Labouring away all summer?

18 08 2010

Sun setting on the summer

Maybe you need a break? Maybe it’s a last hurrah before kids go back to school (and need to find backpacks)? Or maybe you’ve already planned a vaca for the first weekend in September? Whatever the case is, this is time to stop labouring (well except for you momma’s to be and there are a lot of you out there right now) and enjoy some time off. I know I am!

But the Americans know how to do it best. In fact they started the holiday dedicated to workers by not working. Somehow seems backwards but there you have it.

So where did it all begin? In New York of course. On September 5, 1884 it was celebrated as a “workingman’s holiday” when workers united in a parade 10,000 strong down Broadway, NYC proudly led by Irish-American activist Peter MacGuire. None of them got fired (or too few to matter) so they did it again the following year and now even Canada gets in on the mix.

What am I going to do to celebrate Labour Day? Well, for one, I am going to be in Bermuda so probably not much. But I hope to go to New York the weekend before and maybe catch a game of….tennis?!

While it’s Labour Day and most take the time to hang with their families, the tennis elite struggle under the last hurrah of the summer sun for the U.S. Open. From August 30 to September 12 thousands of spectators will trample through New York’s Underground for a chance to see the likes of Serena Williams and the American James Blake.

Combine major city with a major sporting event and you’ll be lucky to make it out …..happy. So before you go check out these ten tips for helping you survive this tremendous event. Check them out.

Looking for something closer to home, Bermudians? Want a way to celebrate Caribbean pride? Why no head to…..Brooklyn. Yes, I wrote Brooklyn. Why? Good question. Well on Sunday, September 6 the colours, music and people descend on the streets to celebrate the West Indian Parade.

Or perhaps you’re looking for a more subtle music experience. Well America does it right with two, yes I wrote two Jazz festivals to finish their summer.

To start you off there’s the Chicago Jazz Festival or heading further North? What about Detroit? They’re in the game too with the Detroit Jazz Festival.

Or maybe you want to find the Largest Free Concert in The United States? And you want to do it on Labour Day Weekend? Try and head for Atlanta, Georgia and their Freedom Atlanta Concert. It’s the largest, free one-day outdoor concert and takes place on Saturday during Labor Day weekend at Jim R. Miller Park (new location) from about 10 a.m. until 11 p.m. with a fireworks finale. Celebrate Freedom Atlanta Website.

Catch yourself some Catfish in Georgia over Labour Day

Atlanta may be it’s capital, but why not explore a little more of Georgia and catch yourself a catfish? Yep. This quirky state celebrates the Annual Labor Day Weekend Catfish Festival. What more can you ask for?

Are you heading to America’s Capital? Labour yourself in Washington, D.C. with another free concert courtesy of The National Symphony Orchestra. This is held on the West Lawn of the U. S. Capitol each year, the Sunday before Labor Day. The annual concert is led by NSO Associate Conductor Emil de Cou and the event is part of theKennedy Center’s Prelude Festival, which includes free performances to kickoff the performing arts season in Washington, DC.

Looking for a last-minute vacation for your weekend? Why not head to Maine….Sebago Maine: For $119 a night the Park Homes on a family resort and mile of beach and 18-hole golf course. Check out this deal here.

Or go to Canada – yes they celebrate Labour Day too – for your last hurrah on these deals.

August is around the corner

24 07 2010

So where are you going to go and what are you going to do?

Taking-off in August

Well for one do you know where August comes from?  In the Roman calendar under Romulus (you know one of the brothers who competed for a hill in modern-day Rome. You can understand the name, now) we would have been in the Sextilis month. Why? Because it was the sixth month in the calendar year. March was the first month of the year.

That was in 753 B.C. and in 700 BC when January and February were added to the year by King Numa Pompilius who made it 29 days. But, Robyn, August has 31 days.

You’re right and that’s because Julius Caesar added two more days and in 8 BC it was named in honour of Augustus.

So what’re you going to do in this eight month of the year? How are you going to escape our 21-square-mile island (Bermuda)?

New York City: Yes it’s hot and yes it’s a city, but it’s also a lot of fun in the summer.

One thing that can be said for New Yorkers is they always know how to put things on so try the HBO/Bryant Park film on Monday nights. Every Monday from June through August this park is filled with movie maniacs. What are they showing? Check out the schedule here.

Then there are the free Central Park Summerstage shows. These are on at various times throughout the summer so if you’re heading to NYC check out the schedule and see if you can fit one in.

Chicago! And the windy city…what else? Oh the Chicago Air and Water show on the 14th and 15th on the shores of Lake Michigan. More than two million people attend this event that is FREE!!! What else do you want?

Who does it feature: The U.S. Navy Blue Angels and U.S. Army Parachute Team Golden Knights.

Want something different to do? How about a Jazz concert at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago? Every Wednesday night sample the swimming background while soothing your sole with jazz.

Fancy hitting Atlanta? I do too. So check out this event website for some options. And what about Martinis and Imax? Yes now the Imax film is getting even more of a kick in Atlanta with….some gin and vodka!

Or fancy some organic produce? Check out the Dunwoody Green Market every Wednesday! You can even go a pick your own veg!!! Enjoy.

Boston by the water

Strap the football helmet on and enjoy the Patriot pre-season games on August 12 and 26 in Boston! Check for tickets here.

Or where art thou? Shakespeare it is. Where? On Boston’s common.What shall it be this summer? Othello for free from July 28th until August 15th. From Tuesday to Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 7 p.m. For more info check out this site.

Aerosmith and the JGeils band at Fenway Park: on August 14 these two bands will be in the most iconic baseball grounds for the first dual concert. Check out these tickets and enjoy the sounds.

Are you a Bride-to-be? Are you still looking for a dress? Run for it on August 20 to Filene’s basement. Just make sure you don’t lose your cool and plan your day here.

And finally I know it’s almost August and you may have a trip planned to a different city. Where is it? Any tips for the site? Comment here with your best ideas!

What to do in July…? Where are you going to be? Check this out,

23 06 2010

Yep we are more than half-way through June and I know most of us have spent it glued to the TV. You know…that whole kicking a ball around thing in South Africa.

Bermuda's Southland Beach

It’s also summertime and in Bermuda that means the temps are up and the sun is most definitely out. It also means busy, busy weekends and I’m not even a social butterfly like most.

What are we Bermuda-bound people doing? Well if you were like me this weekend you found one way to escape the island – boat. Yep…out to Mangrove Bay I made my small escape. What did I find? Turtles! by the dozens.

These guys, who are called green but don’t represent their colour, were popping out of everywhere! It’s turtle time.

But what if you’re looking for somewhere to go further afield? Need some ideas? Want to know what’s going on in July?

For overall events I found this great website: which provides worldwide listing of events.

Need something more specific?

Ok Let’s start from my favourite U.S. city: New York, New York.

Duh: July 4th is just about commandeered the event days of the United States. In New York they, of course, go big! Six barges sit in the Hudson River setting off fireworks for all to see.

Of course, like Bermudians they take to the water to watch these. Check out these options for cruises through the town.

Also July 4th? Stuff your face with hotdogs. Not entice? Ok well you can watch everyone else at the infamous Nathan’s Hotdog stand on Coney Island (it’s just a hop, skip and a jump on the Q train from Manhattan).

Want to eat better? Try to make it to New York between July 12 and the 25th for New York Restaurant week.

Even better? Afterwards New York takes to their ubiquitous parks for films, concerts and Operas…for FREE!!! Yes something in this world still is. Check out MET in the Park for the opera schedule and links to other concerts.

Baaaston…Well you may have read my post yesterday? That should give you some ideas on what to see and what to avoid in this battling city!

Boston Harbour

No? Not good enough. Ok let’s try again starting with numbers: SIX. Yes six. It might be July 4th, but Boston wants to ensure they truly celebrate in style.

Check out this site for the entire listing of what’s going on from June 30th until July 5th in Beantown.

Need to relax? Check out MIAMI for July. They entire city is offering special deals on Spa Treatments for the entire month of July!!!

Yep for $99 you can try all sorts of fun, relaxing treatments at the top Spas of Miami. Sounds like a girls’ weekend to me!

Fruit more your style? Well Miami actually has an International Mango festival! Now if they only had sticky rice…..

Where should you go?

Atlanta it is, finally. Well anyone up for some Benatar? Pat that is? Well she’s playing a concert here on July 1.

For more Atlanta events, including and exhibit of human bodies (yes that’s what I said) check out this site.

Yep so this was just a small selection from the West Coast of the states. Any other ideas?

I know, I know I’m missing anything West and anything East….so stay tuned. Maybe tomorrow you’ll get some more ideas….unless you can post some to me. Where should I find festivals/events/things to do?