organised the trip around the world I did it myself. What are incentives for the public to use travel agents these days when everything is online?

“I compare our jobs to that of an interior designer. They need to meet with the clients, understand what they want and introduce the opportunities they have (just like a travel advisor does). And it doesn’t cost anymore (money) to sit with a travel agent. We get commissions from the suppliers. We only charge for airline tickets.

“We also have 130 affiliated offices worldwide. If someone said: ‘I want to go to Poland’ we could call our on-site and they would come back with a suggested itinerary.


“This will mean going to sites the average traveller will not see. For example when I was in Venice I consulted our on-site, but I had them plan one day in particular. It was called ‘The little known Venice’. We literally went to parts of Venice where we saw no tourists. We went to the Ghetto where Jewish people were kept during the World War. We met with the Rabbi there and not being Jewish it was a history for lesson for us.”

And it provides more security?

“Yes. For example there was a group going to Africa and they were on tickets that were booked online. They arrived in London and some had tickets that had been stolen and they were supposed to meet a travel agent with the tickets onwards to Africa, but there was no travel agent there.

“Then a church group thought they were booking through a Minister in Florida. They booked 20 cabins. It was false and all that money was gone.

“Every year we go to the travel meeting in Vegas and meet with the various suppliers there which means we recognise names and faces and don’t need to worry.”

And the additional perks to booking through a travel agency?

“Because CTravel has a relationship with Virtuoso the largest travel consortium in the world, we get the Virtuoso rates and the amenities. That could also mean a bottle of champagne (in the visitor’s hotel room) or early check-in and other add-ons.

Another example? Mr. Paiva had a client who wanted to go to Mt. Kilimanjaro, but didn’t want to do it with a group. He called their Virtuoso on-site and were able to custom-tailor a trip with trekking, spa recovery and as many creature comforts as his client wanted.

That’s because, Mr Paiva said: “I am more an advisor to the agents. I do have some clients (for years). It’s such a personal business they call me and I want to go to China for two weeks and I know what they want to do.

“Many people find they like a particular agent and they like the way she/he does things. Relationship is one of the keys to success.

“And if the agents doesn’t know the particular place where you want to go they can call on Virtuoso. That’s where our affiliates are so important.”

So many people book their flights online. Does your travel agency still book flights?

We don’t focus on airlines (anymore), but because we are on an island we do an enormous amount. We are the number one agency for airlines and cruises.

“We have 75% of the industry according to suppliers. That’s for air, cruises, tours and customized itineraries. We do a lot of groups – family reunions, weddings, senior citizens, etc…”


It seems like a lot of the business you do are cruises. How has that area of the travel industry changed?

“Cruising, by the early 80s was up, cruising exploded. What’s wonderful about filling cruises in Bermuda is that Bermudians like premier and deluxe cabins.

“Because we live here (Bermuda), they want a cabin with a view. So when we cruise the cabins to first fill up are the balconies.

“We also book a lot of groups and nine times out of 10 they know where they want to stay because Bermudians are great travelers.

“This means suppliers love to come here. Bermudians have a real sense of worldliness. They have traveled a lot and they know what they want and the suppliers know that.”

And is all of your travel planning simply leisure?

No. “We do a lot of corporate travel and that’s a different kind of agent. That’s one that know the best days for fares, seat preferences (the best for sleep on the way to London), limo rentals, car rentals and convenient hotels.

“The other thing we do with corporate accounts is incentive travel. If they want to take 20 people they can rent a private house (for example).

“Necker Island (in the British Virgin Islands), we have used  not just for corporate, but also family groups. I do a lot of that.

“We do about 60% leisure and 40 percent corporate.”

So how has the economy influenced Bermuda’s travel industry?

“It’s the first recession I have seen in my career affect Bermuda. In the third quarter of 2008 we noticed corporate accounts pull back.

“We don’t see leisure affected or cruises affected. Those have still continued. The recession has, however, caused the airlines to go with lower prices which means less commission (for the travel advisor).

“The cruise fares are lower too. It’s great for the consumer, but we were hurt by the recession.”

Too book your next trip and for more information about the cruises and fares you can visit their website: www.ctravel.bm.

Where do you book your trips? Do you visit a travel agent? Do you have any nightmare stories from booking online? Email them to skinnerrobyn@gmail.com.