Today is a holiday. Why are we talking about burning a book?

10 09 2010

Praying in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Friday Photo of the Day? It is prayer at a Mosque in Kuala Lumpur to mark Eid ul-Fitr, which according to the Coordination Committee of Major Mosques and Islamic Centres is today. Don’t know what that means? It means the end of the month of Ramadan (a holy month where Muslims around the world abstain from eating, drinking, smoking and having sex from sunrise to sunset every day). It means gathering with family and enjoying a meal. It means greeting each other with the likes of “Eid Mubarak” or “Eid Saeed.”

Last year I was on the Pehrentian Islands in Malaysia for the conclusion of Ramadan. It was difficult as the restaurants closed and the islanders departed for the mainland to celebrate with their families. My dinner was reduced to M&M’s and a Mars Bar.

But who could complain? It was, as I could understand it, the Muslim equivalent to Christian’s Christmas. If it were my Christmas I would be with my family.

Which makes it that much harder (or maybe not) to understand the actions of a Floridian Pastor Terry Jones.

He plans to burn the Quran. Why? To mark the 9th anniversary of 9/11 and protest the building of a mosque (which is not a mosque, but actually an islamic centre) near the 9/11 site.

Yesterday he backed-away from these plans. He said the imam promised to build the centre elsewhere. But then plans changed.

Later that night (i.e. last night) Jones said he had been given false information and the centre would not be moved. He would only put the burning “on hold” according to Politics Daily.

Are you following? Yawn….who cares. No one should. Not a single news agency should have written about Terry Jones in ernest. There is no logic in his words.

Being Muslim, reading the Quran and praying in a Mosque is not the same as flying planes into a building. Just like being Christian, reading the bible and praying in a Church is not the same as hating Muslims.

And more importantly?

It seems in this entire Terry Jones scheme of things and with the American focus on their own holidays or remembrances no one has recognized the Muslim holiday – Eid.

This is a really important time, if not the most important time, of year for their families. Why are the press letting a Floridian Pastor with a book-burning passion mar this important time?

Maybe they should all travel. Maybe they should be in Malaysia to understand that people are people whether they are Muslim, Christian or Hindu. They want to be respected. They want to celebrate with their families and they want to enjoy a good meal.

“Eid Mubarak”