Prepare for Hurricane Igor: Charge, Charge Charge….

17 09 2010

pre-Hurricane Igor's waves eat a surfer on Horseshoe Beach yesterday

And I don’t mean just at Gorham’s (Home supplies store), though the line of cars out of this store yesterday made me more nervous than The Weather Channel.

That’s not hard. Have you tried to watch The Weather Channel? I mean for any news about what is happening outside of the United States? Waste of time.

The weather dude’s description of Igor (an enormous category three storm threatening to hit Bermuda?): “We have another Atlantic storm. Bermuda could be hit by Igor on Sunday. Back to you Bob.”

Ok maybe not Bob. Where does it say The American Weather Channel? It doesn’t. Guess if I am traveling anywhere other than the US I will be stuck if I tried to watch their coverage.

Ranting done.

Now onto what I was talking about. Everyone knows in Bermuda you need to fill your bathtubs (cause the electricity will die and you will have no water),

But have you remembered to charge, charge. charge…..everything!? Cell phones. Computers. Blackberrys. Whatever that needs that socket.

For other tips on prep check sites such as BF&M and the Bermuda Emergency Measures Organisation.

And finally, but definitely not least importantly….airlines. Yep I’m supposed to be leaving on Monday. It’s now hopefully going to be Tuesday.

I tried. I tried to get on a flight for tonight, but British Airways is fully booked. Or at least for my cheap, frequent flyer miles.

So my final note for today, but hopefully not for the weekend is: charge everything you’ve got, fill your bathtub, buy some beer and wine (because really that’s the most important thing for Bermuda) and check your airlines.

Until tomorrow: final prep for a hurricane party.



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