Waste $3,000 on gas in your life men? Just ask for directions already!

4 09 2010

Dashboard confessionals....I'm lost!

No, I am not picking on men. This is also not some sexist, free beer kinda MTV show. And it’s no longer the punchline for comedians on late night TV. It’s the scientific truth.

According to a study by the British insurance company, Sheila’s Wheels men travel more than 276 extra miles every year because they do not want to stop and ask for directions. Women? Ok we’re still bad. We travel 256 more miles than necessary.

Twenty-six percent of men will wait half an hour before asking and a cool 12% will NEVER ask for directions. And don’t try and say women wouldn’t ask. According to the study 74% of women have no worries about asking and 37% pulling-over as soon as they are lost to ask. Seriously? What is the problem men?

Well the problem might spring between male and female partners this weekend on one of the most traveled holidays of the year – Labour Day. Check out my Labour Day suggestions.

According to AAA – the American Automobile Association – the number of Americans traveling this Labor Day holiday weekend will increase 9.9 percent from 2009, with approximately 34.4 million travelers taking a trip at least 50 miles away from home.

Last year, 31.3 million Americans traveled during the Labor Day holiday.

It may be all the more traveled in cars this year thanks to “Hurricane” Earl and “Tropical Storm” Fiona.

Why the quotation marks? Because these pansy storms disrupted the entire West Coast of the United States, cancelled or changed numerous flights and then didn’t have the decency to actually be storms.

Come on Earl?!

Earl caused minor damage along the East Coast and mostly just increased the surf. The trusty weather women and men still got dressed in their parkas. Fiona? She left me with a wet lawn this morning in Bermuda, but that was about it.

So not only are these storms liable for upsetting the LAST weekend of the summer (I had a friend who was supposed to land today), but they also managed to make me pull-in all of my outdoor furniture, turn over tables, and close all the shutters! That’s a lot of work. Where do I file my complaint?