Need something for the man who travels?

12 10 2010


LAND Leather Toiletry Bag (in the back) $42 & LAND Leather Wrist bag (front): $60


Is his birthday coming? Do you need something for Christmas? You know? For the man with everything? Yeah it’s not easy.

They claim women are difficult? Ha! A visit to the jewelry store. A gift certificate to the spa? We’re done. You’ve got us wrapped-up for Christmas and any birthday we might have.

Now what are we supposed to do with men? Ha. That’s where The Harbourmaster comes into action this week. Sheilagh Robertson, the owner of this Washington Mall store, has everything you might need for that difficult man on your list.

From the LAND Leather toiletry bags (in the picture above) to the hand bag for the lighter traveler, Sheilagh can help.


For the man who likes to be organised: LAND Classic Organizer: $149 (in behind) and LAND COSMOS Black Passport Cover: $30 Meridian Collection


Or does your father, brother, boyfriend, husband (etc…etc…) need some help organising? Is he always struggling to find his passport? His student visa?

Why not visit The Harbourmaster and get him this handy Leather LAND organiser along with the passport holder? Keeping his passport clean will mean many more years of travel!


For the man who travels the world: LAND Leather bag $159 (in the back) or the LAND wallet $89 (on the right) or LAND Wallet $75 (on the left)


But there’s more to travel than the toiletries, passports and visas. Of course there is. What about money? Well Sheilagh Robertson has that covered too. LAND offers the beautifully decorated bags with the world tattooed on them to ensure there is no lack of motivation.

From the wallets to passport holders, The Harbourmaster is there to help you find what the man in your life needs to ensure his travel is organised, clean and affordable.

Their helpful staff will help you find what you need when you go to visit them in their first floor store in the Washington Mall, Hamilton, Bermuda.

Mark this day in your diary!

5 10 2010

Scully Leather Diary large and small: range from $98 to $135

It’s time to go back in time. Why? Because that’s what happens right? That’s what happens when the electricity goes out.

Do you remember a few weeks ago? Maybe only a week for some. You know? When Hurricane Igor decided to take down the electricity in some of Bermuda’s homes.

So do you remember how we went back in time? Water came from the tanks not the pumps. Light came from candles or flashlights rather than the switch on the wall.

Scully Leather Diary refills: $15

And what about your electronic organizer? Ha. Which is why these diaries from The Harbourmaster are perfect for your trip planning. They are the back-up that cannot be erased. They are the back-up that no amount of electricity is needed to power. Just a pen.

Oh well you might need one thing…..a way to refill. Don’t worry Sheilagh Robertson, the owner of The Harbourmaster – the Washington Mall store – has those for you too.

There are all sorts and sizes available with the helpful staff at the ground floor store.

But what about the address book in your electronic organizer? How does that work when you don’t have the electricity to update it? What happens when you can’t view it?

Well no worries The Harbourmaster has you covered there too. No they do not have chargers. They have beautiful address books in Walnut. It’s also slim and light to make it an easy carry.

Walnut Address book: $72 available at The Harbourmaster

Want something brighter? Something with more of a punch? No worries. The Harbourmaster also carries these leather-bound books in red too.

Leather Diary: $60 and the Walnut Address book: $72

Just remember to visit The Harbourmaster on the ground floor of the Washington Mall in Hamilton, Bermuda for all your travel planning needs.

Traveling back to work? Make it fun

28 09 2010

Cognac bag $359 with a matching shoe: $125 OLD WORLD Collection

We’ve been having fun. We’ve had our summer. Bermuda’s enjoyed our Cup Match (even with a little rain). We’ve had our Hurricane to cap it off.

Now what? Now kids are heading back to school and it’s time for adults to head back to their desks.

But does it have to be that depressing? No! How? Good question.

And Sheilagh Robertson from The Harbourmaster has the answer. In fact her Washington Mall store is brimming with answers to the path back to work.

The first? Well that’s in the photo above! A beautiful, Cognac-coloured bag from the Old World Collection. Hey throw-in the shoe for good measure! It will help with those steps up to the office door.

Want something with a bit more colour? Sheilagh says: “When you travel it is nice to have a handbag that will coordinate with many outfits. At The Harbourmaster we have several fashion collections that feature multi-coloured bags.”

LAND Tissage Collection- perfect for Fall fashions in Autumn shades: $230

The Tissage Collection comes in two color combinations: 1.brown shades with natural and gold tones and 2. black with fuchsia and purple tones.

And finally (but definitely not lastly) find some fun! Especially says Sheilagh if you have to travel and black is your base. Why not spruce up that dreary colour?

She said: “Multi coloured bags also add a little pizzazz to an outfit if you are travelling with a basic black wardrobe.”

LAND Presto Collection: Tassle bag: $310

The Presto Collection also offers two combinations: Tan with red,Navy and Green and Black with Brown, Bronze, Silver, and a hint of Yellow

So what are you waiting for? Sheilagh and her helpful staff are ready to help when you are ready to travel in their ground floor store of the Washington Mall!

Enjoy your travels back to the office!

I’m in it.

22 09 2010

Rolling 28'' suitcase High Sierra ultra light collection from The Harbourmaster

But I’m not going to fight it. It’s fine. Honestly. Really. Last year I was trying to surf in Bali and this year I’m wandering around sunny London.

Last year the decision on Bali was to welcome the dreaded. The 30. Why fight it? There’s no point. And what does it mean? It means I’m happy. I’ve found what I want to do.

But now I’m in them. I’m in it. I’m attacking the 30’s and loving it. New website. New business. But is there anywhere you haven’t been? Is there anything I haven’t done?

Why yes. Yes there is.

I’ve never been to the moon, to South Africa, married, painted blue or more excited to board a plane (yesterday thanks to Hurricane Igor’s plans).

Another thing I have never done? Been on a cruise. Well besides my backpacker escapades on a small sailboat in Turkey but that’s another story……

So good thing I have the expert advice of Sheilagh Robertson from The Harbourmaster for help. Years in the business she knows what she’s talking about and with her Bermuda-based store with friendly staff based in the Washington Mall I would suggest getting yourself there for your next cruise.

Why? She has the quality cases provided by High Sierra. The other benefit? The rolling 28” suit case is lightweight.

Packing small for your cruise? That’s ok says Sheilagh: “One of the advantages of a cruise vacation is that you can visit many places and only unpack once. Likewise on board you can take advantage of laundry service or do your own laundry in your room.”

Other ways you can enhance your cruise experience?

“Take some time to research your destinations before you go. While you can purchase tours in advance or on board ship you can visit many points of interest on your own and save money and avoid being herded around with the crowd.”

Cruising is about avoiding the crowds but also about celebrating with new friends. What are you going to do for new attire? How can you dress-up that little black dress? Why not visit The Harbourmaster for the latest clutch/handbag below:

COLOURS collection: a dressy, leather classic clutch for $140 from The Harbourmaster

Sheilagh adds: “While it is nice to have some more dressy clothes for “formal” nights on board most of the time casual attire is perfect. So ladies take a dress that you can dress up or down with the right accessories. A simple black patent leather clutch and matching tote from the IBIZA collection make the perfect evening/day combination (see below).”

IBIZA LAND Collection handbag and clutch and shoe combo: $120 - $320.00: genuine patent leather adds a little glamour to a practical tote while the clutch is ideal for gala nights on board ship.

So what are you waiting? Get yourself to The Harbourmaster located on the first floor of the Washington Mall in Hamilton, Bermuda and find your cruising gear! And of course check tomorrow for the next best cruise.

Packing with a Purpose

8 09 2010

Land Garment Bag ranging from $175 - $385- Santa Fe Collection leather garment cover or multi pocket garment bag for 2 or three suits.

I looked at my closet. I went through my drawers. What was I supposed to bring on a trip around the world? I was going to be skiing. I wanted to go swimming. What if I was going dancing? How would I pack a dress? How would I pack nice shoes?

Do you go through this debate? Do you wonder what to bring and how to bring it? Have no fear The Harbourmaster is here. Where? On the ground floor of the Washington Mall in Hamilton Bermuda or on 295-5333 or here with tips is owner Sheilagh Robertson.

Her top for packing for a multipurpose trip? Keep items separated and keep things light. An ideal way to do that? The lovely leather LAND garment bags which have pockets for shoes and enough space to keep three suits and a special pocket for ties.

The LAND Garment bag

Or are you looking to keep the creases out and need a bag that’s lighter? Well Eagle Creek has got the light-weight Garment Bag for you! Separate your dress for a special occasion from the clothes for every day occasions with minimal weight.

Eagle Creek light-weight Garment Bag

Or maybe you need to go on a quick business trip? But need to take a notebook? Not the notebooks with paper, the electronic ones that now cost next to nothing and provide you with access to internet and place to write your memoirs. Why not carry them in a classy, black leather bag?

LAND: $259 Classic Collection messenger with pocket for netbook computer

While you might have a slightly larger computer and need to combine it with your carry-on. Why not return to Eagle Creek for your needs? This rolling suitcase provides a separate and padded compartment for your laptop while also keeping it’s weight-down to allow you to keep this as a carry-on.

Lightweight and a place for a computer: $365.Hovercraft collection features extra lightweight carry-on bags and suitcases

Whatever you do make sure you travel and keep your eyes peeled for next Tuesday’s Tip: How to Travel Light.

And check the Travel Deals page for more information.

Traveling with order?

24 08 2010

Trying to travel light

“Where’s my charger? I can’t find my blue tshirt! I was sure it was in here. Have you seen it? Did it get muddled in your clothes?”

“No, Robyn. I haven’t seen your charger or your shirt. Didn’t you check under the bed?”

“Ugh! I am getting so sick of this!”

I had been traveling for eight months and my backpack was starting to look like the inside of a martini shaker and my travel buddy was getting tired of my constant scavenger hunt. To my defense, moving from hostels was usually early in the morning on little sleep or repacking for climbs into the mountains.

This inevitably meant the shirt I needed or the pants I needed next time were on the bottom. The backpack would get emptied…..again! And then one day in Cusco, Peru I met a man with his act together. I know…shocking. His clothes? Not in a muddled bundle like mine. Nope. He had them all sorted into separate compartments and bags. Brilliant.

Eagle Creeks Cube which can help keep your clothes and shoes organized

Me? I was unpacking my entire bag. It was an exhausting affair that managed to claim more than enough of my shirts (there is a blue one floating around Bali) and converters (there’s one still plugged-in in Selcuk, Turkey). What did this mean? When I got to the next destination I had to re-purchase what I lost.

I wasted time and money on re-organising my affairs when I could have just visited The Harbourmaster and Sheilagh Robertson for her Travel Tip Tuesdays.

Mobile Lockers for organizing your clothes!

“We all tend to pack too much when we travel. The new 50 lb weight limit on airlines has made it more important to plan more carefully before traveling.

“Eagle Creek “Pack-it” organizers help organize your suitcase more efficiently by enabling you to:

-group and pack coordinating items together,

-fold shirts neatly,

-roll up the socks and underwear,

-and pack toiletries in small containers suitable for carry-on bags.”

Pictured on the left these range in size and prize from $55 to $62.50 at The Harbourmaster on the ground floor of the Washington Mall in Hamilton.

“The organizer cubes come in various sizes, big enough for large sweaters, or small for lingerie. There is even a suit folder that is more compact than the traditional garment bag but ideal for a blazer or single suit.”

Sheilagh added: “By packing your coordinating items together you will find it easier to eliminate the items that don’t mix and match that just add weight to your bag.”

Are you traveling for business? Or need to keep your shirts clean and unwrinkled? The Harbourmaster is at your rescue. These shirt folders (below) offer almost flat cases for folding your shirts in perfect harmony with the inside instruction sheet (second photo below). The cost of looking pulled-together? For an 18 inch folder: $43. For a 14inch: $37.50.

Keeping your shirts pressed and folded

With a handy instruction sheet included

I could definitely have used the cubes for my trip! Remember The Harbourmaster is located on the ground floor of the Washington Mall near the Washington Alley entrance!

Don’t travel with a bad back!

17 08 2010

Fully equipped backpack!

Comfy backstraps and waist strap for support

I’m sorry. I’m sorry, but it’s time. It’s the worst time. It’s the end of your fleeting freedom and days without  a care. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I have to whisper those three dreaded words for you school-age kids…..Back to School. Ugh, I know.

But there is a silver lining. The best part of the season and outfits (bathing suits for uniforms) changing? Well I’m a geek and I always enjoyed this – buying the new school stuff. The new pens, pencils, notebooks and most importantly?! The bag!

So for The Harbourmaster’s Travel Tip Tuesday’s Sheilagh Robertson, store owner, suggests taking some time in her Washington Mall store (near the Washington Alley entrance, ground floor) to figure out what works best for your back!

Tuesday’s tip: “August is a busy time as children of all ages look for the perfect “book bag”. For many this means a new backpack and parents should make sure they purchase a backpack that is the appropriate size for the age of the child and not too large as carrying too much weight can cause back problems.

High Sierra Backpacks in The Harbourmaster

“For older students with laptops, big binders and heavy books look for backpacks that have padded straps, and waist straps that help support the weight.”

Like the High Sierra Backpacks above. The grey backpack is able to carry a laptop, cell phone, water bottle, MP3 player and even has a strap to help support the bag around your waste. It will run you about $110 while the pink backpack above with run you abut $36 and is a light weight alternative.

These Land Backpacks are another alternative for sizes and high-end backpacks with the leather bag offering a more compact sized bag for $60. While going for the green will be $89.

Or perhaps you’re going to college? Or maybe you have a friend/daughter/son/niece/nephew going to University? What do they need? Why not help organize them? I can personally attest to the help of one of these organizers for everything from my college years to my trip around the world. They hold everything from visas to foreign currency….everything!

Passport holder and identification organizer

Tuesday’s Tips for the College bound? Going away to college is a major expense and practical gifts such as a passport case to keep travel documents and student visas secure are most appreciated. Gift certificates that can be used to purchase luggage are also welcome.

While nothing quite helps keep their passports up-to-immigration standards like the covers and passport holders available at The Harbourmaster.

Why not help the College student who will most certainly be traveling longer and further than before? Why not help them keep their things organized and their passports clean with these handy leather covers from The Harbourmaster?

The run from $30 for the passport holder to $59 for the passport organizer. Check them out at The Harbourmaster (on the ground floor of the Washington Mall near the entrance to Washington Alley)!

Check out The Harbourmaster on the ground floor of the Washington Mall

Charging for Children to travel?

10 08 2010

Clinging to mom or dad for a lift in Lopburi, Thailand

Ok maybe not directly, but airlines are charging for everything these days. You want some food? That will be $20. Oh now you want some water? Hand over your wallet.

What if you want to bring  a bag onboard? Yep some airlines are now even charging for that. Oh you’re cold? Forget about blankets. You’re tired? A pillow? Well your wallet’s gone so…..

What are you going to do if you have children? Yeah maybe I could suffer the air-conditioning and eat before I board the plane. I might not have children yet, but I know they can’t do the same. So…

What are parents to do? Well Sheilagh Robertson from The Harbourmaster store in the Washington Mall, Hamilton, Bermuda is here to help.

Bring a Zoobie which are pillows, blankets and toys all-in-one, for your kids to rest easy while away. $64 at The Harbourmaster

Mrs. Roberton’s Travel Tip of the week? Plan ahead to make travel as stress free for you and your children.

She said: “Airlines now charge for pillows and blankets so you may want to bring your own. Zoobies makes the ideal solution- a stuffed plush toy that comes with a travel blanket folded up inside. Available in a variety of animals these cuddly animals serve as toy, pillow and blanket all rolled into one.”

Because: “Traveling with children can be stressful at the best of times so it is important to try to keep young children as close as possible to their normal schedules for meals and sleep.

Helping kids sleep: Lion or Panda neck pillows $21 at The Harbourmaster

To help kids the keep on their regular meals?  Mrs. Robertson said: “Pack some healthy snacks such granola bars, raisins, or Cheerios and buy water once you get through airline security.

“Most airlines no longer serve any meals on flights under 4 hours and food for purchase on board is limited.”

Where are you going to pack these snacks mom and dad? How about a hands-free purse or a backpack?

Making mom's life easier with a hands-free purse: $139 to $145 at The Harbourmaster

Mrs. Robertson added: “Moms you may want to travel with a long shoulder bag that can be worn across your body to have your hands free to hang on to your little ones.”

Remember these child-happy travel accessories are found at The Harbourmaster on the first floor of the Washington Mall near the Washington Lane entrance! Or call them at: 295-5333

Save your…..

3 08 2010

Shoes in the New Delhi Market Area

things! Or so I wanted to say to the backpacked-tourist in New Delhi, India. It was busy. We could barely move. I looked to the left and I saw…..

His backpack being opened (while on his back) and someone who should not be sticking their hand in, sticking their hand in.

“Hey, Hey!” and I pointed to my back. He turned around and the would-be thief ran away. That was a lucky catch, but sometimes travelers are not so lucky.

Things get stolen. Things get lost. But have no fear! Wire-strapped bags and other valuable-carrying security devices are available here in Bermuda.

Where? The Harbourmaster. What has Sheilagh Robertson, owner of The Harbourmaster, have to say? Here is here Travel Tip Tuesday: Secure, Secure, Secure.

She said: “Take special care to secure passports money and credit cards when traveling. It is a good idea to make a photocopy of your passport and keep one credit card and some cash somewhere other than in your handbag or wallet.”

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“At the Harbourmaster there is a large selection of security items such as money belts, waist and neck pouches, locks, luggage tags and bags with anti-theft features.”

Some of those are featured in the slideshow above and are all available in The Harbourmaster located in the Washington Mall near the alley entrance.

Mrs. Robertson added: “Always be particularly careful in crowded areas around popular historic sites, subways, and train stations.

“Pickpockets are common in these areas and will often target people on group tours who think they are safe in a group and not always aware of their surroundings.”

So be aware, stock-up on your goods to secure your valuables and enjoy your holidays! Come back next Tuesday for more Harbourmaster tips.

Roommate? Check.

20 07 2010

Kipling on the move to college

And she seemed perfectly normal.

“So what are you going to bring?”

“Well I can’t bring much because I am coming from Bermuda. I have a CD player (does this date me or what?) I might bring so we can have music.”

“Cool, well I can bring the fridge.”

The ultimate roommate chat was done, but the worst was still to come. I rolled onto my University of Richmond, Virginia campus with my mom and whatever we could shove into the little Toyota rental. I checked-in, got my key and walked through the dark hallways to the heavy wooden door.

My room was empty so what else were we going to do? Uh…snoop of course!!! My roommate had one thing hanging in her closet – a plain white dress. In her top drawer? sock lined in a row. My mom started getting nervous. I started thinking I was in The Shining.

The shadow of a roommate returned. She was a mormon (no judgement) and she hadn’t packed anything. I was from Bermuda and had very little I could pack. We had an empty room.

Well except for my two massive suitcases that, luckily, our storage room downstairs could hold. But not so many people are lucky.

Which brings us to Tuesday. What day? yes just the second day of the work week (in Bermuda anyway) and it’s time for the Tip of the Week from…..The Harbourmaster.

What is it? Well I hate to tell you students, but it’s time to start planning for the return to school and for some that will mean packing your life into bags and boarding a plane.

So Tuesday’s Tip: Plan early! And take advantage of the Harbourmaster’s one month lay away plan if necessary. Luggage sells quickly this time of the year and shipments don’t always arrive when planned.

Convenient Kipling with duffel bag (wheels and handle included) lying in front. Matching suitcase standing to attention behind!

Kipling luggage is very popular with students because it is relatively lightweight, packs fairly flat and has proven to be very reliable.

Sheilagh Robertson, owner of The Harbourmaster (which you can find in the Washington Mall of course) says: “I recommend taking one large 30” duffel or suitcase on wheels for clothing, a carry-on bag, and possibly a second large folding duffel to take things that are needed to set up your dorm room at the beginning of the year that will stay there all year.

“Dorms have limited storage and soft bags take up less space. Most college students buy a lot of stuff second-hand after they arrive.”

Another option at The Harbourmaster? The Eagle Creek line with duffel bags that come complete with a collapsible carry bag for better storage. It’s all here in the slide show.

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And finally….my advice? Move-out from the Mormon before they get a chance to tell you, that you’re an “unfit roommate.”

Hey! At least I brought a CD player and I flew to two cities and drove miles with nothing more than two bulky suitcases….

I could have picked a better roommate and luggage. Now you’ve got the chance for both.

Visit The Harbourmaster for one of them!

Bags for any Trip