It’s the SS …….s

21 12 2010

Stocking Stuffers!

Ok it’s not. I mean it’s not the guards coming from Berlin. I know. Silly, but maybe it’s that time of year. The absolute silly season.

I should know. I tried to complete all of my holiday shopping yesterday in the pouring rain, dodging hail and the five o’clock closing of Bermuda’s stores.

But’s that’s not what I’m talking about either. Instead it’s all about Solstice Stocking Stuffers today. Why? Because today is the Solstice.

What is that? Good question and one I had to look-up myself. To break it down: solstice comes from the Latin sol (sun) and statum (to stand still).

To make it fun, Solstice is generally celebrated throughout the world with sacrifice or prayers for fertility. Doesn’t sound like as much fun anymore, does it?

For the chinese it is celebrated with making balls of rice (to symbolize the gathering of the family) and it’s called “dongzhi.”

In Korea? No they don’t attack each other. That’s for every other day. Today, instead they worry about ghosts coming into villages to haunt them. It’s lore, but apparently dipping the rice balls in sweet red bean called pat jook helps repel the ghosts.

Pakistani men have cold water poured over their head for purification and then are forbidden to sit in a chair. Finally their heads are sprinkled with goats’ blood.

For the Japanese and the Scandinavians (two completely opposite cultures), on the other hand it’s all about fertility and they go about this with either lathering butter on doors or visit farms to ensure the land is ready. read more on the New York Times editorial.

But for most of us today is all about having only four days until dooms day or Christmas. Obviously for the Christians out there!

So what are you going to do? Well you could surrender and believe me yesterday I did, or you could find-out what The Harbourmaster store in Hamilton Bermuda has to offer.

Tag your luggage for $13.25!

The traveler in the family (i.e. everyone in Bermuda) will need to identify their bags, no? Well why not use these fantastic name-tags from The Harbourmaster to help?

Need something else? Got someone a bit more on the hipster side? How about a pom-pom? Yeah I wrote it. A pom-pom.

Pom-pom for your luggage locations for just $9.95

Perhaps you have someone with pesky keys which they can never find? Have you done that? You know left the island and come home to find….no home! Well no home if you don’t have your keys.

What a pain trying to fish them out of your bag. Well why not find these beautiful and hefty key chains which well mean your keys are never lost:

Keys for Keys for $20

or these handy leather-bound key chains:

Leather Key Chain for $30

Finally there is nothing like trying to keep hold of your blackberry. So I hear. I don’t have one, but from those who do I hear you want them at your finger tips.

So why not get your help from The Harbourmaster? They have all sorts of beautiful, leather cases that can carry your mechanical device like this one below:

Blackberry case for $54

Or maybe you’re someone who keeps their cash wadded in your pockets? Floating around your purse? Maybe you know someone who does?

Well that’s ok because The Harbourmaster can help you out! They have all sorts of wallets that are handy, leather and beautiful!

Like this leather wallet from the LAND Meridian collection. The best part, and you will understand if you’re from Bermuda, it’s in stock! No waiting for it to be imported.

Wallets!! Starting at $75

Or The Harbourmaster also has this selection:

Wallet with credit card holders on the outside for just $59

Whatever you do make sure that you visit The Harbourmaster on the first floor of The Washington Mall and get all the help you need for your travel goods from their helpful staff.

And OF COURSE mention Robyn’s Wanderings! Happy Holidays.

Fill your stockings with these travel accessories

14 12 2010


Socking Stuffers


Tiny is the theme this year in travel as airlines cut-back on luggage allowances and carry-on’s become almost obsolete. Even worse is the restriction on liquids that now appears to be destined to remain.

Remember when they said they would take it off? Right. Well what are you going to do about your shampoo? And the soap you need so you don’t have to do laundry?

Well that’s why we have The Harbourmaster on the first floor of the Washington Mall in Hamilton. All the tiny little stocking stuffers to make your travel easy are there.

Like this tiny Woolite soap. Wash your underwear, clean-off the stain on your shirt and basically keep clean with the help of this light-weight and accessible soap.


Woolite soap for just $6.50


But perhaps you want to bring your own soap? Or that traveling family and friend does? Well have no fear, The Harbourmaster is here:


refillable Travel Tube for just $13.50


There’s is nothing quite like carrying more than one bag. You know, one for your clothes and then one for a possible day trip. You don’t want to do it!!! So why would you when The Harbourmaster has a convenient day bag that wraps into the size of your hand?

You wouldn’t:


Eagle Creek Day Pack with super comfortable straps for $55


The best laid plans, however, can go astray when you are traveling. The last thing you want to do though is lose your money. Without money…..well let’s not think about it.

Which is exactly why The Harbourmaster has thought about it for you. With a variety of coin purses and belts with secret compartments, owner Sheilagh Robertson has thought about all of your travel security needs.


A range of coin purses from $18.75 to $26.00


Check out these belts:


Belt with hidden money pouch on the inseam is $26


Just make sure you stay in touch while you’re away! We’d hate to have to bug you for a postcard. To help you with your addresses, of course The Harbourmaster has a tiny, leather address book waiting for you.


Scully leather Address Book for $26

Need more stocking stuffer ideas? Well you can visit The Harbourmaster store in the Washington Mall in Hamilton, Bermuda or come-back here next week!


Traveling Kids need (or maybe parents?)

7 12 2010

Zoobies: blankets/toys/pillows in one for kids who travel!

They need….what do they need?

Well they need a stressless trip. What can entertain a child? Well toys. But what a pain having to pack the toys and the pillows and the blankets!

Cause you know the kids are also going to get cold and tired! And Sheilagh Robertson at The Harbourmaster store in Bermuda recommends that parents plan ahead to make travel as stress free for you and your children.

She said: “Airlines now charge for pillows and blankets so you may want to bring your own. Zoobies makes the ideal solution- a stuffed plush toy that comes with a travel blanket folded up inside. Available in a variety of animals these cuddly animals serve as toy, pillow and blanket all rolled into one.”

Because: ”Traveling with children can be stressful at the best of times so it is important to try to keep young children as close as possible to their normal schedules for meals and sleep.”

So why not buy these purpose-built toys/blankets/pillows at The Harbourmaster?

Travel light and comfortable with these!

It’s the perfect Christmas gift and only costs $64 at the Washington Mall store! And of course Sheilagh and her staff will be there to help  you pick out the right animal to make sure it’s the right trip!

And of course if you want just a pillow substitute for the kid in your life, Sheilagh at The Harbourmaster is with you all the way!

Comfy Kids Pillows

For just $21 this panda or lion can join your child for your next trip and keep everyone happy! Remember Christmas is coming and it’s the perfect time to treat you (and your child) to some peaceful sleep!

Need help spotting your luggage on the conveyor belt?

30 11 2010

Pom Pom for $9.95 and the feeling of relief when you spot your bag


Exactly! Have you seen your bag lately? Have you seen the other travelers’ bags? Is yours the black suitcase or the black suitcase? Exactly.

So what are you going to do? I like my grandmother’s old school plan: a red pom pom! You would never miss Mama’s luggage floating around the airport bag belt!

Well the holidays are coming so why not help-out the traveler in your family and get them this multi-coloured pom-pom (above) for their bag?

Of course you need to know where to find it and of course I am here to help. So is Sheilagh Robertson, the owner of The Harbourmaster, Bermuda’s premier luggage and leather bag store on the island.

Located in the Washington Mall in Hamilton, The Harbourmaster has everything you could need to identify your bag AND plan the trip!

Yes, yes we all know that computers are great, but sometimes they don’t work. i.e. they do not work when we have hurricanes and the electricity goes out. They don’t work when someone spills water on them and all the memory is erased.

Good thing The Harbourmaster has these small Scully leather notebooks to help you! Convenient enough to fit in any size bag, they will keep your organized!

Small Scully Leather Planners for $28 at The Harbourmaster

Perhaps you have more plans than you realized? Maybe you need more space for sorting your addresses, notes, visa concerns?

Well of course The Habourmaster is here to help with a variety of sizes of their leather Scully notebooks. Why not get a notebook with old-school stamps on it? Perfect for the traveler in your life!

Medium Notebooks at The Harbourmaster $49

Want something that can be reused? Something that will only need refills next year? Well again The Harbourmaster has a variety of sizes to help you with all of your business and travel needs.

Large Scully Leather notebook $135

And of course they have all the refills you need for any sized notebook you buy! These will range from $7.75 until $18.50!

Range of Notebook refills from $7.75 to $18.50

All of these planning accessories can help you and The Harbourmaster with its friendly and knowledgable staff will be able to point you in the right direction.

So what are you waiting for? Get planning!

Straight from India for the Holidays

23 11 2010


Bracelets straight from India, $25 each

A twelve hour delay in an airport with a monkey running around and check-in gates with ticker sheets rather than an electronic board, I missed my flight.

After spending three months in India I was ready to go home, but India wasn’t ready to let me. From Delhi I landed in New York, missed my flight to Bermuda and arrived exhausted on Christmas Eve.

I had survived tuk tuk rides through crater-like potholes, navigated cows in the street ridden on a camel and eaten something that gave me a tummy bug.

But I was home. And I was excited, ready-even, to hand-out my Christmas gifts from India. There is nothing quite like India. They certainly know how to pummel a traveler and place them in awe.

Colours, colours everywhere, which is why it was so hard to NOT buy everything. But not everyone can go to India for their Christmas gifts, right? I certainly can’t this year.

Good thing the Harbourmaster is here! Sheilagh Robertson, owner of the Washington Mall store, prides herself on bringing-in goods that Bermudians will not find in the United States! Why shop abroad when you can’t find these beautiful bracelets for only $25?


Bracelets from India for $25

Perhaps you are looking for the unique, leather bag that you saw in Italy but decided to leave? Why not ask for it for Christmas?

Why? Because Sheilagh Robertson has all sorts of leather handbags that only a trip through Europe or South America might find for the woman at home. Have you got the money for those flights? Ok then how about for the gas for the car to visit The Harbourmaster?

Check out these perfectly coloured lines for the Fall and winter season that will be descending on Bermuda. And no, you will not find them in the United States.


LAND Presto Line; handbag: $175 and wallet:$135

These wallets and bags are all in stock right now! So don’t delay your Christmas shopping here in Bermuda and miss your chance.

Sheilagh Robertson has a whole range of sizes and colours that will keep any woman on your list happy. Not fancy the red? Well there is beautiful line of black and brown bags from the Presto line with wallets to match.

Presto Line, Handbag:$255 and wallet: $149

These lines range on the larger size. Maybe your friend, wife, girlfriend is looking for something a bit smaller? Something more petite to take with her on the next trip?

Well have no fear, yet again, Sheilagh Robertson also has a hearty supply of should strap hand-bags for anyone looking for hands-free traveling. And again these are unique to Bermuda and The United States!


LAND: $299

And of course this bag comes with a matching wallet to ensure you look put together and organized as always. Even better? You’ll be supporting the Bermuda economy. Should make you feel good?!


Matching Handbag and Wallet

So what are you waiting for? Write your Christmas list and visit The Harbourmaster on the first floor of the Washington Mall before these handbags and wallets go! And if you’re a lucky, little elf the sales table with all sorts of wallets, shoes and handbags will be available with discounts of 25 to 30%!


Sales Table at The Harbourmaster

Traveler’s need Gifts too!

16 11 2010

What's in your wallet? The Harbourmaster Sales' Table with all that you need to stuff your stocking!

“What do you want for Christmas?”

“I don’t know. Nothing I guess.”

And it’s true. I don’t know. I never do. I’m sure there’s plenty of things I would love to see under the tree, but I have no idea where to find them in Bermuda.

I mean, where would I find gear for my next trip? That doesn’t cost my arm to buy?

Ha ha! Good thing The Harbourmaster is here to help with all of your traveler’s needs! And at prices that will help save for the next trip!

Sheilagh Robertson, owner of The Harbourmaster, has done all the sorting for you and placed everything from leather wallets to leather shoes on her Sales’ table. These beautiful items are all 25 to 30 percent off!!!

Wallets that used to be $49 are now $30!

But don’t wait forever because the table will be put away for the winter rush in two weeks!

Rush for what? Well rush for these beautiful gifts for the male traveler in your life! Why not take the time this holiday season to help the man in your life with some trendy, travel totes!

No worries Sheilagh is on the case. She has New Looks for the man in your life starting with this Meridien LAND luggage:

Men's new look for November: Meridien LAND line: Duffle Bag: $340

It’s a duffle bag that is small enough for carry-on, but big enough for all of his travel needs.

But maybe the man in your life needs to sort-out his toiletries? Does he toss his tooth brush? Forget his shaving cream?

Why not make sure all of these necessary items are in one beautiful package? That’s why LAND created the toiletry kit that is both useful and stylish.

LAND Leather Toiletry Bag: $99

Maybe your man needs to keep the keys sorted with his passport. His wallet with his guidebook?

Perhaps he needs to keep all of this safe and somewhere he can see it? Well Sheilagh Robertson has exactly what he needs in the classic and leather LAND waist pouch.

Waist Pouch: $99

Like the duffle bag and toiletry bag this waist pouch is the latest from the LAND Meridien line and won’t last long, so make sure you find your Holiday shopping way to The Harbourmaster.

Located on the first floor of the Washington Mall in Hamilton, Bermuda it has everything you need this holiday season!

Need a new luggage look?

9 11 2010

Kipling's new line for November! Prices range from $99 to $239

Have you been there? You know. Have you been looking at your suitcases. You’ve been planning the new trip. Maybe you’re going skiing for New Years?

But you can’t find the luggage you want. The luggage you need. Oh wait. There’s a bag in the back of your closet. Oh wait. The handle is falling off. The zipper won’t close.

You could struggle with it. You could try and sew the handle back on. But maybe it’s time. Maybe it’s time to put away the sewing kit, give-up on sorting-out the broken luggage with re-touches. I mean it is November.

Why not give your luggage a make-over? Why not leave Bermuda looking fresh with the latest Kipling Bags?

Of course you could always wait until you go away for this, but why would you?

Money. Not an issue at The Harbourmaster. Sheilagh Robertson has all the latest Kipling Bags in stock in a variety of prices and colours.

Wheelie Kipling Luggage: $235

In her November New Look tip of the week Sheilagh Robertson, owner of The Harbourmaster recommends: “Before heading off on a shopping trip abroad stop into The Harbourmaster to see our latest arrivals.”

Pantera Print Backpack by Kipling: $99

“Just in-the latest fashion colour in our Kipling collection, a warm Cerise pink.”

Kipling's new Cerise Coloured Line: $99-$239

But that’s not all! While The Harbourmaster is bring in the new, they are also discounting the styles from this year on their Sale table.

Sale Table in The Harbourmaster where everything is 25 to 30% off. The Hadaki Bag was $35 and is now $25. The matching Hadaki wallet was $49 and is now $30.

Sheilagh adds: “By the way don’t miss the latest additions to our SALE table-discontinued styles of Kipling, Cabrelli ladies wallets, and shoes at 25%-50% off.

“Remember-enjoy your trip but shopping at home as much as you can will keep Bermudians working this Xmas season.”

And don’t forget to check-out this gift idea from The Harbourmaster:

Initial your luggage for $13.25

Visit The Harbourmaster on the first floor of the Washington Mall in Hamilton, Bermuda for helpful staff and a wide-range of luggage.

Where’s your passport?

2 11 2010

Organise your travel documents in a classy LAND leather case for just $59

Ahhhh! Where is my passport?  I’m sure I put it in here….

And my airline ticket? What about the forms for leaving Bermuda? You know…the pink, and blue forms?

Ever get that? Driving to the airport and suddenly….panic!

I get it all the time. I’m about the most disorganized person I know. If there is somewhere I need to be then you better write it on my hand.
I will go to the wrong place, if not.

Which is why when it comes to travel I don’t mess around. I don’t want to be stuck in an airport somewhere and not be able to get home.

Enter The Harbourmaster luggage store. Without their passport and document organizer I don’t know where I would be. Maybe trying to escape Cambodia? Who knows.

Which is why this week’s travel tip from Sheilagh Robertson, The Harbourmaster’s owner and seasoned traveler is to:  “Organize. Organize. Organize.”

And she has just the things to help:

Organize your clothes with Travel Cubes: from $55 to $62.50 at The Harbourmaster on the ground floor of the Washington Mall in Hamilton.

Sheilagh said: “We all tend to pack too much when we travel. The new 50 lb weight limit on airlines has made it more important to plan more carefully before travelling.

“Eagle Creek “Pack-it” organizers help organize your suitcase more efficiently by enabling you to group and pack coordinating items together, fold shirts neatly, roll up the socks and underwear, and pack toiletries in small containers suitable for carry-on bags.”

Larger travel cubes with compartments for organizing!

According to Sheilagh, the organizer cubes come in various sizes, big enough for large sweaters, or small for lingerie.

Another view of the Travel Pod

And for the business traveler out there? Are you looking for something for the college kid who needs to keep their shirts pressed?

Well Sheilagh said: “There is even a suit folder that is more compact than the traditional garment bag but ideal for a blazer or single suit.”

Eagle Creek Suit Folders: For an 18 inch folder: $43. For a 14inch: $37.50.

Finally by packing your coordinating items together you will find it easier to eliminate the items that don’t mix and match that just add weight to your bag.

And remember: visit The Harbourmaster on the first floor of the Washington Mall for knowledgable staff who can help you with all of your trip needs.

Do you take this….luggage

26 10 2010

Luggage Love

to be with you on your honeymoon? To stick with you through the hard times in the bottom of an airplane? Through the sweet times sitting in your Thailand resort?

Do you think you’re luggage has what it’s got to be there for you? No? Well is there a special day in your life in the near future? Say three to four months?

Weddings. More importantly, maybe? The Registry. Which is why this week Sheilagh Robertson from The Harbourmaster store in the Washington Mall, Hamilton, is telling brides and grooms to start making your plans now.

She says: “If you are planning a wedding with a honeymoon trip to follow, consider adding new luggage to your bridal registry.

“If you pick out the luggage pieces you think you will need 3-4 months ahead of time there will be enough time to order items that might not be in stock.”

In stock can be these beautiful and effective Eagle Creek Line which Sheilagh can order in a variety of colours to make sure you have what you need.

Eagle Creek Line: The 28 inch suitcase is $499, the 25 inch is $479, the 14 inch is $299 and the 16 inch is $195

Of course that is not the only luggage line The Harbourmaster has in stock and the friendly staff would be more than happy to help pick-out the luggage for your special day. Such as this Kipling Line which comes in a variety of sizes and colours!

Sleek Kipling Bags at The Harbourmaster

But what if you’re not sure what you want? Or not sure how you can ensure that your wedding guests buy the right thing?

Well Sheilagh has the answer to that. She says: “Most wedding guests do not buy gifts until a week or so before the wedding.

“Make it easy for them by suggesting Gift Certificates from The Harbourmaster. Plan to make a deposit a month ahead of the wedding to reserve the items you have selected and then apply the gift certificates to your purchase.”

Giving the Bride what she wants!

So now you know how it works, what are you waiting for? Get to The Harbourmaster on the first floor of the Washington Mall in Hamilton, Bermuda and make sure you have all your luggage needs.

Have you got baggage back-up?

19 10 2010


Shopping/long-term travel and picking-up more abroad than you took: Eagle Creek Day Pack: $55 (on the left front) Eagle Creek Duffel $135 (large in the back) Eagle Creek Packable Duffel: $44

Well have you? Me neither. I always pack more than I realize and never remember to weigh the bag before I go. Usually airlines are pretty casual about the whole thing.

Not anymore. Ryanair wouldn’t let me on with 11 kilos in my carry-on bag. The weight-limit? 10 kilos. What am I supposed to do? I asked the glum-looking stewardess behind the counter.

“You could check it.”

But I can’t. It’s an open bag!

“Oh well you could put more clothes on.”

Ugh. Two jackets, four shirts, and two pairs of pants later I was wishing I had this week’s Tuesday Tip from The Harbourtmaster: Make sure you have bag back-up!

Sheilagh Robertson, owner of The Harbourmaster – as Washington Mall store – has everything you need in case you needed more than you realized.

What am I talking about? Mrs. Robertson said: “With current weight limits on checked baggage as well as carry-ons (even those with the correct dimensions)- it helps to pack an extra bag in case you have to take something out of one of your bags.”

So Mrs. Robertson and her staff have all the expertise to help you find the perfect collapsable bag to help you out of a tight space.

From this circular and expandable duffel from Eagle Creek for $40 to….


Packable Duffel: $40

This rectangular packable duffel which comes in various sizes (small to Large) to…

The Packable Duffel ranging in size and price: Large is $135

finally, but not thoughtlessly this convenient pack for the day so you have something to carry your picnic around in, but it might not serve when you have to hit the town at night:


Eagle Creek Day Pack: $55

Or want a different line of bags to keep things sorted? Mrs. Robertson did on her recent flight on WestJet. Here she said: “On my last trip I was worried that my big duffle would be overweight but it was right on the 50 lb. limit on WestJet but they wanted me to check my carry-on bag which was much smaller than the standard permissible dimensions because it weighed more than their limit for carry-on bags.

“I have run into the same problem with Air Canada.

“Sometimes I travel with a large soft tote that counts as my handbag and can just move things into that until I get through security. In this case I had an extra soft Kipling tote with me but if I plan to do a lot of shopping I sometimes take a larger Eagle Creek duffle (like the ones above) that folds up quite small.”

Or what about Mrs. Robertson’s other brand-name bags? What about making sure you luggage is organized with this LAND collapsable tote:


Eagle Creek Packable Duffel: $44

Affordable and available in a number of colours the LAND packable duffel offers you the convenient and comfortable way to carry your extra clothes!

And remember for all of your travel needs visit The Harbourmaster in the Washington Mall.