Need a wedding gift?

26 09 2010

His and Her Seats

Sure Sweden is known for tall blonde people, the Nobel Prize and H&M, but those are not the most fun to take pictures of….well ok maybe a tall blonde man, but you get my point.

What I could not miss was this store in Stockholm! I couldn’t resist this one. I was wandering back to my friend’s apartment and just happened to look in the window. It actually made me giggle out loud and I’m happy I didn’t know anyone on the street.

One guy gave me a strange look, but who cares when you can take a picture of someone’s chiseled…..bum? And not one, but two? Well I couldn’t resist.

And here you have it – his and hers seats located on a random street in Stockholm, Sweden. Need a gift for the couple who has everything?

Yeah I couldn’t think of anything better either. So the wedding gift sorted tomorrow it’s off to the oldest town in Sweden. You’ll have to wait for the Rock Fever Column for that one!



One response

26 09 2010
David Skinner

Are you bringing two back for us…? 🙂

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