Bring us your unhealthy!

15 10 2010


Come one patient come all!


Where do we recruit patients? I mean don’t most health services only want you if you are sick? Am I wrong? I know there’s a lot of money in sick people (anyone read the papers lately). But recruiting?

I did a double-take. I was wandering through Dover (you know the town with white cliffs and a castle?) as I continue to find cheap trips from London. But this sign didn’t quite register at first.

NHS. National Health Service for those who live in England (and for those who don’t know what NHS is). We recruit for jobs. We recruit for businesses. Now NHS is recruiting for patients?

Or is it NHS’ patients are recruiting? Then we would have a problem with the apostrophe rather than the health services.

I can’t believe that is the case.

So NHS is looking for patients? Everywhere else in the world we’re trying to cut-down on patients. Everywhere else in the world the health systems are struggling to keep-up with the demand.

Apparently Dover wants you to come to them. They will take your sick. They will take your patients! So how do you sign-up? Unfortunately the office was closed (it was a Sunday) so I couldn’t ask.

But I could take a pic. I could share it with you. And I could find one place in the world that apparently being sick is something to be recruited for!



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