Blog, eat and get paid $10,000

19 11 2010


Cambodian Market Food

Are you looking for a new job? Are you a keen cook? Do you enjoy a decent meal? Well I have found another dream travel job for you.

Yes these travel gigs are starting to look better and better with each new exciting job offer. Last week it was diving in Bali.

This week? This week the job of the hour is eating your way across Asia. No, I’m not kidding.

The Pei Wei Asian Diner has launched an international search for someone who will travel with their Executive Chef Eric Justice across Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, China and Japan and blog about it.

In two weeks you will cover five countries, eat more noodles than you ever thought possible and help find inspiration for the Pei Wei Asian Diner’s menu.

For this “work” you will receive a $10,000 stipend.

Wanna sign-up? What do you need? According to the Diner’s website you need: A talent for writing, a boundless appetite and willingness to experiment with the unknown, an eye for the unforgettable image and the ability to capture it, comfort both on-camera and behind the lens, a spontaneous spirit but a grounded work ethic, and a passion for Asian cuisine.

Sweet. But it’s not just a writing campaign. As the blogger you will also be required to take photos and video. The entry process, as you can imagine, is no easy task.

To enter you must upload a photo, bio, and sample blog post, but can also add four additional posts, five more photos, and one YouTube link. Entries will be accepted between now and December 20, 2010, and the winner will be announced during the week of January 17.

The trip will take place in late February 2011 so what are you waiting for? Food? Well why not go to the best places possible to try it! Check out the application.

That’s your Friday inspiration. Now bring-on the weekend!




2 responses

19 12 2010
Digital Citizen

Hi Robyn, my friend Kim in Bermuda sent this to me and I’ll apply as I am Vietnamese and have a successful blog as a hobby. I’m also a hobby photographer and fancy myself a cook whose only trace of Vietnamese aside from my looks is its cuisine being my favourite. We’ll see how it goes. Thanks for taking the time to share this! Excellent blog you have, and even better life by the sounds of it! Best wishes for the holidays and New Year. Wishing I were in Bermuda like I was last January doing that Triangle Challenge. 🙂

19 12 2010
Digital Citizen

This is only for people in the US, apparently. You can’t create an account unless you choose from a drop down menu for “State”, and there is no “other” choice, or provincial choices from Canada. Good to know early on. Thanks for posting anyway. Just thought I’d share in case other Canadians happen on this.

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