Need to make it through Monday? Want a new job?

1 11 2010


Wanna be in Bali?

How about becoming a dive instructor? In Bali?! Even better? All expenses are paid. Am I lying. Is it Monday and I haven’t come to terms with a new week?

Have you just recovered from “The Fear”?

Well here’s a proposition that would never instill the fear: Live in Bali, Indonesia for seven months and become a certified PADI instructor for ……FREE!!!

Need I say more? Yes? Ok. This contest is sponsored by Blue Season Bali and started on Saturday! It ends on February 28th so you have plenty of time to prepare your one minute video or 500 word essay on why you need a change of career!

The question you have to answer: “Why I want to change my life and become a PADI Instructor.”

Need more inspiration?

Anyone over 18 can enter and you don’t even have to have any scuba experience! All it requires is a desire to learn!

This obviously falls into a similar category as the Australian tourism promotion of the “Best Job in the World” and its a brilliant way, I think, to send a message out to those who don’t know about what you offer.

Why would a Bermudian want to go to Bali? It’s Monday. The winter is coming. Why not spend some time positioning yourself in a country filled with volcanoes, beautiful food, and where everything is cheap?

For more inspiration check out my Bali Photos and my experience last year as I traveled around the world.



One response

1 11 2010

I’m in. May the best man/woman win!!!

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