Visiting Brighton’s Seaside

1 12 2010

Brighton's Lanes

Perhaps it was the salty air of Dover’s Cliffs. Maybe it was the email from a friend encouraging me to experience it. Was it the notorious name?

Brighton. I had heard the name so many times and even though it is only about 50 miles or 80 km from London, I had never been to this seaside town. As a Bermudian I never quite understood the point. I’m afraid a beach will never impress. Ok, maybe not never. I was impressed by Sri Lanka’s….but that’s another story.

Back in Britain, my emailing friend assured me Brighton was more than beach. I decided it was time. It was time to add its infamous name to my list of trips under $100 from London. Yes, if you have been following the Rock Fever Column I write for The Royal Gazette for the last few weeks I have been to Stockholm and Sigtuna in Sweden; Sachsenhausen and Berlin in Germany; Hampstead and Dover in England. For photos of these trips and Bright visit my photos page.

I was further encouraged to jump to Brighton because the train-trip was less than an hour from London Bridge Tube Station and it cost less than £10! Just a tad cheaper than the £50,000 the iconic Brighton Royal Pavilion sold for in 1850. The creation of George IV, the Royal Pavilion was originally a farmhouse before he decided to reinvent it. Now the Pavilion is a draw for crowds visiting this seaside town. Well, at least, it was for me!

However, I’ve never been a map reader. Yes, I admit. I am one of those people that has to literally stand in a map before orienting myself. Luckily for directionally challenged people like myself, Brighton has Visitor Information Centres dotted around the city. I found the closest one to the train station hiding in a Toy and Model museum. I gave the models a miss and followed the man’s directions.

They sent me meandering through streets lined with multi-coloured stores, organic cafes and leather markets, that might have looked more comfortable on Middle Road, Bermuda rather than North Laine, Brighton.

Eventually, I found it! Well, the Pavilion Gardens first and then the Royal Pavilion.

It was a witches’ castle. What am I talking about? You know you’ve made them. Every kid in Bermuda has. You’ve held the wet sand in your hands and made drip castles.

Brighton's Royal Pavilion

What you were making has in fact been sitting on Brighton’s seaside since the1800’s: The Royal Pavilion. And for £9.50 you can experience one of the most ridiculously over-the-top, formerly private, homes in Britain. Originally a farmhouse when George IV the Prince of Wales, rented it in the 1780‘s, it grew along with his lifestyle of drinking, womanising and gambling and Brighton’s! A former fishing town, Brighton also started to transform into a seaside retreat for the rich and famous.

When George was sworn-in as Prince Regent in 1811 because his father George III was incapable of acting as the monarch, the villa grew. John Nash stepped-in. He introduced minarets and domes to the exterior while lathering the interior with enormous dragons and seashell-encrusted ceilings in the red-walled Music Room. No expense was spared, which is all I could think of as I walked through with my complimentary audio guide.

Queen Victoria ended-up inheriting the Palace, but even with all of its grandeur it could barely fit her growing family. Plus she was all about austerity. The opulent palace didn’t quite fit with her vibe so she decided to sell it.
The City of Brighton was quite happy to purchase the former Palace to ensure somewhere for tourists to visit. Hey, I bought a ticket.

Thoroughly impressed by George IV’s ability to spend money, I decided it was time to learn a little more about Brighton in the last couple of years. Sitting right next to the former Palace is the Brighton Museum. Convenient.

Random. Free. Both are reasons to visit this museum that offers some insight to the more-recent history of Brighton. The museum documents the growth of this capital of clubbing in Britain as well as its trend-setters. Of course there is the Fashion and Style section with random outfits provided by everyone from the gothic icons to the grunge mixed with Egyptian antiques. I did say random. Feeling thoroughly acquainted with the history of Brighton I figured it was time to head to the seaside.

Of course the seaside is what Brighton is about! I mean that’s why the rich and powerful people started coming here. The seaside was more than just a beach. It was a health clinic. Yes, a health resort of sorts. In the early 1800‘s Dr. Richard Russell created these ‘dippings’ which included a total immersion into the sea water to cure-all. I can imagine he was paid a pretty penny for these! Heck I can do that. Ok no I can’t. I’m Bermudian. I wasn’t going anywhere near the water.

Brighton's Pier

So luckily for me, the Brighton Pier is still standing and could keep me well above the frigid waters below.

The Pier is the epitome of traditional British seaside. Painted white, filled with an amusement park, rows of junk food and, of course, a candy store, the Pier is somewhere to sit and enjoy the views if you’re lucky and find a nice day. Other than that? It’s not much and the day was too cold for me! I hit the end and headed back to the interior to find a coffee and somewhere warm.

Luckily I could take my pick in the narrow streets in the area called The Lanes i.e.old, bricked buildings creating human-size mazes. Cute stores filled with antiques and clothes called my name. I ignored them and found a tiny coffee place to enjoy watching the fellow lost souls.

The light was fading. It was time. Time to finish my enjoyment of the beachside retreat and head back to London. Which is why Brighton is a great trip from Britain’s capital. It’s an afternoon, it’s a weekend, it can be both. I know, I know, there are supposed to be great clubs in Brighton. I didn’t have the energy. I will have to see them next time.

That’s because I still have to find a few more trips from London that cost under $100! And I did it. Perhaps it was time to come clean. To Bath it is next week and, of course, check back here tomorrow for more suggestions for your own trips!

Need help spotting your luggage on the conveyor belt?

30 11 2010

Pom Pom for $9.95 and the feeling of relief when you spot your bag


Exactly! Have you seen your bag lately? Have you seen the other travelers’ bags? Is yours the black suitcase or the black suitcase? Exactly.

So what are you going to do? I like my grandmother’s old school plan: a red pom pom! You would never miss Mama’s luggage floating around the airport bag belt!

Well the holidays are coming so why not help-out the traveler in your family and get them this multi-coloured pom-pom (above) for their bag?

Of course you need to know where to find it and of course I am here to help. So is Sheilagh Robertson, the owner of The Harbourmaster, Bermuda’s premier luggage and leather bag store on the island.

Located in the Washington Mall in Hamilton, The Harbourmaster has everything you could need to identify your bag AND plan the trip!

Yes, yes we all know that computers are great, but sometimes they don’t work. i.e. they do not work when we have hurricanes and the electricity goes out. They don’t work when someone spills water on them and all the memory is erased.

Good thing The Harbourmaster has these small Scully leather notebooks to help you! Convenient enough to fit in any size bag, they will keep your organized!

Small Scully Leather Planners for $28 at The Harbourmaster

Perhaps you have more plans than you realized? Maybe you need more space for sorting your addresses, notes, visa concerns?

Well of course The Habourmaster is here to help with a variety of sizes of their leather Scully notebooks. Why not get a notebook with old-school stamps on it? Perfect for the traveler in your life!

Medium Notebooks at The Harbourmaster $49

Want something that can be reused? Something that will only need refills next year? Well again The Harbourmaster has a variety of sizes to help you with all of your business and travel needs.

Large Scully Leather notebook $135

And of course they have all the refills you need for any sized notebook you buy! These will range from $7.75 until $18.50!

Range of Notebook refills from $7.75 to $18.50

All of these planning accessories can help you and The Harbourmaster with its friendly and knowledgable staff will be able to point you in the right direction.

So what are you waiting for? Get planning!

Traveling without a passport

27 11 2010

Well no visa or passport if you are Bermudian! Yes, yesterday’s post was all about how to get prepared if you plan to leave a 21-square-mile island called Bermuda.

Today it’s about experiencing something new here.

But Robyn, you say, there is nothing left to do on this island. I have been to the beaches. I have been to the bars. What else is there to do?

Well how about celebrating some of the amazing artists our beautiful island has to offer? Why not celebrate them in the old capital of this country?

Well that is what the Old Towne Market on Sundays in St. George’s is all about! Running along the cobblestoned streets are stalls filled with the beautiful workings of some of Bermuda’s most talented artists. There is everything from the traditional banana leaf dolls to the new silver packets of the Capri Sun drink containers turned into bags.

Want to see what you are in for before you go between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. tomorrow? Check out these photos below:

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And don’t think there isn’t food! Donuts, tea, the yummy fillings of traditional cakes, brownies and fudge will keep you more than filled while you shop for you holidays!

So what are you waiting for? Well if you’re in New York, Boston, London, you need to get on the next cheapest flights and Jet Blue has had some great ones.

You in Bermuda….you need to get on your motorbike or in your car and enjoy a Sunday afternoon meandering through your history!

Come and Get it! Get your visa! Only $14 for the British to enter America!

26 11 2010

Visa for America

“Have you got anything interesting?

“I’m sorry. Interesting? Well I have a blue, silk dress from Vietnam if that’s what you mean by interesting? I think it’s interesting.”

The American Customs’ Officer was clearly not amused. Neither was I. It was 8 in the morning and I had just arrived in Miami from Lima, Peru. I wanted to find a coffee and just wait for my evening flight home (Bermuda).

He would not relent.

“You went traveling for a year? How did you pay for it?”

Yes, man, because I am an economic immigrant from Bermuda!!!! Why, in anyone’s name, would I want to stay in Miami where the wage is definitely not what I could make at home? And last I checked Bermudians are not generally on the sneak-in list.

I controlled my thoughts and said: “Well I saved-up and then I wrote a column while I was on the road that helped.”

Nothing mattered. I was sent into the arms of some very cheery idiot who decided regaling me about his colleagues working in Bermuda, would ease the pain of the customs’ back room. It didn’t.

Two hours later, frozen and listening to the infant next to me balling its eyes out, I finally approached yet another customs officer.

“You’ve been denied a visa to the United States before?”


“But it says here that you were denied a visa for your Masters in….”

“Well that’s funny because I have a piece of paper here that says I wasn’t and I actually attained a Masters in International Relations.”

It was my first experience with America’s amazing, new system for screening foreigners: the ESTA online visa form! and it wouldn’t be my last.

Or yours, for that matter, if you’re a Bermudian with a British passport! Ahhh the joys of trying to enter another country. Visas.

That’s why today, CTravel’s knowledgable and helpful staff, Pat Adderley, is offering this Q&A to help those lost among the confusion of travel visas.

So Pat, since when have British travelers had to go online for an American Visa? Didn’t we just fill out a form at the airport?

She said: “A Bermudian passport holder going to the U.S. are given a free entry and there’s nothing they have to do. If you have a passport from the Waiver Countries from the EU you are visa free, however you now have to go online and fill-out the ESTA form. It’s like the green form we used to have to fill out at the airport.

“In June this year it cost $14 and it lasts for 2 years. That’s just takes down who you are and your passport details.”

But Pat, what about older people or those without computers? Surely this system leaves a particular segment of the population out of the ability to acquire a visa?

She said: “For people who don’t have computers or older people we will fill out the forms.”

There is often the confusion in Bermuda about whether or not to attain a British passport, which as an overseas territory we are allowed to have. What would you suggest?

She said: “What we recommend is that Bermudians get themselves a UK passport as we are entitled to it. Yes it’s expensive, but if you have to get visas for the Schengen countries it’s expensive too and some require a personal appearance.

“You will have to go to Washington or New York to go for the interview. They don’t want a third party involved. They don’t want to hear from use. they want to meet you in person.

“What we are finding, now, is that most of the European countries in the Schengen visa allow that once you have one for Portugal then you are able to travel to other countries i.e. Spain, France, etc….

“Sometimes they do a six month visa, sometimes a year sometimes longer. Each of these countries have qualifiers of their own.”

Sounds like it’s best for a Bermudian to get a British Passport. But Bermuda has a lot of workers from various countries that will need to visas. What is your biggest problem with attaining visas for them?

Trying to get back home to India



She said: “The biggest visa and what we deal with on a daily basis are the UK and US visas because of the Ethnic groups we have in Bermuda and who are trying to get home (i.e. fly through the UK to get to Sri Lanka). Most who get it there the UK some without much problem. And sometimes after they have spent $400 on a Canadian visa to get home they get denied.

“Then what? Then they can’t go home?

But how do these workers get to Bermuda in the first place? They must have been screened.

She said: “They come with a visa that is good for 90 days and come through the UK. It has run out and now they need a new one to get home.

” And now it is even worse for Jamaicans, for example. They have a big expense now because they used to not need a visa to get through the US. Now they do. Now they have to go through the U.K. to go to Jamaica!”

What could help?

She said: “What would be helpful is if the Bermuda Government sat down with the U.K., the U.S.  and Canadian representatives and tell them we have guest workers who have been scrutinized and we know they are safe and know they can get their visas.”

And what does CTravel do to help?

She said: “Usually if they come in they (foreign workers) make an appearance with us we fill out an application for them. Then they have to make an appearance with immigration for biometrics. After we make that appointment the officers stamp their applications and we forward it to the consulate.

“It takes three weeks and sometimes longer depending.”

Can CTravel help me if I need a visa for, say, India?

She said: “One of the first things you should do when you book your trip is understand what kind of passport you are traveling with. That determines the rules and restrictions for your passport. Also don’t think because you had a visa in another passport before you are still covered.

“The key to it is plan early. We can do the Indian visa and the Japanese Visa. I have done a Nigerian visa.We usually do it just for our clients, but we will do it for others.”

And what about Bermudians who may be on the stop-list for America? You know, because of a minor drug conviction, etc…?

She said: “We can also help stop list people. We can apply for the waiver for them. But these are people who have done silly things in their youth.

“It’s worth them to try. If they did something in their 20’s and now they are now in their 50’s or 60’s. Now they are on the stop list. Most of the time they can get a visa, but they have to do it early.”

Do you have more visa questions? Well make sure you contact Pat Adderley at CTravel for all of your visa concerns!

And make sure you check back tomorrow as I travel…….to St. George’s. I know crazy far away!

Straight from India for the Holidays

23 11 2010


Bracelets straight from India, $25 each

A twelve hour delay in an airport with a monkey running around and check-in gates with ticker sheets rather than an electronic board, I missed my flight.

After spending three months in India I was ready to go home, but India wasn’t ready to let me. From Delhi I landed in New York, missed my flight to Bermuda and arrived exhausted on Christmas Eve.

I had survived tuk tuk rides through crater-like potholes, navigated cows in the street ridden on a camel and eaten something that gave me a tummy bug.

But I was home. And I was excited, ready-even, to hand-out my Christmas gifts from India. There is nothing quite like India. They certainly know how to pummel a traveler and place them in awe.

Colours, colours everywhere, which is why it was so hard to NOT buy everything. But not everyone can go to India for their Christmas gifts, right? I certainly can’t this year.

Good thing the Harbourmaster is here! Sheilagh Robertson, owner of the Washington Mall store, prides herself on bringing-in goods that Bermudians will not find in the United States! Why shop abroad when you can’t find these beautiful bracelets for only $25?


Bracelets from India for $25

Perhaps you are looking for the unique, leather bag that you saw in Italy but decided to leave? Why not ask for it for Christmas?

Why? Because Sheilagh Robertson has all sorts of leather handbags that only a trip through Europe or South America might find for the woman at home. Have you got the money for those flights? Ok then how about for the gas for the car to visit The Harbourmaster?

Check out these perfectly coloured lines for the Fall and winter season that will be descending on Bermuda. And no, you will not find them in the United States.


LAND Presto Line; handbag: $175 and wallet:$135

These wallets and bags are all in stock right now! So don’t delay your Christmas shopping here in Bermuda and miss your chance.

Sheilagh Robertson has a whole range of sizes and colours that will keep any woman on your list happy. Not fancy the red? Well there is beautiful line of black and brown bags from the Presto line with wallets to match.

Presto Line, Handbag:$255 and wallet: $149

These lines range on the larger size. Maybe your friend, wife, girlfriend is looking for something a bit smaller? Something more petite to take with her on the next trip?

Well have no fear, yet again, Sheilagh Robertson also has a hearty supply of should strap hand-bags for anyone looking for hands-free traveling. And again these are unique to Bermuda and The United States!


LAND: $299

And of course this bag comes with a matching wallet to ensure you look put together and organized as always. Even better? You’ll be supporting the Bermuda economy. Should make you feel good?!


Matching Handbag and Wallet

So what are you waiting for? Write your Christmas list and visit The Harbourmaster on the first floor of the Washington Mall before these handbags and wallets go! And if you’re a lucky, little elf the sales table with all sorts of wallets, shoes and handbags will be available with discounts of 25 to 30%!


Sales Table at The Harbourmaster

Ten Traveling ideas from Bermuda in December

22 11 2010

December's Decorations

It’s time to plan for your travels. Where are you going next? Need somewhere or something to do in December? Well if you’re Bermudian this first one is most definitely not up your alley.

So why am I including it in my December 10 traveling ideas today? Well because it’s always amazing to me to see people strip down, jump-in and try to swim as the temperatures around them plunge.

Are you interested in participating? Are you in London? Going to London? Well on December 4th some crazy people will be taking the Plum Pudding Plunge in the Parliament Hill Lido.

Enticing I know. Maybe the mince pies and the hot tub afterwards would bring you around? It certainly does nothing for me. Neither does the 15 pounds they are charging for the pleasure.

I will certainly be keeping my sweater on, but if you are interested in the challenge and won’t be in London on December 4th check-out this Outdoor Swimming site for more ideas.

Hyde Park Winter Wonderland

Or perhaps you are in London for more traditional, winter fare? Perhaps a turn on the ice rink? Some warm wine?

A taste of a Christmas market?

Well Hyde Park is here to help with their traditional and annual event: Winter Wonderland.

Every year from November 19th to January 3rd, this corner in Hyde Park is decked-out with everything from Santa and his helpers to winter food and rides such as a replica London’s Eye!

Who can resist? Of course it is free, unless you want to go on the rides. A fun way to use the cold to your advantage.

But maybe you’re not traveling to London for December? Maybe, if you’re from Bermuda, an easy trip is to head for the East Coast and New York.

New York has ice skating too and if you’re going to be ice skating you’re probably going to want to go to Rockefeller Centre. It’s the place featured in all the films. It’s romantic with all the buildings towering above you, but’s also expensive, busy and not always the best option. Try to visit early in the morning or before 4 p.m. if you want to get this New York experience. And, of course, visit the Centre for the lighting of the tree on December 2!

Why not get a free (yes I wrote free) skating experience in New York? Head a little further south in Manhattan and you will hit Bryant Park. For $13 you can rent skates and it is free to skate on the pond. If you have your own skates, well, you get it….it’s FREE!!!

But who just wants to skate or see the lights in New York? If I’m coming from Bermuda I want it to be for a reason.

How about December 10? You free? z100 (a radio station) is hosting their Jingle Ball with the likes of Katy Perry, B.o.B. , Bruno Mars, Paramore, Michael Buble, Taio Cruz and many, many more! How amazing would that concert be?

Hosted at the Madison Square Gardens from 7.30 p.m. you can buy your tickets here.

Is Boston more your style? Well if it is you are more than likely a Bruins fan. Can’t wait to see them fly across the ice? Well you don’t have to. In December the home team is heading home for at least seven games.

Check out these dates:

Boston for December

Thursday, 12/2, 7pm – Bruins vs Lightening

Tuesday, 12/7, 7pm – Bruins vs Sabres

Thursday, 12/9, 7pm – Bruins vs Islanders

Saturday, 12/11, 7pm – Bruins vs Flyers

Saturday, 12/18, 7pm – Bruins vs Capitals

Monday, 12/20, 7pm – Bruins vs Ducks

Thursday, 12/23, 7pm – Bruins vs Thrashers

Buy your tickets here.

Perhaps hockey is not quite your style? Perhaps you want to try something a bit more soothing on the ears?

Well have no fear the Boston Pops Orchestra is here. Well in Boston, but you get it.

From December 8th to December 26th the holiday season will be serenaded with 37 matinée and evening performances at the Symphony Hall.

Tickets range from $27 to $125 so check out their website here for more information.

Need something more from Boston? Well check out Boston Events website for more ideas.

Canada. Yep that northerly neighbour of America is also getting festive this season. Why not bundle-up and

Animals need holiday treats too

head for Toronto? Their zoo is even getting into the mix this year.

On boxing day, which of course we also celebrate in Bermuda, the Toronto zoo will be hosting its 35th annual Christmas Treats walk. Yes even the animals get some holiday cheer.

For those human beings that participate, hot chocolate and carollers are your treat.

Not up for the animals? Well Toronto also has an annual bike show!

From December 10th to the 12th Toronto will be holding a motorcycle show for the enthusiast in all.

Not sure why I would want to drive a bike in Canada in December, but hey, maybe those Canadians are more hearty than Bermudians.

In any case if you do fancy yourself a motorcyclist check out the website for more information.

Finally on the other side of Canada, in Vancouver, Stanley Park will be alight with millions of Christmas whites to create a winter wonderland.

Take train ride through the forest transformed with two million twinkling lights, see the animated displays and listen to holiday sounds as you enjoy hot chocolate, fresh popcorn and roasted chestnuts. For more information visit the Parks’ website.

Sounds lovely. Now to pack for the trip. Check back here tomorrow for some tips and tales on how to pack.

Bermuda Beauty Treatments

15 11 2010

Rain for Beauty!

What am I posting about today? Well hopefully you got your beauty sleep this weekend? No? Oh right it was Bermuda’s annual Rugby Classic.

I’m sure most people are feeling a little less than light on their feet today. Maybe there are a few bags under the eyes that were not there before?

Need something to pick you up? Perhaps you’re having a better day than Oleg Mavromati (read my previous post for understanding) who appears to be alive!

Have no fear the Bermudians are on it and have been “on it” since our creation. As you can see in the pic I have chosen for you today, the Brits thought they were ahead.

What am I talking about?

Today’s Robyn’s Wanderings draws from my next column for The Royal Gazette (in on Wednesday now!) I was meandering around the house of John Keats in Hampstead Heath, London and noticed this sign.

“Rain Water in Beauty Treatments”

Now who would have thought? Well the Bermudians certainly have! We catch the rain off our roofs, store it in our tanks and use it for everything from washing our faces (hello beauty!) to washing our vegetables (beautiful tummies?).

Apparently this was  new trend in the time of George IV i.e. late 1700’s and early 1800’s. Kinda an odd concept, really. Not washing?

But then again who would have thought about catching water on our roofs to use it for every day affairs? A small island nation in the middle of the Atlantic is who!

It’s always a fun fact to share with people, even people who work for eco-lodges in Berlin. He couldn’t quite get his head around it!

“You mean you catch water on your roofs? To flush toilets, right?”

“No. Well yes. But we also drink it and shower, etc.. It’s why we have roofs shaped like stairs and painted white!”

White, water-catching Bermuda roof

“That’s crazy! Why don’t you write about that for your blog.”

Ha. Well here I am writing about it. Trendsetters that we try to be, Bermuda was way-ahead in the beauty treatments that the British then “came-upon.”

So remember your beauty treatment today. In Bermuda it’s no further than your tap and stay tuned for my next Rock Fever Column on Wednesday!

Happy Monday.

In one hour we decide if this man lives or dies

13 11 2010

Who is he? Why should we care? Why would he die to day? Why are you bringing-up a depressing subject when it’s a beautiful sunny day in Bermuda and it is the last day of the Rugby Tournament?

All very good questions.

This is artist Oleg Mavromati. Even worse? He’s a Russian one. By worse I mean for him.

According to Russian officials he broke their code. In 2000 he performed “Do not believe your eyes”. The performance art piece requires that he is crucified because he killed his friend (in the play of course)!

Apparently this meant he was mocking Christians and so the Churches filed complaints saying he was inciting religious hatred.

Article 282. Not that, that means a lot who is not Russian but apparently it’s not good.

So rather than face almost certain death with the state of the Russian jails, he fled. He’s now in Sofia, Bulgaria and has launched a website for the general public to decide his fate.

How do they do that? Well you have to register online and if you want to let him live you pay nothing. If you want him to die thank out come the pocket books. $.50 a vote. Paypal will help you with that.

Why? Because it is there. No not really. Because he wants it to be known that, according to his blog: “The freedom of speech and expression is a basic human right. This freedom of expression of all artists and people from any nationality, race, religion, gender and class should be guaranteed and protected by the constitution and the legislation of each country which calls itself democratic.

“Democracy is guaranteed only if the right to freely share and express thoughts is not violated.”

He is, therefore an ultimate victim. And since Saturday last week for four hours a day people have been able to vote whether he lives or dies.

Each day these were tallied and the majority meant he was either shocked by the electricity attached to various parts of his body (if they want him to die) or he made it out clean.

The first day the shock would last a minute. The second day? Two…etc… By today then seven seconds of shock is enough to kill him.

Gosh I hope I can believe in the will of the public. Do you fancy voting? At the very least visiting the blog? Oh good cause here it is.

What are you doing for New Years?

11 11 2010

Berlin's Wall

I said I wanted to go back.

Back where? Back to Berlin.

What better time than for Christmas? I can’t think of any which is why it’s cool that Globus through CTravel in Bermuda offers affordable trips to some of the most beautiful Eastern European cities.

Departing on December 17th the nine day trip will cost only $1,449 and will include everything from the my favourite, Berlin, to Prague, Budapest and Vienna.

And do you know what you would be seeing? Eating? Drinking? Well everything! These European cities know how to do Christmas right.

Try the beiglie, a Christmas cookie made of walnuts and regional spices in Budapest; savor the Glühwein, a hot spiced wine, in Vienna; and sample the Stollen, the traditional Christmas cake originated in Dresden, Germany.

But this is more than eating, drinking and shopping. Though those are good things. It will also be a vacation filled with the beautiful history that haunts these European cities. That includes the infamous St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna to the Hradcany Castle in Prague.

Or maybe you’re trying to find somewhere for New Years. Yeah me too! I’ve been trying to organize a trip with

New Years in London

a group. Talk about a full time job.

So why not get someone else to do it for you?! Perfect. Globus also has an affordable alternative for you.

For nine days you will enjoy a Christmas Eve dinner in one of Paris’ fine restaurants, before wandering to London to celebrate New Year’s Eve with dinner at a local London restaurant.

Need something more? How about visiting the top of the Eiffel Tower while you’re at it before a fast ride on the infamous Eurostar train through the Chunnel from Paris to London. You also have plenty of free time in both cities to explore the museums, historical sites, and optional excursions.

And why not take advantage of the sales while you’re there? And if that’s not quite in the books, enjoy the window shopping at the infamous Harrods in London and Galleries Lafayette in Paris. These stores know how to decorate for the holidays and CTravel knows how to help you book your trip. So what are you waiting for?

Create your own?

Or maybe you are interested in creating your own tour? You want to travel independently, but you don’t want the hassle of booking your hotels, tickets, etc…

Yeah me too! Perfect. CTravel and Virtuoso are here to help.

With the new Monograms site these can be affordable and creatively coordinated. Want to build an eight day vacation in Paris? No problem. They are here for you picking what you want and what you are interested in and the best part: It’s just for you!

So remember to visit CTravel on their website or their offices on Queen Street for all the personalized vacation help you need.

What is Veterans Day?

8 11 2010

Reminders of the Vietnam War

It started with peace. And no it’s not Memorial Day. Don’t confuse the two.

Memorial Day (the fourth Monday in May) honors American service members who died in service to their country or as a result of injuries incurred during battle.

Veterans Day pays tribute to all veterans–living or dead–but especially gives thanks to living veterans who served their countries honorably during war or peacetime.

And Veterans Day began in peace. Yes, Thursday might be a day to remember those who valiantly went to war, but the day was founded on peace almost 100 years ago.

On November 11, 1918 at 11 a.m. a temporary stop in hostilities was declared between the Allied Nations and Germany in WWI or the Great War. Depending who you speak to I guess.

A year later? President Woodrow Wilson declared a day of remembrance for all those who had served in the war.

He said: “To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with lots of pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations.”

Just a few years later, in 1938, the day became a legal holiday; “a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated and known as ‘Armistice Day’.”

And on June 1, 1954, the word “Armistice” was replaced with Veterans. Not surprising after the world had suffered a second World War, the Korean War and was about to enter the Vietnam War.

See this great video on the history of Veterans Day.

So what do we do now for Veterans Day? I have to have a lament here. Without people willing to sacrifice for a good cause we would not have saved those being persecuted in Europe during WWI or II.

But recent Wars i.e. Iraq and Afghanistan, feel futile. There were no weapons of mass destruction and sovereignty of these countries was destroyed. And the wars are still going on.

One might argue that Saddam Hussein was a tyrant and deserved to be kicked-out. I can’t argue about that, but why do it now? North Korea is slowly destroying its people and yet I did not see former President Bush talking about taking them out.

It’s sad and something to think about on Thursday. It’s something I faced quite regularly when I visited Vietnam last year. War’s lingering problems. The immediate fighting might end, but the atrocities do not go away. See the photo here:

The Vietnam War continues to be remembered here with birth defects in children thanks to the Agent Orange used by the Americans. Unfortunately these poor children, men and women are not remembered with a day.

Don’t get me wrong. What those of the armed services do takes guts and commitment that I do not have. All I hope to do is accept the fact that with war comes civilians caught in the middle. They don’t get a day.

But at least they remember the veterans I suppose. The United States, Bermuda, Britain, France, Australia and Canada all commemorate the veterans of World Wars I and II on or near November 11th with parades, flags and a day off work.

In the United States there is even an official wreath-laying ceremony is held each Veterans Day at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery.

And apparently this year, American National Parks will also be free on Thursday. Yes around the country there will be free entrance to these parks. Check out these listings to find the closest park for your visit.

In Bermuda? We’ll be off on Thursday and there will be a parade along our main street- Front Street. There will also be a second parade on November 14 in St. George’s that will be attended by Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester, and Lt. Col. Brian Gonsalves of the Bermuda Regiment.

Poppy appeals and a memorial to the women and men who served in the Armed Services during WWI and WWII will also carry-on for remembrance. See The Royal Gazette’s Article on this.

So whatever you do…be in Bermuda or not, remember those who have bravely entered the armed forces and are trying their best AND those civilians who are still suffering from the ravages of war. They need a day.