Ten Traveling ideas from Bermuda in December

22 11 2010

December's Decorations

It’s time to plan for your travels. Where are you going next? Need somewhere or something to do in December? Well if you’re Bermudian this first one is most definitely not up your alley.

So why am I including it in my December 10 traveling ideas today? Well because it’s always amazing to me to see people strip down, jump-in and try to swim as the temperatures around them plunge.

Are you interested in participating? Are you in London? Going to London? Well on December 4th some crazy people will be taking the Plum Pudding Plunge in the Parliament Hill Lido.

Enticing I know. Maybe the mince pies and the hot tub afterwards would bring you around? It certainly does nothing for me. Neither does the 15 pounds they are charging for the pleasure.

I will certainly be keeping my sweater on, but if you are interested in the challenge and won’t be in London on December 4th check-out this Outdoor Swimming site for more ideas.

Hyde Park Winter Wonderland

Or perhaps you are in London for more traditional, winter fare? Perhaps a turn on the ice rink? Some warm wine?

A taste of a Christmas market?

Well Hyde Park is here to help with their traditional and annual event: Winter Wonderland.

Every year from November 19th to January 3rd, this corner in Hyde Park is decked-out with everything from Santa and his helpers to winter food and rides such as a replica London’s Eye!

Who can resist? Of course it is free, unless you want to go on the rides. A fun way to use the cold to your advantage.

But maybe you’re not traveling to London for December? Maybe, if you’re from Bermuda, an easy trip is to head for the East Coast and New York.

New York has ice skating too and if you’re going to be ice skating you’re probably going to want to go to Rockefeller Centre. It’s the place featured in all the films. It’s romantic with all the buildings towering above you, but’s also expensive, busy and not always the best option. Try to visit early in the morning or before 4 p.m. if you want to get this New York experience. And, of course, visit the Centre for the lighting of the tree on December 2!

Why not get a free (yes I wrote free) skating experience in New York? Head a little further south in Manhattan and you will hit Bryant Park. For $13 you can rent skates and it is free to skate on the pond. If you have your own skates, well, you get it….it’s FREE!!!

But who just wants to skate or see the lights in New York? If I’m coming from Bermuda I want it to be for a reason.

How about December 10? You free? z100 (a radio station) is hosting their Jingle Ball with the likes of Katy Perry, B.o.B. , Bruno Mars, Paramore, Michael Buble, Taio Cruz and many, many more! How amazing would that concert be?

Hosted at the Madison Square Gardens from 7.30 p.m. you can buy your tickets here.

Is Boston more your style? Well if it is you are more than likely a Bruins fan. Can’t wait to see them fly across the ice? Well you don’t have to. In December the home team is heading home for at least seven games.

Check out these dates:

Boston for December

Thursday, 12/2, 7pm – Bruins vs Lightening

Tuesday, 12/7, 7pm – Bruins vs Sabres

Thursday, 12/9, 7pm – Bruins vs Islanders

Saturday, 12/11, 7pm – Bruins vs Flyers

Saturday, 12/18, 7pm – Bruins vs Capitals

Monday, 12/20, 7pm – Bruins vs Ducks

Thursday, 12/23, 7pm – Bruins vs Thrashers

Buy your tickets here.

Perhaps hockey is not quite your style? Perhaps you want to try something a bit more soothing on the ears?

Well have no fear the Boston Pops Orchestra is here. Well in Boston, but you get it.

From December 8th to December 26th the holiday season will be serenaded with 37 matinée and evening performances at the Symphony Hall.

Tickets range from $27 to $125 so check out their website here for more information.

Need something more from Boston? Well check out Boston Events website for more ideas.

Canada. Yep that northerly neighbour of America is also getting festive this season. Why not bundle-up and

Animals need holiday treats too

head for Toronto? Their zoo is even getting into the mix this year.

On boxing day, which of course we also celebrate in Bermuda, the Toronto zoo will be hosting its 35th annual Christmas Treats walk. Yes even the animals get some holiday cheer.

For those human beings that participate, hot chocolate and carollers are your treat.

Not up for the animals? Well Toronto also has an annual bike show!

From December 10th to the 12th Toronto will be holding a motorcycle show for the enthusiast in all.

Not sure why I would want to drive a bike in Canada in December, but hey, maybe those Canadians are more hearty than Bermudians.

In any case if you do fancy yourself a motorcyclist check out the website for more information.

Finally on the other side of Canada, in Vancouver, Stanley Park will be alight with millions of Christmas whites to create a winter wonderland.

Take train ride through the forest transformed with two million twinkling lights, see the animated displays and listen to holiday sounds as you enjoy hot chocolate, fresh popcorn and roasted chestnuts. For more information visit the Parks’ website.

Sounds lovely. Now to pack for the trip. Check back here tomorrow for some tips and tales on how to pack.

The Largest Haunted House on Earth!

29 10 2010

Turn-off the lights…..listen to the chain saw…..Get scared. Very scared.

Texas is here and Texas is ready with the largest haunted house on earth….according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

Built in an old meat factory it is not for children or the faint of heart. I don’t think I could handle it, but you’re up for a scare? Go for it.

Apparently it takes Todd James, the creator, ten months to put this mammoth project together all in the name of scaring everyone (except kids) silly for one night a year.

Other scary places to visit this Halloween? What about Salem, Massachusetts? Witches used to burn at the stake and now they take their scaring seriously here.

Or even more frightful? New York City’s Greenwich Village Parade. Filled with all sorts of characters it will truly make you fear for your life. I don’t know if I have seen more sequins or tight spandex in my life!

Need more inspiration for your halloween? Check out the Travel Channel’s Ten Scariest Places in this slideshow and get your make-up ready!

Get ready tomorrow for Halloween around the world!

Bugs in your Bed? How to check while traveling

12 09 2010

No bugs in my bed!

I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. No I didn’t go out last night. Ok, I went out Friday night, but that’s not the point.

The point? I couldn’t get out of bed. I knew I should. I had things to do, but I couldn’t. It was so comfortable….and I couldn’t get out. Which is more than I can say while I was traveling. Have you tried to sleep with ten other people in a room? What about a room with walls like paper?

What about a bed with bugs? OK I’ve done the first two, but luckily not the last. Yes I went to 24 countries in a year and I never had a problem with bed bugs.

But apparently I was lucky! Apparently in the United States right now there is a degree of a break-out! The number one city to have bedbugs?

New York! Yes, I’m sorry to tell you and maybe I should have told my friend who flew to this metropolis yesterday. Number two? Philadelphia.

So what do these little buggers look like? According to Cornell University the adults look like apple seeds with legs. Baby bed-bugs are about the size of a poppy-seed and their eggs are white and very hard to see. You can see the adult bed bugs!

Now here’s the fun part. Here’s the stuff you have to worry about if you’re traveling to New York or trying to buy things for your apartment. Where do Bed-bugs live?

The easy answer? Everywhere. The more detailed? In cracks and crevices of bed frames, floors, walls, furniture, electronics, mattresses, and luggage, but mostly they like places where people chill. Why? Because they like to eat us.

Next fun topic…..What do Bed-bugs actually do? Well first what they do not do: for one they do not transmit disease. And for two they do not indicate filth. Bermudians should understand. We have cockroaches running around our houses and it has everything to do with the tropical climate and nothing to do with a mop.

Bed bugs do: Feed on you as you sleep. Bites look like a rash or welts—or you may not notice them at all.

No bugs in my bed in Halong Bay, Vietnam

But they can go for a year without food! And you may never see them. On the CBS Sunday Morning news programme they also suggested checking your sheets for pin prick sized blood stains. Fun times.

But what are you going to do if you’re traveling? It’s very easy to sit at home and make sure you’re safe. If you buy something at a garage sale make sure you check it thoroughly before bringing it into your house.

But hotels? Hostels? You have no control. That’s why Cornell University has this convenient download for signs to check that you don’t have bed bugs in your room.

Most important? check the bed obviously, but also when you get home wash all of your things in hot water and dry them in a very hot dryer!

Which is also how you can get rid of them from home. Pick-up your sheets and through them in a dryer on hot and be able to sleep peacefully.

Then your only problem? Trying to get out of bed. I’ve got my coffee to help!

Happy 50 Years for the 50 Star Flag!

4 07 2010

The flag of the United States of America is celebrating its 50-starred birthday on this day of independence.

That’s because the stars and stripes wasn’t always full of the twinkling night invites. Nope. It only had 48.

But in 1958 Robert Heft, a 17-year-old high school student was asked to create a unique project for high school. He decided to add two new stars to the flag for two states he thought would soon be joining the United States – Alaska and Hawaii .

His teacher gave him a B-.

A year later Hawaii and Alaska had joined the party so Heft took the flag to his Congressman and, well…the rest is history.

And now millions is spent on this flying piece of red, white and blue fabric yearly. In 2002,  $7.9 million was spent on importing the American flag.

Where did they come from? $5.2 million of them were made in China.

That’s nothing though. Peanuts really. In 2001 when the U.S. was feeling the need for nationalism (9/11) the country spent $51.7 million on importing flags.

So as Americans fly their million dollar National symbols today where’s the best place to do it?? Boston baby! What with the Pops (the American symbol of this day) and six days of celebration…the only competitor….New York with their crazy fireworks display from multiple barges!

Freedom Trail in Boson, Mass.....best city for July 4

But really…are either of these cities proclaiming LIfe, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness like Iowa? Hardly. Four times! That’s the number of time Iowa felt the need to proclaim Liberty in its names – Libertyville, New Liberty, North Liberty and West Liberty.

The largest Liberty? Liberty, Missouri with more than 26,000 people.

Want to pursue happiness? To be happy about this day in 1776, when an important piece of paper was signed by some important people, Americans set-off 14,000 displays of fireworks.

That’s just one day. For a yearly total Americans spend $945 million on these night-light displays. But really…90% of that is spent on July 4 so……

And the American life is not contained to the United country. Nope. This independence day is celebrated on all seven continents. In 1934 an Antarctic expedition even set-off fireworks during a storm and -33 degree temps!

So what about Bermuda? Well with our better weather we tend to try to shoot fireworks over the beach. Where will I be? Pulling-up a towel on Elbow Beach, batting ash from our day of support in America’s independence.

Taking on Toronto…one Thai restaurant at a time….

30 06 2010

View from Westin Harbour Castle hotel over Lake Ontario

Liz Roberts – a Bermuda-based journalist – has enjoyed visiting New York for years. Recently she thought she would give Toronto a go…especially with the rates from Bermuda’s newest airline addition- WestJet. Here’s her Bermuda Abroad take on a city that is home for 2.7 million people:

I love New York. I may not actually own the tee-shirt but it’s right there in my heart. And every time I want to get off The Rock (Bermuda), that’s where I end up.

It’s got everything a female solo traveller could want – great atmosphere, great shopping, marvellous people watching and it feels quite safe.

Oh and NYC has a myriad of bars and restaurants where it’s perfectly acceptable for a single gal to sit alone reading a book without being considered odd (it is not possible to do this in Bermuda, trust me.)

But after at least ten trips to The Big Apple in the past four years, I felt like I was stuck in a vacation rut. When WestJet started flying direct to Toronto at super-cheap prices, it seemed a good opportunity to check out somewhere different.

So I got myself a ticket – just $224 including taxes – and booked a discounted hotel room through Hotwire.com at the Westin Harbour Castle.

This is a four star hotel in downtown Toronto, right on the shore of Lake Ontario. It has a great view, but I could have lived without the noisy party boats leaving the quay below my window at all hours of the day and night – in between ferryboats honking incessantly.

I don’t mind not sleeping in the “city that never sleeps”  – but that was a bit much.

I order to escape the honking as soon as possible on my first night, I set off on foot to find a decent Thai restaurant for dinner. I love Thai food and without being disrespectful to Bermuda’s Thai restaurants, they just don’t cut it for me.

I ended up at Golden Thai (www.goldenthai.ca) on Church Street, and what a fabulous place it turned out to be. Statues of gods and goddesses everywhere, ornate chandeliers and tapestries, and a welcoming atmosphere. Installed at a corner table with a glass of vino and a good book, I was already pretty happy. And then the food came along. Delicious Tom Yam Goom soup with lemon shrimp, followed by the house speciality, Phad Thai. All delivered by efficient and friendly waiting staff – I couldn’t have picked a better place.

Fun Fashion in Toronto

I wandered back to the hotel down Yonge Street, checking out the locals decked out in their Friday night finery. VERY short shorts seem to be the thing for Toronto girls this summer – perhaps this is an over-reaction to having to wear snow gear for most of the year? Anyway, I felt way too underdressed to join them in any of the city bars, since I was wearing shorts that were at least four inches too long, so I headed back to the hotel instead.

The next day I hit the Eaton Centre (www.torontoeatoncentre.com), recommended to me as the best place to pick up all the essentials I had on my clothes-shopping list. I popped into several of the big-name chain stores (including H&M) and they did the trick – although I have to say that I found the mall pretty gloomy and soulless. Nothing like the buzz you get from strutting down Fifth Avenue in NYC with arms-full of bags.
So perhaps the mall experience is just not to my taste. Never mind, the following day I hopped on the subway to Queen Street West. This, I had been assured by my Canadian friends, is a funky area with great shopping. And indeed it turned out to be so.

First I popped into the Essential Beauty Bar for a mani-pedi, a snip at just $45. The salon is situated next to a shop named Condom Shack with a rather interesting window display… perhaps the idea is you get all your “essential maintenance” sorted at the beauty bar before heading next door to stock up for a weekend of fun?

Despite being intrigued by the window display (I’d better not describe it, this is not that kind of website) I walked on past Condom Shack, as pleasures of a different kind were in order for me next – namely delicious sushi at one of the many eateries along the road. These range from Japanese to Indian and from Greek to Korean. So much choice that I was starving hungry by the time I finally picked one.

Next, more clothes shopping, with plenty of big-name stores mixed in with

Go Green - a Community Project in Kensington Market, Toronto

some interesting independent places further along Queen Street West. I picked up a gorgeous vintage dress at Tribal Rhythm, and got my first taste of the attentive and friendly service that is so often lacking in Bermuda.

In addition to the choice of stores and restaurants on this street, there was even an outdoor pop concert going on. It sounded a bit like Miley Cyrus, so I gave it a wide berth, but enjoyed the accompanying fireworks going off in broad daylight.

On my third and final day I hopped on the subway again. This is a little expensive at $3 per single ticket but nonetheless the service is frequent and the trains are a little less grungy than in New York.

A poorly punctuated store in Kensington Market

I ended up in the Kensington Market area (www.kensington-market.ca.) after strolling through the exotic sights and smells of Chinatown en route.

The market is filled with food stores specialising in an immense variety of fruit, meat, and fish and – my favourite – cheese! Since I have such a weakness for cheese that I could happily eat it all day, I avoided that temptation and wandered in the direction of the Last Temptation pub instead.

This drinking venue has a chilled-out atmosphere and a little patio perfect for people watching. I had a drink there, but was put off stopping to eat after a trip to the bathrooms down in the incredibly stinky basement.

I spent the rest of the day exploring Kensington Market, which also boasts a number of hippie-style clothing shops – one of which is the brilliantly named Fairies’ Pyjamas. I was somewhat disappointed to discover it does not actually stock pyjamas for the little people at the bottom of the garden. However, it does sell hula-hoops (remember them?) and some interesting human-sized clothes including tutus and knitwear made from Yak wool.

My trip nearing its end, I couldn’t resist heading back to Golden Thai that evening for more delicious food (basil beef this time) before a nightcap in the hotel bar overlooking Lake Ontario.

Overall, I couldn’t fault Toronto when it came to good shopping, some interesting neighbourhoods and the feeling that it’s very safe to explore alone.

That said, it definitely lacks the soul and buzz of other big cities I’ve visited as a solo traveller such as Sydney, Buenos Aires, Singapore and of course – New York.

But with tickets selling for less than $250, it certainly offers a bargain weekend trip for anyone with a dose of Rock Fever…and a craving for some decent Thai food.

Need to eat? on the cheap? when you’re away?

12 05 2010

Mangia Mangia

Perfect! I’ve got the idea for you. Maybe you’ve heard about it maybe you haven’t: Top Table.

This website is great for booking restaurants in London, New York, Paris, Rome, Amsterdam etc… But this is not some high-end foodie guide. Though you can eat at the high-end if you want.

Instead it’s about saving you money when you go out to eat. Pick a place in London where you get 50% off or a restaurant that caters for under £25 . And these are good restaurants.

Check it out and let me know how it goes!

Escape Bermuda in June…where? here:

12 05 2010

Fly away...where?

June is the halfway point in the year (yeah ok anyone with a calendar can get that). It has the longest day: 21st of the summer, which, for some, is a chance to visit Wiltshire. Yep this town about two hours from London has a bunch of big rocks….ok sorry Stonehenge, where visitors come to watch the sunrise on the longest day of the year. For me that would mean actually sleeping in because I would have more day to play with, but to each their own.

Need some other ideas to get on a plane next month? Need to plan ahead? Here’s some ideas.

1. Montreal’s Jazz Festival: From June 25 until July 6 this European-feel city will be hosting the likes of Lionel Richie, Bobby McFerrin (you know…the one-man band?), Cyndi Lauper and Manhattan Transfer to name a few.

The best part? For Bermuda-bound, Westjet has just launched its service from our 21 square mile island to Canada. A cursory search on their website uncovered a flight leaving on June 25 and returning July 5th for $407! Added bonus? The flight leaves at 3 p.m. from Bermuda and gets you into Montreal by 8 p.m. Not bad I would say.

Mind The Gap

2. London: Well seeing as it is a direct flight from Bermuda even with British Airways far-from-discount-fares, it is a convenient destination time-wise. So to start you could catch the sunrise on June 21 in Stonehenge (only two hours from Heathrow so Bermudians get on your bus from Gatwick to Heathrow…no problem) and then head to Wimbledon for the first day of the tennis match.

Of course if you are here at the end of May… May 25 to the 29th to be exact, there is the annual Chelsea Flower Show held on the Royal Hospital Grounds.

3. Boston: or Baaaston. Whatever your pronunciation tendencies this will be the town to be in for June 4th for any Conan O’Brian fans. Yes the man might be off the Tonight Show but he’s not letting that stop him. Catch him at the Wang Theatre on June 4th and 5th.

If you’re heading to Bean Town at the end of the month all the better. This town knows how to throw a party and will be celebrating July 4th (yes one day) with 6!! Days of partying. From June 30th to July 5th.

4. New York, NY: Calling all those with fish tails! The annual Coney Island Mermaid Parade will be…swimming? through this town on June 19 at 2 p.m. I can’t think of anything more appropriate for Coney Island – hosting the largest and most random art show parade! Even better? Flights on Jet Blue from June 18th to June 20th (Fri to Mon) are only $240!

And for those bored by running, sick of training for Iron Mans, drunk enough saltwater for the triathalon no fear – New York is here. September 25 it is hosting the NYC Urban Race. What is it? Check it out...able to scale tall buildings? Training needs to start now..hence my inclusion.

5. Bozo Beach, Dominican Republic: For all the bad rap Bermuda’s immigration Minister has given the women of this country it’s also one of the kitesurfing capitals and a destination for many Bermudians seeking the heights of good wind. Here from June 16 to June 20 are the World Cup Kitesurfing Championships. Yeah! I didn’t know this sport had them either.

For more info about the Dominican Republic…stay tuned for the latest addition to my Bermuda Abroad page. And remember to send me photos, a story, a annecdote about your travels and Bermuda spottings abroad.

$10 Flights? Sweet…better? Bermuda straight to Africa!

10 05 2010

Yeah yeah so Jet Blue is offering $10 flights. Too bad they only last for a day and to get to Boston (cause that’s what I’m trying to do) it’s actually $19. I know who can complain? But it’s still not $10.

What I think is more exciting and has been overlooked for these discount fares that almost no one will be able to use because you have to leave tomorrow is the partnership Jet Blue has struck with South African Airlines.

Yep! Now through SAA’s website it will be possible starting in two days, to book a flight from Bermuda to various cities in the Southern part of the African continent.

According to Jet Blue’s website: “Effective May 12, 2010, customers will be able to purchase a single itinerary for travel on flights of both carriers in one simple transaction, enjoying easy connecting service between all JetBlue cities and 40 cities in the South African Airways network via JFK. Tickets can be purchased by visiting South African Airways’ website at http://www.flysaa.com, calling SAA Reservations at 1-800-722-9675, or through a travel agent.”

How cool is that?! I think this is my calling. I told you I’d find something to be excited about. Maybe Africa is the next destination!!

Take life: add one boat, a dog and New York waterways….

10 05 2010

Gillian Outerbridge and her first solo sailing trip

We’ve all been there. How do you get away from work and the daily grind that can catch you in a trap? Well Gillian Outerbridge is one woman who refused to let her life pass without her adventure.

Granted she changed it from sailing to the islands of Greece in the Med to Greece, New York, but what she found was strength and adventure she had been looking for.

I featured her in my column today because I was and am looking for inspiration for travel! That’s why I need to hear from you! I want to feature Bermudians or those with Bermudian links to send me their photos and stories about their travel.

This could include you flying a kite in Ghana, wearing our shorts in Vietnam or reading one of our papers in the wilds of Boston, Massachusetts. Whatever it is I have created a new page for these contributions and the best one will go into my column in The Royal Gazette.

Email me your submissions at: robynswanderings@gmail.com

New York New York

24 04 2010

Brooklyn...is that you?

New York! Yep I am going to guess pretty much everyone’s heard about this lovely city. You know..the one that never sleeps?
I personally hate that sentiment, so maybe that’s why I like Brooklyn. Yes. You got it. Brooklyn. And Yes it is part of New York.
What about Manhattan you ask? Well yes Manhattan is also part of New York, but luckily this city is not just Manhattan.

There are five boroughs all with their own cultures and identity – Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island, and the Bronx.
If you really want to see all of them in a weekend – train for the marathon. It takes off in November and winds through these, but I’m afraid unless you’ve got your running shoes visiting all is pretty hard in a weekend.

So that’s why Brooklyn. And my friend asked me to give her tips since I lived here for two years from 2005 to 2007. First tip: bring a stroller, a dog and a NY Times.
Parts of Brooklyn, especially Park Slope and Carroll Gardens, have been overrun by Manhattanites who want to procreate.
The beauty is they also wanted to bring their stores, restaurants and cafes with them so you get great boutiques without the hassle and hustle of Manhattan.
Start at the Brooklyn Bridge. Seriously…you haven’t walked over it? Well walk over it. Yes you can do it…..phew you’re in Brooklyn.
Walk right to the end where you come to a dead-end and have to cross the road either left or right. Go right ahead in the direction of the water. You should get to the Brooklyn ice-cream factory just under the bridge. Get an ice-cream.
Now take those shoes and walk up the hill and along the water until it turns into Colombia Street. Follow this path and enjoy the view of Manhattan without actually having to be IN Manhattan.

Turn up Degraw Street, but if you miss it don’t stress. These streets are all on a grid and are all tree-lined and beautiful so any street will lead you on an adventure and to your destination – Carroll Gardens.

Follow Degraw or your chosen street until it runs into Court Street. Stop.
Go Left Go Right. It’s up to you. Between Court Street and Smith Street which runs parallel and is one block up you will find scores of shops: my favourite is Brooklyn Industries but you have to find your own – and restaurants.
From French cafes on the corner to Cuban food and even a cinema this area is great. But if you’ve got a kid well…even better. There are playgrounds and plenty of kiddie shops to cater to the tots.

But you’re not done. I know. You might think you’re done, but you’re not done.
Find Union Street. Walk away from the water. Keep walking. Keep walking. You’re going to eventually hit the cradle of life of New York City – Park Slope.

I used to live on Berkeley Place right in the heart of it all and I loved it. From here you can continue up to Prospect Park which come with a zoo and running trails for anyone more adventurous. Feeding ducks and birds is also a big plus with the kids as well as the boats that run around the lake.
Take some time to explore this park OR even better…hit Union and 6th Avenue and pick up groceries at the yummy Union Market before hitting the grass…you know that you sit on.

Otherwise if you need a coffee along Union there is the Tea Lounge. I used to spend hours in here soaking up the chilled-out atmosphere even with screaming tots at times. Random chairs just add to the crazy-relaxed interior.

For food you really can’t go wrong here and I can’t suggest one because well…there are too many and isn’t it more fun to wander and find a “special” place for yourself.
I mean I did get you here. Have fun. Relax. Enjoy Brooklyn…it’s not so scary. But if you must return to Manhattan…well get on the Q train on Atlantic Avenue and 7th. It’s only 20 minutes to mid-town.