Easy Europe?

30 09 2010

Tell me it’s not so?! Please. You’re  telling me I’ve been haggling with immigration and hassling with passports, worried about the weight of my bags and I could have just cruised to Norway?

Yep. I’m both afraid, for me and happy for you because CTravel has the best of both worlds to offer you. Why? Because they’re a company that keeps their eyes peeled for you!

And what have they seen this week? Well none other than the Emerald Princess sailing from Bermuda on April 30th for 14 days through Europe! Leave the worry of trains, planes and automobiles for the luxurious entry to Europe care of no other than CTravel.

What does Europe include? Well Oslo, Norway, Copenhagen, Denmark, Cobh, Ireland and Le Havre, France to name a few! The best part?!?!Prices start at $1,390 with double occupancy. I’m sorry why are you still reading this and not calling CTravel or checking their cruise website?

Oh you’ve got more time? And you want to see more of Europe? But you want it to be easy too. Gosh you’re asking a lot.

Good think CTravel’s got you covered again! There is a 24 day cruise with Emerald Cruises that leaves on April 30th and the best part? Prices start a$t 2,888!

And you get to also see Stockholm, Sweden, Berlin, Germany and Aahrus, Denmark to name a few of the 15 ports this luxury cruise will deliver you to. I told you it got better!

Well finally, but definitely lastly you could sail around a part of Europe rarely open to the cruise ships. Could there

Sail around Sicily

really be a part? Yes there is. In fact it’s called Sicily and it’s at the bottom of Italy and it’s a trip that Zegrahm Expeditions has been working on for years.
And now with the help of CTravel you can book this 12-day tour that starts from Malta and circumnavigate this island filled with Greek temples and Roman Villas.

Of course there will be wine-tasting and olive oil indulgence, which can be walked-off with a hike through the hills.

Whatever you want CTravel can offer your choice of trip or cruise. Just check them out on their website!

Traveling back to work? Make it fun

28 09 2010

Cognac bag $359 with a matching shoe: $125 OLD WORLD Collection

We’ve been having fun. We’ve had our summer. Bermuda’s enjoyed our Cup Match (even with a little rain). We’ve had our Hurricane to cap it off.

Now what? Now kids are heading back to school and it’s time for adults to head back to their desks.

But does it have to be that depressing? No! How? Good question.

And Sheilagh Robertson from The Harbourmaster has the answer. In fact her Washington Mall store is brimming with answers to the path back to work.

The first? Well that’s in the photo above! A beautiful, Cognac-coloured bag from the Old World Collection. Hey throw-in the shoe for good measure! It will help with those steps up to the office door.

Want something with a bit more colour? Sheilagh says: “When you travel it is nice to have a handbag that will coordinate with many outfits. At The Harbourmaster we have several fashion collections that feature multi-coloured bags.”

LAND Tissage Collection- perfect for Fall fashions in Autumn shades: $230

The Tissage Collection comes in two color combinations: 1.brown shades with natural and gold tones and 2. black with fuchsia and purple tones.

And finally (but definitely not lastly) find some fun! Especially says Sheilagh if you have to travel and black is your base. Why not spruce up that dreary colour?

She said: “Multi coloured bags also add a little pizzazz to an outfit if you are travelling with a basic black wardrobe.”

LAND Presto Collection: Tassle bag: $310

The Presto Collection also offers two combinations: Tan with red,Navy and Green and Black with Brown, Bronze, Silver, and a hint of Yellow

So what are you waiting for? Sheilagh and her helpful staff are ready to help when you are ready to travel in their ground floor store of the Washington Mall!

Enjoy your travels back to the office!

Frequent Flyer? Count your miles!

27 09 2010

Flying Frequently?

“For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

Move it….Move it….No this is not a new rendition of the 1994 song by Reel 2 Real. Nope. This was me on the phone last week speaking to British Airways. I had one eye on the TV watching Hurricane Igor line Bermuda up in its sights for Sunday and speaking to the customer service agent to change my flight on Monday.

“What is your confirmation code?”

I gave it to her, “No that can’t be it. Ours start with….??” Can’t remember what it was but I didn’t have the right code. Why?

Well good question. That has everything to do with this Rock Fever column for Monday in The Royal Gazette newspaper. I have frequent flyer miles with a number of airlines, but the main one is American Airlines. My trip last year around the world was with their One World Alliance group (i.e. British Airways, Japan Airlines, Cathay Pacific, etc…) I racked-up the miles. I decided to cash them in for my first trip off the island in a couple of months. Rock Fever.

The only problem? Well that brings me to Tip One and my code conundrum: I could check-in with British Airways 24 hours before my flight to London, BUT I couldn’t change my ticket through them. Nope. To change my FF ticket I had to go back to American (my FF boss). Another phone call before the line went dead thanks to Igor.

Also thanks to Igor and Tip Two of Bermuda’s very own Frequent Flier (FF) instructions: Do NOT book flights during hurricane season with FF miles. By the time I called Friday’s FF seats were fully booked. I might have been able to make Saturday’s as well if my seat wasn’t a FF. Why? Even though the airline would change tickets free of charge thanks to Igor (a theme in this column) my FF ticket couldn’t change unless they had a free designated FF seat. I was moved to Tuesday’s ticket.

But that’s not the only change of plans. I bring your tip three: which is if you have FF with American Airlines and you want to book with their travel buddy, British Airways i.e. the fastest way for a Bermudian or resident to arrive in London from our triangle, it will require a visit to their office on Church Street in Hamilton. I mean you could take your chances online, but they don’t always offer the direct ticket.

Which is tip four from the experts: If you want to book a specific route or book FF flights with a variety of

Bermuda's Surf pre-hurricane Igor

airlines in the same alliance call the airlines. They know what they’re talking about and they can offer variations the online service can’t. Yes it’s true. Computers cannot do everything. For more expert FF advice visit: webflyer.com, frequentflier.com, and firstclassflyer.com.

But that’s the beauty of keeping your miles with one alliance (and it doesn’t have to be One World): Tip Five: by keeping your rewards with one alliance (because almost all the cool airlines are doing it these days) it fills quicker and allows you to take advantage of their friendly carriers. That’s why I could transfer my American Airlines’ miles to British Airways.

There are, however, an abundance of low-cost carriers slowly gracing Bermuda’s shores. These are great for escaping the Rock Fever, but they also lack in the FF perks. Which means tip six is: It might cost me more to fly on American Airlines, but I know that if I grab the miles I will eventually be able to fly to London. If I fly JetBlue I will only be able to use those miles on JetBlue operated flights. The same applies for WestJet. Sure it can’t hurt to sign-up for their programmes, but they don’t have the same reach that my miles on Delta or British Airways will have.

And reach these miles have these days. More than just my flight to London, I could have bought a magazine subscription with them. Which means tip seven: check-out what your airlines miles will give you. These could be upgrades at hotels, free internet or an upgraded car with HERTZ rental cars such as a perk with JetBlue or vacations with WestJet.

But don’t just check-out the partnerships with the airlines. Sure these are great, but besides flying, the next largest contributor to your bank of FF miles are credit cards. Tip Eight: Get yourself a credit card tied to a particular airline. These pretty pieces of plastic from both the Bank of Butterfield and the Bank of Bermuda offer a mile per dollar spent. But that’s not all. Read the fine print and your travel will be insured and you may be able to purchase that dress with the miles you made by buying groceries from Miles.

Tip Nine?: watch out for the yearly fees and the late fees that can be applied to these cards. Ranging from $40 to $175 these yearly fees may not be worth it for you. But worse will be if you forget to pay your bills. Do you really need that debt? No. So make sure these credit cards do not become a way to forget your bills.

And finally Tip Ten is patience: It takes time to build these miles, but every little bit helps. I have yet to understand people who do not bother or those who say they don’t travel enough. Every resident in Bermuda travels enough to build some sort of airline miles even if they go towards an upgrade versus a full ticket. Just make sure you check there is no expiry date. I have 18 months.

Which meant I just HAD to use my miles to welcome my next birthday, visit friends and family in England and anywhere else I can travel to for under $100. The first trip? To London. The next stop? Well as you can see it was to Sweden. Stay tuned for next week and how to travel on budget airlines! It was the only way to travel to Stockholm.

Need a wedding gift?

26 09 2010

His and Her Seats

Sure Sweden is known for tall blonde people, the Nobel Prize and H&M, but those are not the most fun to take pictures of….well ok maybe a tall blonde man, but you get my point.

What I could not miss was this store in Stockholm! I couldn’t resist this one. I was wandering back to my friend’s apartment and just happened to look in the window. It actually made me giggle out loud and I’m happy I didn’t know anyone on the street.

One guy gave me a strange look, but who cares when you can take a picture of someone’s chiseled…..bum? And not one, but two? Well I couldn’t resist.

And here you have it – his and hers seats located on a random street in Stockholm, Sweden. Need a gift for the couple who has everything?

Yeah I couldn’t think of anything better either. So the wedding gift sorted tomorrow it’s off to the oldest town in Sweden. You’ll have to wait for the Rock Fever Column for that one!

Stockholm’s trash

25 09 2010

Taking out the trash

I looked at my watch. It was already 12.00 p.m. Geez. My first day in Sweden had flown by….and I was still in bed. Oops.

It’s hard when you’re battling jet lag that included an overnight flight from Bermuda to London and then the next day a three a.m. start for a flight from London to Stockholm, Sweden. I should have been thrilled to be back in Sweden but I couldn’t get out of bed.

So I stayed in ….no of course not. I made a coffee and decided to get my act in gear and head for the cobblestoned streets. I can see why Ikea is Swedish.

I can also see why it is so darn clean in this Scandinavian country. They don’t just put their trash away they also lock it up! Hence this photo of the day. A key pad will unlock this trash!

Well what more can you want? Oh you need a gift for a wedding? I’ve got the perfect one tomorrow straight from Stockholm.

Travel with Perspective

24 09 2010

“You know what I’ve noticed….people in London are not very friendly. I mean I swore before they used to at least say hello.”

“Robyn no. If they say hello run the other way. If they say hello there’s a good chance you’ll end-up in their freezer.”

But I like to say hello. I like to be friendly and joke about the weather or the fact that I had to be up at 3 a.m. for my cab to the bus to the airport (yep the cheapest way to an airport). Maybe it’s the Bermudian in me. I’m going to be friendly despite myself.

And yet as I struggle to leave the Bermudian in me I am actually trying to escape Bermuda.

It’s not a myth. Love em and leave em. It’s the only way to stay sane. Swizzle in and Swaggle out. I’ve got Rock Fever. I’ve got island fever. I need to escape!

How many sayings do Bermudians have to escape our lovely little island. And it is lovely. Don’t get me wrong I love Bermuda. I can’t imagine living anywhere else (and I’ve tried).

But it’s small.

After a while things that should not matter start to matter too much. People who should not matter to you – do. Comments about your work start to build-up and bury you under scepticism.

So I boarded my plane. I was still surrounded by people I knew. Ok maybe not to invite to a party, but to say hello to on the street. Touchdown London.

Breathe you're in London

I escaped. Breathe. And I could. I could sit in a Starbucks and I didn’t know a single person. I could concentrate on the work I needed to do.

But escaping Bermuda, for me, is not just about being able to blend into a crowd. It’s comforting. It’s comforting to see a new world (even if I’ve been to London before).

It’s comforting to find people living their lives in lots of different ways. It’s comforting to find a 20 pound flight to Sweden and being able to visit a friend.

But that’s what traveling is truly about, isn’t it? Remembering that where you are from (i.e. Bermuda but it applies to everyone) is not the only world out there. It’s remembering that people are watching the world in a different way. They don’t all believe that they live and die by your words.

It calms. It calms me to know that there is a bigger universe out there that does not revolve around Bermuda. It puts my home in perspective. It makes problems at home, while important, not seem so overwhelmingly bad.

It’s refreshing. And it’s time to visit Stockholm…the first stop on my cheap European trip. I swear I will find cheap visits.

Walk off Bermuda and onto…….

23 09 2010

Escape Bermuda?

No, not water. Only one walking on water incident has been recorded and it wasn’t off of Bermuda.

What is off of Bermuda? On April 2 next year Queen Victoria will be. You know…the boat? Yep it’s going to visit our island to pick-up those ready for their trans-Atlantic adventure.

From Bermuda to the Azores and Portugal, Ireland and even France before finishing at Southampton….not Bermuda – England.

But wait…guess how much it will cost you for this 12-day cruise? It starts at $2,990 per person but find the deal from CTravel!

Caribbean Cruising

Wait you want a cruise sooner? Something long enough to enjoy your holidays, but short enough to not use all of your vacation days? For you? We’ve got something. How about a seven night Western Caribbean cruise starting on December 19?

You get to depart from Ft.Lauderdale, Florid; Labadee, Haiti; Puerto Costa Maya, Mexico; and Cozumel, Mexico! In fact CTravel can help your with both longer and shorter cruises for the holiday season and al of them taking-in the Caribbean! So what are you doing?

Check out CTravel’s cruise site.

Kids love Disney!

Oh you’re waiting for something that also caters directly to kids? Well if you book now Disney is offering 25% off a Disney resort in October and November. There are even some dates in January so make sure you check-out CTravel’s website and make sure you enjoy your trip.

I’m in it.

22 09 2010

Rolling 28'' suitcase High Sierra ultra light collection from The Harbourmaster

But I’m not going to fight it. It’s fine. Honestly. Really. Last year I was trying to surf in Bali and this year I’m wandering around sunny London.

Last year the decision on Bali was to welcome the dreaded. The 30. Why fight it? There’s no point. And what does it mean? It means I’m happy. I’ve found what I want to do.

But now I’m in them. I’m in it. I’m attacking the 30’s and loving it. New website. New business. But is there anywhere you haven’t been? Is there anything I haven’t done?

Why yes. Yes there is.

I’ve never been to the moon, to South Africa, married, painted blue or more excited to board a plane (yesterday thanks to Hurricane Igor’s plans).

Another thing I have never done? Been on a cruise. Well besides my backpacker escapades on a small sailboat in Turkey but that’s another story……

So good thing I have the expert advice of Sheilagh Robertson from The Harbourmaster for help. Years in the business she knows what she’s talking about and with her Bermuda-based store with friendly staff based in the Washington Mall I would suggest getting yourself there for your next cruise.

Why? She has the quality cases provided by High Sierra. The other benefit? The rolling 28” suit case is lightweight.

Packing small for your cruise? That’s ok says Sheilagh: “One of the advantages of a cruise vacation is that you can visit many places and only unpack once. Likewise on board you can take advantage of laundry service or do your own laundry in your room.”

Other ways you can enhance your cruise experience?

“Take some time to research your destinations before you go. While you can purchase tours in advance or on board ship you can visit many points of interest on your own and save money and avoid being herded around with the crowd.”

Cruising is about avoiding the crowds but also about celebrating with new friends. What are you going to do for new attire? How can you dress-up that little black dress? Why not visit The Harbourmaster for the latest clutch/handbag below:

COLOURS collection: a dressy, leather classic clutch for $140 from The Harbourmaster

Sheilagh adds: “While it is nice to have some more dressy clothes for “formal” nights on board most of the time casual attire is perfect. So ladies take a dress that you can dress up or down with the right accessories. A simple black patent leather clutch and matching tote from the IBIZA collection make the perfect evening/day combination (see below).”

IBIZA LAND Collection handbag and clutch and shoe combo: $120 - $320.00: genuine patent leather adds a little glamour to a practical tote while the clutch is ideal for gala nights on board ship.

So what are you waiting? Get yourself to The Harbourmaster located on the first floor of the Washington Mall in Hamilton, Bermuda and find your cruising gear! And of course check tomorrow for the next best cruise.

Take me back to…..

21 09 2010

“Si. Si. Taxi? Santiago? La Chimba hostel?” I was trying all the Spanish I had.

Is taxi Spanish? Universal I think. Does hostel translate?

Apparently not. I stood there watching his mouth move. Not a clue.

My airport greeter eventually gave-up and I continued wandering. It had taken me three days and a hiccup (read: I fell asleep in front of my gate and missed my flight) to arrive in Chile. Now I couldn’t even get to the hostel!

Take me back to Chile. I know we’ve all survived Hurricane Igor in Bermuda, so why not take a moment and read about something else. Here’s your chance in my Rock Fever column today!

Oh and for anyone with the print version of The Royal Gazette…I am not a six foot Colombian man (see clarified photo below).

Back in Chile and through blurred eyes and panic I eventually spotted an orange and white stand that looked similar to the website taxi ad. Sweet relief when they understood what I was saying!

Last week I left you hanging. I know. You couldn’t sleep. You were desperate to know where I would return from my extended travels around the world. I totally understand.

So this week I will let you return to the land of zzz’s by telling you it would be hands-down: Chile. Yes I went to Bali (not a country, obviously, but an island in Indonesia) and I liked it, but Chile? It stole my heart.

Why? It has everything. Check out my photos for an idea!

Though, to be honest, when I landed in Santiago I didn’t plan to stay for long. Unfortunately this capital, which has suffered an earthquake this year and a country that trapped its miners (ok not intentionally) is overshadowed by it’s neighbour’s capital Buenos Aires. I had been told: “LEAVE SANTIAGO IMMEDIATELY.”

Good thing I didn’t listen. This capital, like the country, is a bit of everything. From old to new to the bohemian Bellavista Neighbourhood to the well-structured and suited business district of El Gulf, Santiago is eclectic. Parks offer runners (ahhh it was a relief to throw the shoes on) a chance to hit their stride and the Andes in the background distract you from the pain.

Art work in Bellavista

But to fill-up following this torture there is nothing better than the food in Santiago or Chile for that matter. Within the Bellavista barrio (i.e. neighbourhood. See my Spanish is already getting better) there are rows upon rows of restaurants and bars just waiting to dish up the best corn-based (hello Celiacs…this is speaking to you) meat-infused dishes while allowing you to wash it down with delicious wine.

And from Santiago vineyards are only a 45 minute drive away through gorgeous countryside. You’re really asking? Yes of course I went! Ha. Silly reader.

Concha y Toro had my name written all over it and its name written all over the wine glass that survived another two months hidden in my backpack. Yes I have it beside me…I mean in a cupboard to prove it. Anyway, this vineyard is one of the largest and best in South America and it’s in Santiago’s backyard!

Of course another hour away and had I been there in the right season I could have strapped-on the skis and headed for the hil…mountains! I know, I know. Nobody thinks about skiing in Chile. Well someone must but a lot don’t because there are some incredible ski resorts only hours from Santiago and you get to go through the Andes. I’m sorry what are you doing going back to Vermont?

But Chile is not just Santiago….though I definitely suggest spending time there. Chile is a long, thing, incredibly diverse landscaped country. It’s as if the world’s interior designer decided to take all the leftovers and shove them along the West Coast of South America. This country boasts the highest desert in the world, a lake district so blue and green it appears painted, glaciers in the south and one of the most southern and stunning national parks, Torres del Paine, in the world (it appears in plenty of ads. You know, Patagonia? The store). Oh and of course, Chile offers access to Easter Island. Not a bunny in sight, but plenty of egg-looking heads.

Not me! Clearly...this is my trekking buddy struggling with his hi-tec gear around Patagonia

I could not afford the flight to Easter Island or to visit both sides of Santiago so (as you all know because you followed me so meticulously, ha) of course I went to Patagonia. I slept next to a glacier. I wandered through true wilderness. I learned how to camp and I went five days without coffee. And I loved it.

The entire visit in Chile was done in the early spring (i.e. few tourists). When I flew to Patagonia I was the only one staying in my hostel. That didn’t seem like the best way to find a hiking buddy for Torres del Paine. I was sad. I was fed-up. No fear. My Chilean hostel owner was there! She coaxed me out of my mood and introduced me to a Colombian boy (staying in a hostel opposite ours) who was also solo. I found my hiking buddy.

She could have ignored me. She could have made me pay my bill and be done. But she didn’t. Because she’s nice…first and foremost, but she’s also Chilean. The people are what topped the food, the landscape and, yes, even the wine to win the place for return for me. Yes, I am sorry Fussell (see quote) I would go back somewhere. I would go back to Chile without a moments thought.

But that’s not where I’m going next. Nope. It’s not quite time to return to South America. My plan? To hunker down in London (cause I’ve got a free place to stay) and find ten cheap trips from this capital city. Of course that’s barring Igor ruining my plans.

And it didn’t! All it did was change my Monday column to Tuesday, our travel tip from The Harbourmaster to Wednesday and my trip to start one day later! I’m leaving on a plane tonight! See from the other side of the Atlantic.

How to plan a hurricane…..party!

18 09 2010


Look I’m all about being safe and keeping Igor contained as best you can i.e. board-up those windows, fill those bathtubs, move everything inside and charge-up all your appliances.

But what do you do after that? Um….well if you’re a couple……let’s say in nine months time maternity is going to be a very busy place in the hospital.

If you’re not!? What else do you do? Umm….well a party of course! I mean really how else are you supposed to keep the time at bay?

Apparently this is an established course. I googled Hurricane Party just to see what was out there. This is what I found courtesy of the ambiguously licensed website www.wikipedia.com:

“A hurricane party is a social event held by people in the coastal United States who live in hurricane valley between Maine and Texas. The event is held during ahurricane just as any other party would. However the guests are typically allowed to stay with the host for 3–5 days (weather permitting) and guests, in return, bring hurricane supplies such as radios, food, etc.”

A way to pass the time? Sure, but hurricane party’s can offer some tricky hurdles normal parties may not have. i.e. no electricity. I mean really who would have a party on any regular day without electricity? You wouldn’t.

So some things to think about for your Hurricane Party:

1. Do I have to state it? Really? Of course most importantly: WINE/BEER/SPIRITS and of course MIXERS. Don’t forget the mixers. Though a shot of vodka might help you forget the tree that goes through the roof.

2. Go with red wine not white: As my father instructed me….red wine can be served at room temperature. Warm white wine? No thank you.

3. Of course you’re going to need towels to soak-up any leaks and plenty of food to soak up 1&2 of this list. So bring the BBQ to somewhere sheltered, buy extras coals, lighter fluid or gas and get ready for some hurricane cooking!

You may need it for weeks if the electricity decides not to cooperate so make sure you stock-up.

4. candles, torches, crank-up radio and flashlight in one: whatever it takes to shed some light on the situation. Though maybe those dark corners are good? Nine months. Nine months. It’s all I’ve got to say.

Sea is not a happy camper!

5. obviously  the easier route is a generator. You’ve got one? Sweet invite me over for running water and a cold fridge after Igor goes through….

5. So you’ve got the drinks, you’ve got the food….oh wait did you forget to invite the friends? These can be tricky to order, but don’t worry it is possible. Rent a Friend is here to save the day. Failing that…email anyone you’ve ever spoken to and someone will show…..I promise.

6. Keep hands busy. Board games are the oldies but goodies. You can’t miss with one of my favourites: Scattergories! But charge-up the lap-top to ensure movie-watching is completely possible.

7. And finally make sure you have blankets and a floor….those Rent-a-friends could cost more than you think. Unfortunately you can’t kick them out. Um there’s a hurricane?!

Did I forget anything? Let me know in the comment section and make sure you hunker-down, stay safe and Bermuda will make it through!