Rock Fever is traveling

25 10 2010


Where is Rock Fever this week?


You might be able to find Bermuda on a map (look really close. It’s pin-pointed with a green thumb tack), but you might not find it’s Rock Fever. What am I on about?

Rock Fever is the term Bermudians endearingly call the need to leave their island. At 21-square-miles we’re just a little dot in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. With 65,000 people we barely have enough fans to fill stadiums. It takes about an hour to drive from one tip of our fish-hook-shaped island to the other.

When we go for coffee we will run into at least three people we know and when we start or finish relationships everyone knows. We have a grapevine that few other places have.

And yet we still have two newspapers, lots of radio shows and two evening news shows. If anything goes unknown…..well you aren’t living in Bermuda.

Hence the need to escape this little island home every so often – Rock Fever. While we Bermudians might try and place roots on their fish-hook, we are also some of the best travelers out there. We have to be.

Now not only have I been traveling for the past month – hitting the likes of Sweden, Germany and Britain – so is my travel column in one of our island’s newspapers – The Royal Gazette.

Yes even my column can’t sit still. From Monday it’s going to Wednesday! So every week now there will be Rock Fever Wednesdays and Monday?!?!?!

So what should I fill Monday with? Where are you going next? Where did you just come from? Remember I am always looking for a new addition to the Bermuda’s Postcards’ page!





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