I’m in it.

22 09 2010

Rolling 28'' suitcase High Sierra ultra light collection from The Harbourmaster

But I’m not going to fight it. It’s fine. Honestly. Really. Last year I was trying to surf in Bali and this year I’m wandering around sunny London.

Last year the decision on Bali was to welcome the dreaded. The 30. Why fight it? There’s no point. And what does it mean? It means I’m happy. I’ve found what I want to do.

But now I’m in them. I’m in it. I’m attacking the 30’s and loving it. New website. New business. But is there anywhere you haven’t been? Is there anything I haven’t done?

Why yes. Yes there is.

I’ve never been to the moon, to South Africa, married, painted blue or more excited to board a plane (yesterday thanks to Hurricane Igor’s plans).

Another thing I have never done? Been on a cruise. Well besides my backpacker escapades on a small sailboat in Turkey but that’s another story……

So good thing I have the expert advice of Sheilagh Robertson from The Harbourmaster for help. Years in the business she knows what she’s talking about and with her Bermuda-based store with friendly staff based in the Washington Mall I would suggest getting yourself there for your next cruise.

Why? She has the quality cases provided by High Sierra. The other benefit? The rolling 28” suit case is lightweight.

Packing small for your cruise? That’s ok says Sheilagh: “One of the advantages of a cruise vacation is that you can visit many places and only unpack once. Likewise on board you can take advantage of laundry service or do your own laundry in your room.”

Other ways you can enhance your cruise experience?

“Take some time to research your destinations before you go. While you can purchase tours in advance or on board ship you can visit many points of interest on your own and save money and avoid being herded around with the crowd.”

Cruising is about avoiding the crowds but also about celebrating with new friends. What are you going to do for new attire? How can you dress-up that little black dress? Why not visit The Harbourmaster for the latest clutch/handbag below:

COLOURS collection: a dressy, leather classic clutch for $140 from The Harbourmaster

Sheilagh adds: “While it is nice to have some more dressy clothes for “formal” nights on board most of the time casual attire is perfect. So ladies take a dress that you can dress up or down with the right accessories. A simple black patent leather clutch and matching tote from the IBIZA collection make the perfect evening/day combination (see below).”

IBIZA LAND Collection handbag and clutch and shoe combo: $120 - $320.00: genuine patent leather adds a little glamour to a practical tote while the clutch is ideal for gala nights on board ship.

So what are you waiting? Get yourself to The Harbourmaster located on the first floor of the Washington Mall in Hamilton, Bermuda and find your cruising gear! And of course check tomorrow for the next best cruise.



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