Bermuda Beauty Treatments

15 11 2010

Rain for Beauty!

What am I posting about today? Well hopefully you got your beauty sleep this weekend? No? Oh right it was Bermuda’s annual Rugby Classic.

I’m sure most people are feeling a little less than light on their feet today. Maybe there are a few bags under the eyes that were not there before?

Need something to pick you up? Perhaps you’re having a better day than Oleg Mavromati (read my previous post for understanding) who appears to be alive!

Have no fear the Bermudians are on it and have been “on it” since our creation. As you can see in the pic I have chosen for you today, the Brits thought they were ahead.

What am I talking about?

Today’s Robyn’s Wanderings draws from my next column for The Royal Gazette (in on Wednesday now!) I was meandering around the house of John Keats in Hampstead Heath, London and noticed this sign.

“Rain Water in Beauty Treatments”

Now who would have thought? Well the Bermudians certainly have! We catch the rain off our roofs, store it in our tanks and use it for everything from washing our faces (hello beauty!) to washing our vegetables (beautiful tummies?).

Apparently this was  new trend in the time of George IV i.e. late 1700’s and early 1800’s. Kinda an odd concept, really. Not washing?

But then again who would have thought about catching water on our roofs to use it for every day affairs? A small island nation in the middle of the Atlantic is who!

It’s always a fun fact to share with people, even people who work for eco-lodges in Berlin. He couldn’t quite get his head around it!

“You mean you catch water on your roofs? To flush toilets, right?”

“No. Well yes. But we also drink it and shower, etc.. It’s why we have roofs shaped like stairs and painted white!”

White, water-catching Bermuda roof

“That’s crazy! Why don’t you write about that for your blog.”

Ha. Well here I am writing about it. Trendsetters that we try to be, Bermuda was way-ahead in the beauty treatments that the British then “came-upon.”

So remember your beauty treatment today. In Bermuda it’s no further than your tap and stay tuned for my next Rock Fever Column on Wednesday!

Happy Monday.



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