Why take photos of ourselves traveling?

21 11 2010

Travel Photos

“Did you ever get lonely?”

“No. I mean I always found people to travel with.”

And I did last year as I was traveling around the world. I almost always had someone around me as I traveled around the world solo.

In Thailand I went through a two girls who were returning home two days later, a Dutch couple, a British Boy, a Belgium Boy, and finally a California girl. I don’t remember every being alone.

So it was great for safety, sharing the bills, but also for photos.

Never thought of that did you? Well I did. It’s so awkward initially to ask people you just met to take your photo. I felt shy, indulgent, overzealous, silly, but I would still ask.

I wanted photos of myself in these new places.

Now I recently finished a month traveling through Europe. I didn’t have  a hostel to camp-out in to try and meet people. So I was basically on my own.

It was lonely, tiring and I had to take photos like this one above. Photos were are arm’s length.

And the worst part is I like to keep photos as my memories. They are cheaper and lighter than those souvenirs bought in a store.

But my question I pose in this random Sunday post is: does it matter if I am in them?

I don’t know, quite honestly. If you are traveling solo does it matter if you are in the photos? Aren’t photos supposed to remind you of events? Do you want to remember a time when you were on your own?

It’s something I have been thinking about. Does being in your travel photos matter?

I spoke with an artist today, actually, who said he tried to keep people out of his photos. He finds they date the photo with their clothes, hairstyles, etc…

It got me to thinking. Is this why we put ourselves in the photos? And by that I mean why take a photo of just me in Thailand? Is it to prove I was actually there? Does it add to composition?

Or is it a totally narcissistic venture that we indulge in?

I wish I could say I have the answer to these questions. Or maybe I don’t. Perhaps this is a post to think on. Or maybe it’s not that deep. Maybe I am simply wondering: Why put ourselves in our travel photos?

Save jobs with extended (paid) travel? A Business in Bermuda does

13 09 2010

Chillin in California by Doug Jones

“There was a time, Robyn, when I wanted to travel like you did, but life got in the way.”

So wrote a visitor to this blog when I returned to Bermuda after traveling around the world for a year. The sentiment made me sad. So I thought…why not write about it for my Rock Fever Column? On Mondays. In The Royal Gazette. So I did! And here it is:

How to get time-off. I’ve been working on it for weeks. Weeks? Yes. Have you looked at the papers lately? Depressing. Twenty people lost their jobs. Five people were made redundant. With this kind of economy in Bermuda, I thought, I’m never going to find a way to get people paid, time-off from their jobs.

I was wrong. It wasn’t the first and it won’t be the last.

I chatted with my friend Doug Jones, an insurance broker for Willis in Bermuda. In August last year he took three weeks EXTRA vacation time to travel….and he got PAID!

Doug said: “I always wanted to see the Great Red Woods, I had never seen the Pacific and I wanted to write. I got to do all three of those things.”

Doug Jones visiting the Giant Redwoods in California

I’m sorry Doug? A business that gives employees paid time-off to do…whatever they wanted?

I called Willis’ Bermuda Managing Director, Vincent McGeehan for an explanation.

He said that the time-off incentive, called Willis Choice, was launched last year to save the company money and offers employees up to two months extra, paid vacation.

He said: “We set about a goal. The companies wanted to control expenses and all things were considered. This was one thing (we came-up with) and if people took advantage of it then we would be able to save jobs. We are not overstaffed so we didn’t want to lose anyone and we found we could achieve the savings.

“It saved a great number of jobs and at the same time it turned out to be very, very popular.”

So how does Willis Choice work? Two months is the maximum and the employees’ pay is linked to the amount of time they request.

If he or she takes up to nine days off it is unpaid leave. Wait wait! There is a reason. The employee can take a tenth day as paid-leave. See I told you there was an incentive.

If a Willis worker takes three weeks away from the grind, he or she receives 30 percent of their pay. If they take three to four weeks it’s 40 percent and four up to eight weeks it’s half pay.

But what if the employee cannot afford to lose half of their salary immediately? And what happens to their benefits?

Mr. McGeehan said: “It would have no effects on your benefits at all. It’s just like if you were on holiday. We wanted to make it as user-friendly for the employee as possible. You can take a week off or a day off a week for a period of a month. You could take every Friday off in the summer, for example. And the employee has the option to take the deductions (in their pay) over the year rather than one time.”

There must be some sort of catch? Well, it does have to be approved by management. Mr. McGeehan said: “It’s subject to management approval, but no one was denied. The only reason it’s subject is we want to make sure not everyone is taking time off at the same time.”

So why do the employees take the time? Do they have to have a reason? Nope said, Mr. McGeehan: “You can do whatever you want (with the time). You can sit at home if you want. One person went back to school for two months. Somebody took a month and toured Australia.”

The California Coast by Doug Jones

So I finally found you what you wanted. I found a way to take extended time-off from work. I’m afraid you have to figure-out how to get hired by Willis. I can only do so much with a travel column. But what a unique idea? Giving employees time-off to travel to save their jobs….sounds good to me.

Spa….t your weekend away!

9 09 2010

Seeking Solace?

Tranquility. Health. Revitalization. Maybe that’s what I was channeling while I sat in this temple in Sukothai, Thailand. Tranquility is what I definitely needed even if I wasn’t channeling it.

I had just spent the previous two days trying to catch a train. I know….crazy. But true. Trains in Thailand had gone on strike and I was stranded, along with a Dutch couple in the town of LopBuri (just south of Sukothai). Known for its monkeys, Lopburi had little more and we wanted to leave.

Two days later at 5 a.m. we finally found a train that would deliver us to this pristine and tranquil setting of temples, water and lush forest.

Ahhh….sound good? Sound like something you need? I think The Ranch at Live Oak in Malibu is right up your alley then. Offering relaxation, detoxification and every other oxation, this ranch is the perfect mix of luxury and pampering with a purpose.

The Ranch at Live Oak Malibu

Hike the mountains surrounding Malibu, where in one intensive week, you will gain physical endurance, shed unwanted weight, tone up and detoxify all while “getting off the grid” and back to nature. The program is strictly Sunday to Saturday with a maximum of 14 weekly guests and includes private cottages with spectacular views and home-grown organic food. Book with CTravel by the end of October and you will save $1,000!

But do your plans include Europe? Are you traveling there on business or find yourself living abroad for a while? Why not book yourself into the SHA Wellness Spa in southern Spain. In between Valencia and Alicante (both have international airports), the spa even offers a complimentary massage upon arrival.

SHA Wellness Spa

Experience Macrobiotic cuisine at its best both for the weight loss and health programs. The lectures only enforce the program. A full staff of medical and nutritional as well as fitness will ensure that your goals are achieved. Book with CTravel by the end of December and you will be eligible for their special spa trek package.

Finally, want a taste of Morocco, but don’t want to go through the hassle of getting there? I mean what would be the point if you’re trying to relax at a spa? Well good because the IC Montelucia Resort and Spa in Phoneix is ready for you.

IC Montelucia Resort and Spa

The Spanish music and courtyard fountains put you in southern Spain. The exotic scents of the Joya spa will entice your senses. Try a belly dancing class at the spa. Sit next to a fire-pit and have drinks at the Kasbah. Indulge your senses with a true hammam experience in Joya Spa.

And if you book with CTravel your rates could be as low as $279 a night! So what are you waiting for?

Women going topless in New York City?

21 08 2010

Yep that’s the plan tomorrow. And not just New York. If you’re in:VENICE BEACH, CALIFORNIA

Tomorrow if you’re female you can go topless (well in pre-determined places that are all listed on www.gotopless.org) ! Men? You’ve got to cover-up and put on a bra in support ……

Who is doing this? A US group called GoTopless.org who believe that women have the same constitutional right to be bare chested in public places as men. Maybe they have a point? Is it fair for man boobs to be out and women’s not?

Probably not, but can I see women walking down a street without their shirts on any time soon? Definitely not. It’s a weird double standard that will, I believe, continue everywhere except the beaches of France. And then it will be to the enjoyment and giggling fascination of men from other countries to enjoy.

But I hear what the organization is saying. Why are they saying it tomorrow? Because on August 26, 1920, following a 72-year struggle, the U.S. Constitution was amended to grant women the right to vote. And in 1970, as an ongoing reminder of women’s equality, Congress declared August 26 “Women’s Equality Day.”

Topless on a beach?

I like the idea though. No more burning bras. We’re just going to make men wear them and we’re going to walk around Central Park – Columbus Circle 59th W. Street (between 8 ave and 5 ave) at noon  with a speech at 1pm if you’re in New York tomorrow.

If you’re in Colorado? The event will take place from 3-6:30PM in the appropriately named Shag Lounge, 830 15th Street, Denver.

California: Group meets at 2pm on Ocean Front Walk at Navy St. March starts at 2.30 PM towards Windward circle for our speech and entertainment at 3.30 PM.

And in Bermuda? Just kidding. That won’t happen…..or maybe it should. Anyway, if you’re feeling particularly proud tomorrow and you’re visiting any of these cities check out their website for more information and put the bra on your man!

Walking into trouble

2 08 2010

Walking through rice paddies in Laos

I was with my California travel buddy; the one I met over a cooking course in Thailand. We decided over spring rolls that we would conquer Laos together. It turned-out to be a successful coupling.

Especially when we had to contend with knife-wielding youths.

Yes. A knife. We were innocently trying to walk from our B&B to some caves in Vang Vieng, Laos. This town is known for its drunken, tubing experience (i.e. bars along the river banks which are accessed via inflatable tubes), but it is also known for spectacular scenery as well as caves lodged in rice paddies.

Me and the California travel buddy decided after one day of tubing we were going to work-off the various buckets (a bucket filled with rum, cokes and red bulls) with a wander. We found ourselves lost and a six-year-old sitting in a tree yelling at us.

“You must pay. You want to go to the cave? You have to pay. Hey. You have to pay.”

We had been told to ignore the kids waiting by the caves. Why? Because they were running a scheme. So we did. We continued walking, found a dead-end and had to turn back.

Our heckler had found a knife by the time that we returned.

“You find the cave?”

We kept walking, which became speed-walking as I noticed him slapping his hand with a knife. We picked-up the pace and made it back to the main road and to our B&B.

We never did find caves, but that is not to say we didn’t find a way to exercise while abroad. Which leads me to my Rock Fever Column in The Royal Gazette today: Exercising Anywhere.

I offered some of my own advice, knife’s excluded, but I also conferred with Bermuda-based, personal fitness trainer, Jenille Devenson-Smith for back-up. With her own business, Heart Core, she regularly trains people without the use of gyms. In the National Stadium, the botanical gardens or other “free” spaces are her work-out stations.

Getting away from the mirrors offers her clients the chance to focus on themselves as well as offering exercises for those who may need to do them in imperfect positions – travelers.

What does she have to say? Here’s a quick Q&A from the expert herself:

1. For someone who travels often, do you have any tips for maintaining their exercise routine? Exercise and diet are a marriage. So when you travel and want to exercise don’t forget that in order to see the benefits of your exercise you need to eat properly. This does not mean “no cake” I am an advocate of cake, especially coconut cake with vanilla icing… But I am also and advocate of moderation. Allow yourself to indulge, but don’t allow yourself to fail. There is a difference. On vacation a lot of people just give up on eating right. Diet is a life long challenge. You are in control, even when you are not. So don’t forget, you are what you eat.

When you travel there are simple weightless exercises you can do. Squats, lunges, jumping jacks, push-ups, crunches and sit ups. I prefer to travel with a jump-rope as well. Jumping rope is a complete body workout that can burns a lot of calories. If you don’t have time do 10 min here , 10 min there, til you reach 30 min of cardio. Use the stairs in your hotel. Most people don’t use them, so you will find you have them all to yourself. A lot of hotels these days are also equipped with gyms, so you may jus commit  to a few gym visits while you are on vacation, and of course, walk, walk, walk.

2. Is there an easy and quick “maintenance” work-out that someone could do in their hotel room/hostel room? When you travel there are simple weightless exercises you can do. Squats, lunges, jumping jacks, push ups, crunches and sit ups. I prefer to travel with a jump-rope as well.

Eating on the road

3. I know that diet is also an important consideration when it comes to exercise. Do you have suggestions for those on the road to how to eat healthy?

Try to eat protein, while on vacation I try to eat clean, but I still indulge. Sometimes the fish I order may be breaded, or have a wonderful sauce on it. For me this is a luxury I allow those luxuries but pair it with a nice clean vegetable. Try to limit your carbohydrates to your daytime meals, ie breakfast and lunch. Then for your remaining meals chose protein and vegetables. Try not to go to sleep with a belly full of pasta or baked potato. Eat fresh, go to the grocery store, buy fresh fruits, veg and nuts to snack on. Keep them in the fridge in your hotel room. Just because you are on vacation does not mean you are not in control. Don’t forget to drink water. So many empty calories are consumed in beverages. Save the calories for something you really want to eat.

Don’t be afraid to customize your meal. If you are dining out, and you see something you want don’t be afraid to add and take away ingredients or dressings to make the meal acceptable. You are in control or your results.

4. What should we do at home? And why is it important to eat healthy for travel and other activities? Try a class when you are away. Sometimes it helps to be anonymous when u exercise.  It is a good way to meet people and gain confidence.

5. How would you encourage someone who, perhaps, has not been very active and wants to start working-out? Working out can be a little overwhelming for someone who has never done it before, or who is self-conscious. Gyms tend to be intimidating to a lot of people. Everyone in the gym seems to be advanced, experienced or even fearless. Intimidation can offset the average person and prevent them from achieving their goals. If you are not comfortable in a gym, go outside, away from the mirrors and away from the on-lookers and get fit. You don’t have to start at a high level, the main thing is just to begin. You must walk before you can run, so by all means, walk. Take long walks, short walks, fast walks, slow walks, walk upstairs, downstairs, up hill and down hill. Alternate, one day power walk, one day distance… Have fun with it. When you are comfortable jog a little, then jog a little more. Fitness and exercise should be a life long journey and in life you grow so be patient with yourself and allow yourself to grow. You can not run a marathon in a day. There are things you can do in everyday life to enhance your fitness level as well. For example, take the stairs instead of the elevator, ride a pedal bike to work, or walk to work avoid short cuts…

If you are entering the gym for the first time, it is so important that you know what you are doing or you could lose the battle before you begin. If you have never set foot in a gym before I highly recommend you hire a personal trainer for your fist few sessions. Just to make sure you do all the exercises properly and that you make the best use of your time. If you hire a trainer, don’t be afraid to speak up. You know your body better than anyone and you know how far you can push. Your relationship with your trainer will not work if you do not have open communication. It Is a team effort.

Workout DVDs are also a great start for those who wish to start working out. You can learn in the privacy of your own home. I would advise watching it all the way through before attempting. A good workout DVD will let you know the proper posture and position for each exercise to ensure that you do not injure yourself. Be sure to listen carefully to all instruction.

Running through the Valley of the Kings

6. Finally, why should exercise be part of our everyday activities? Exercise is like maintaining your car, you body is an amazing machine that requires daily maintenance. It does not have to be intense or grueling you just have to keep your body in motion. You know the saying if you don’t use it you lose it, well through simple excercise, and diet regularity you can keep your body healthy and humming. Eating well and staying fit helps fight diseases diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and as we age these are all things we must think about.

For your own training session don’t contact me. I’m no trainer. Try Jenille at heartcorefitness@gmail.com or 504-336 and get fit anywhere!