Friday Photo of the Day

10 12 2010

Love in St. George's

And the photo today? This one comes from my trek down to St. George’s last week for their annual National Trust Open House Walkabout.

What’s that? Well all the old, old building are opened-up and we get to snoop! Even better they serve Gluvine and Egg Nog to keep you going!

With the lights running around the houses and the wine running through them it’s a perfect night to enjoy the beginning of the holidays.

That’s if you can get there….which is why this is my photo of the day!

We managed to get there. Two people on a 50 cc motorbike (i.e. what tourists get when they visit Bermuda) for the 30 minute drive to St. George’s is no mean feat.

But we did it. In an hour.

After warming-up and snooping it was time to return to Hamilton for some food. Ha. Ha. Ha.

The 50cc?! Well she managed to get us as far as half way to dinner and then…..well then she decided to quit. She popped her tire and left us hidden in the dark on the side of the road.

Poor little bike. She had to be left in the rain as we hopped into a taxi that eventually found us and delivered us to dinner.

St. George’s was still worth it and make sure you tune-in tomorrow! Robyn’s Wanderings has a new wanderer!



2 responses

10 12 2010
Friday Photo of the Day « Robyn's Wanderings | St Georges Day Bank Holiday

[…] View original here:  Friday Photo of the Day « Robyn's Wanderings […]

10 12 2010
Bermuda Triangle part 1/6 – //Full Documentary Movie\ – all the stories and secrets

[…] Friday Photo of the Day « Robyn's Wanderings […]

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