Where’s your passport?

2 11 2010

Organise your travel documents in a classy LAND leather case for just $59

Ahhhh! Where is my passport?  I’m sure I put it in here….

And my airline ticket? What about the forms for leaving Bermuda? You know…the pink, and blue forms?

Ever get that? Driving to the airport and suddenly….panic!

I get it all the time. I’m about the most disorganized person I know. If there is somewhere I need to be then you better write it on my hand.
I will go to the wrong place, if not.

Which is why when it comes to travel I don’t mess around. I don’t want to be stuck in an airport somewhere and not be able to get home.

Enter The Harbourmaster luggage store. Without their passport and document organizer I don’t know where I would be. Maybe trying to escape Cambodia? Who knows.

Which is why this week’s travel tip from Sheilagh Robertson, The Harbourmaster’s owner and seasoned traveler is to:  “Organize. Organize. Organize.”

And she has just the things to help:

Organize your clothes with Travel Cubes: from $55 to $62.50 at The Harbourmaster on the ground floor of the Washington Mall in Hamilton.

Sheilagh said: “We all tend to pack too much when we travel. The new 50 lb weight limit on airlines has made it more important to plan more carefully before travelling.

“Eagle Creek “Pack-it” organizers help organize your suitcase more efficiently by enabling you to group and pack coordinating items together, fold shirts neatly, roll up the socks and underwear, and pack toiletries in small containers suitable for carry-on bags.”

Larger travel cubes with compartments for organizing!

According to Sheilagh, the organizer cubes come in various sizes, big enough for large sweaters, or small for lingerie.

Another view of the Travel Pod

And for the business traveler out there? Are you looking for something for the college kid who needs to keep their shirts pressed?

Well Sheilagh said: “There is even a suit folder that is more compact than the traditional garment bag but ideal for a blazer or single suit.”

Eagle Creek Suit Folders: For an 18 inch folder: $43. For a 14inch: $37.50.

Finally by packing your coordinating items together you will find it easier to eliminate the items that don’t mix and match that just add weight to your bag.

And remember: visit The Harbourmaster on the first floor of the Washington Mall for knowledgable staff who can help you with all of your trip needs.



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