Traveling without a passport

27 11 2010

Well no visa or passport if you are Bermudian! Yes, yesterday’s post was all about how to get prepared if you plan to leave a 21-square-mile island called Bermuda.

Today it’s about experiencing something new here.

But Robyn, you say, there is nothing left to do on this island. I have been to the beaches. I have been to the bars. What else is there to do?

Well how about celebrating some of the amazing artists our beautiful island has to offer? Why not celebrate them in the old capital of this country?

Well that is what the Old Towne Market on Sundays in St. George’s is all about! Running along the cobblestoned streets are stalls filled with the beautiful workings of some of Bermuda’s most talented artists. There is everything from the traditional banana leaf dolls to the new silver packets of the Capri Sun drink containers turned into bags.

Want to see what you are in for before you go between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. tomorrow? Check out these photos below:

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And don’t think there isn’t food! Donuts, tea, the yummy fillings of traditional cakes, brownies and fudge will keep you more than filled while you shop for you holidays!

So what are you waiting for? Well if you’re in New York, Boston, London, you need to get on the next cheapest flights and Jet Blue has had some great ones.

You in Bermuda….you need to get on your motorbike or in your car and enjoy a Sunday afternoon meandering through your history!

Straight from India for the Holidays

23 11 2010


Bracelets straight from India, $25 each

A twelve hour delay in an airport with a monkey running around and check-in gates with ticker sheets rather than an electronic board, I missed my flight.

After spending three months in India I was ready to go home, but India wasn’t ready to let me. From Delhi I landed in New York, missed my flight to Bermuda and arrived exhausted on Christmas Eve.

I had survived tuk tuk rides through crater-like potholes, navigated cows in the street ridden on a camel and eaten something that gave me a tummy bug.

But I was home. And I was excited, ready-even, to hand-out my Christmas gifts from India. There is nothing quite like India. They certainly know how to pummel a traveler and place them in awe.

Colours, colours everywhere, which is why it was so hard to NOT buy everything. But not everyone can go to India for their Christmas gifts, right? I certainly can’t this year.

Good thing the Harbourmaster is here! Sheilagh Robertson, owner of the Washington Mall store, prides herself on bringing-in goods that Bermudians will not find in the United States! Why shop abroad when you can’t find these beautiful bracelets for only $25?


Bracelets from India for $25

Perhaps you are looking for the unique, leather bag that you saw in Italy but decided to leave? Why not ask for it for Christmas?

Why? Because Sheilagh Robertson has all sorts of leather handbags that only a trip through Europe or South America might find for the woman at home. Have you got the money for those flights? Ok then how about for the gas for the car to visit The Harbourmaster?

Check out these perfectly coloured lines for the Fall and winter season that will be descending on Bermuda. And no, you will not find them in the United States.


LAND Presto Line; handbag: $175 and wallet:$135

These wallets and bags are all in stock right now! So don’t delay your Christmas shopping here in Bermuda and miss your chance.

Sheilagh Robertson has a whole range of sizes and colours that will keep any woman on your list happy. Not fancy the red? Well there is beautiful line of black and brown bags from the Presto line with wallets to match.

Presto Line, Handbag:$255 and wallet: $149

These lines range on the larger size. Maybe your friend, wife, girlfriend is looking for something a bit smaller? Something more petite to take with her on the next trip?

Well have no fear, yet again, Sheilagh Robertson also has a hearty supply of should strap hand-bags for anyone looking for hands-free traveling. And again these are unique to Bermuda and The United States!


LAND: $299

And of course this bag comes with a matching wallet to ensure you look put together and organized as always. Even better? You’ll be supporting the Bermuda economy. Should make you feel good?!


Matching Handbag and Wallet

So what are you waiting for? Write your Christmas list and visit The Harbourmaster on the first floor of the Washington Mall before these handbags and wallets go! And if you’re a lucky, little elf the sales table with all sorts of wallets, shoes and handbags will be available with discounts of 25 to 30%!


Sales Table at The Harbourmaster

Do you know why you should be thanking the giving?

18 11 2010

Get your Gift Certificate by November 30th and win two tickets!

I know we don’t celebrate it in Bermuda. Well, we don’t celebrate this meal on the fourth Thursday of November since 1863 unless you are American or have the American heritage.

But why do Americans celebrate it? Well apparently way back when, Americans were not quite as hardy and they barely made it through their first winter in a new land.

They put together a meal of venison, calms, fruit, pumpkin, etc… and sat down for three days! Yes, three days. They managed to consume enough food for 53 pilgrims and 90 Native Americans.

Not a bad job. Now that food feeds a family of five. Just kidding.

But why am I bringing this up? Good question. Fancy celebrating Thanksgiving in the country that founded it? For free? Why not, right? I do!

Want to finish a bit of Christmas shopping too?!? I know. I know. You’re thinking: “This is boring, Robyn. Just tell us.”

Ok well if you go into CTravel by November 30th and buy a gift certificate for someone on your Christmas gift list (or even yourself) you’ll be entered to win two tickets to anywhere in the United States!

No I’m not kidding! So what are you waiting for?

More suggestions? We that’s good because CTravel has also launched a new website for those looking for more travel ideas.

What’s it called? CTravel Society. It has all of your travel advisories, currency converter, FAA tips, etc.! So check it out and find-out about their latest ventures.

And finally…..what are you doing tonight? Need an excuse to shop?

Well perfect then.

The Phoenix Centre is opening its doors to the lucky shoppers who make it to the store between 6.30 and 9.00 p.m. tonight!

Sip, shop, sample and save!!!

Need I say more? Well how about if you get your Christmas gifts sorted now you can fly to Jamaica directly from Bermuda for the holidays!

Don’t bother having to connect through America or swing through London.

For Christmas CTravel can connect you directly to Jamaica for the low price of $1,200 per person.

That runs from December 18th to January 8th and the price includes all of your accommodations!

Optional visits to Cuba, Panama, Santo Domingo and other islands can also be arranged.

For more information or to make a reservation please contact: Pam Maybury at: 294-6908 or email:

Or visit their website for more trips!