Looking for something to do tonight?

4 11 2010

How about indulging in some cupcakes, wine and shopping? What more can you ask for really? Oh really can you ask for more? Oh you can?

Ok well how about joining CTravel for 20% off at the Gibbons Company when you shop there tonight? Get your clothes, your Christmas presents, and a train ride?

Ok maybe not the train ride. Well at least not from Gibbons. But what about a train ride across Russia with all the perks?

Um….how could you say no? I don’t know!!! I’m dying to take this trip actually. I have had too many people tell me how great the Trans-Siberian rail trip is.

From Russia....with love!

So why not you?  For just $6,350 an agent at CTravel can organise your connections with Russia (i.e. any help you might need on a visa), a luxurious train ride through the capital of Siberia and skirt the shores of the largest fresh water lake in the world? Lake Baikal!

You can. You just need to contact Ctravel to make the arrangements. It’s as easy as clicking on this link.

Norway by Train

Or what about exploring the Fjords of Norway by train for just $1,218 each? I mean do you see this picture above? I know it’s a fair distance from Bermuda, but for just over $1200 it’s worth it!

Not got the money to travel yourself but have someone you love who does? Or you’re looking for a present for yourself? Why not give everyone what they want this holiday season.

A gift certificate.


I know. It’s a piece of paper. But, but, but!!! for those who love to travel perhaps it’s a passport to next year.

Maybe it will create a vacation for someone you love! Don’t delay. Give them what they’re always looking for – a way to travel…..for free!

I would definitely be happy with a piece of paper that would give me access to the world on your dollar!

Good thing CTravel is there for you to help with your holiday shopping at Gibbons Company tonight or for that last minute gift certificate. So don’t wait and get your shopping done early this year.

Stop by CTravel’s offices on Queen Street and check back tomorrow for more travel tips and tales from me.



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