In one hour we decide if this man lives or dies

13 11 2010

Who is he? Why should we care? Why would he die to day? Why are you bringing-up a depressing subject when it’s a beautiful sunny day in Bermuda and it is the last day of the Rugby Tournament?

All very good questions.

This is artist Oleg Mavromati. Even worse? He’s a Russian one. By worse I mean for him.

According to Russian officials he broke their code. In 2000 he performed “Do not believe your eyes”. The performance art piece requires that he is crucified because he killed his friend (in the play of course)!

Apparently this meant he was mocking Christians and so the Churches filed complaints saying he was inciting religious hatred.

Article 282. Not that, that means a lot who is not Russian but apparently it’s not good.

So rather than face almost certain death with the state of the Russian jails, he fled. He’s now in Sofia, Bulgaria and has launched a website for the general public to decide his fate.

How do they do that? Well you have to register online and if you want to let him live you pay nothing. If you want him to die thank out come the pocket books. $.50 a vote. Paypal will help you with that.

Why? Because it is there. No not really. Because he wants it to be known that, according to his blog: “The freedom of speech and expression is a basic human right. This freedom of expression of all artists and people from any nationality, race, religion, gender and class should be guaranteed and protected by the constitution and the legislation of each country which calls itself democratic.

“Democracy is guaranteed only if the right to freely share and express thoughts is not violated.”

He is, therefore an ultimate victim. And since Saturday last week for four hours a day people have been able to vote whether he lives or dies.

Each day these were tallied and the majority meant he was either shocked by the electricity attached to various parts of his body (if they want him to die) or he made it out clean.

The first day the shock would last a minute. The second day? Two…etc… By today then seven seconds of shock is enough to kill him.

Gosh I hope I can believe in the will of the public. Do you fancy voting? At the very least visiting the blog? Oh good cause here it is.