Sweet Swedes

22 10 2010


Sweet Tooth


Fantastic. Sweden might stop selling their alcohol at 6 p.m. every day in specially assigned stores. They might not even sell alcohol on the weekends.

But when it comes to candy? They will get you drunk on sweets 24 hours a day, in every store you can find. I don’t even want to know what the dentists in this Scandinavian country are paid!

I just returned from visiting Stockholm and I couldn’t resist these candy cornucopia. Well for both Photo of the Day and, well, my sweet tooth!

I mean how do these Swedes stay so fit? Clearly they can’t be indulging in these candy trays? They must just be for the fat tourists.

Nope. Not at all. Every time I went in for a scoop so did someone named Sven with blonde hair (just kidding a Swede) dove in too.

I noticed something. They didn’t take much. I was ready to fill the bag to the brim with chocolate raisins and sweet strawberries……my Sven? A couple of pieces.

Ahhh moderation. That’s where we all left it. In Sweden! But have no fear! There is another way to keep your waistline in check and it has everything to do with the people you are with.

Yep a study recently showed that College kids (cause you know that freshman 15 sneaks on) who have chubby roommates are less likely to gain weight.

I’m not kidding. It was done by the University of Michigan and their explanation? The chubby roommate probably watches what they eat more closely. So how’d they get overweight? Want to read more. Check out the article here.

Happy Friday everyone!



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