Need a friend for travel? Rent one!

28 08 2010


Traveling solo can be a scary affair. Last year I was essentially thrown into single careening around the globe after things didn’t work with a boyfriend. It was the best thing that could have happened, but that didn’t make it easy or less scary.

What if I could have rented a friend? What am I talking about? I hadn’t heard about it either, but a friend who was just visiting left a magazine here and I started snooping. It had an interview with a girl who rents herself out as an escor…I mean friend for anywhere between $25 to $35 (and drinks) depending on what she’s doing!

What does she do? She’s gone to the movies, shopping and was an extra in a group of guys to get them into a club with strict female to male ratios.

Perhaps the better question is what hasn’t she done…..this is not a dating service and it’s not an escort service… they say. Who? Rent-a-Friend. And they’re international! Well almost…there’s no one in Bermuda.

How do I know…I mean it was purely research related search…I swear. Maybe that’s my calling? Become the first friend-rental in Bermuda. Uh…..hmm…I don’t think I could put-up with a stranger’s moaning. I mean it’s hard enough with friends sometimes….but then I guess you get paid for the service.

Hmmmmmm……no. I don’t like it. It’s official. Why does another thing in our lives need to be down to a cash exchange? And yet….maybe if I was traveling….. Well I already checked and they have it in London….my next stop and their are people willing to be my friend for a small fortune.

I never needed the service when I was traveling, but I could see why it might be nice. You know…to have someone to shop with or to help watch your bag? Eh… I say meet someone in the hostel and become actual friends. It will cost less and it will mean someone who stays after their hour is up….I hope!