“I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”

6 08 2010

Traveling on Thai public buses!

Difference good or difference bad? Frost could you explain? Because right now I am traveling down a path I have a lot of knowledge about in some areas and yet is a hell of a risk in others. So my Friday Photo of the day? Me exhausted on a Thai public bus! Open doors, along dirt roads = tired and dirty traveler!

While I could navigate my way around the world last year and thoroughly enjoyed it, now I’m back home. I kept the travel column in The Royal Gazette newspaper (every Monday so check it out!), but I’m also trying to do something new – establish myself as a freelance and travel writer.

Sometimes I don’t know what I am doing. Sometimes I am trying to do new things. Sometimes I try to approach the idea from different directions.

I like it. I enjoy it. Or, well, I wouldn’t be doing it. But it’s not easy. I have the critics and the cynics sitting on my shoulders: How can you wander Robyn when you are on a 21-square-mile island? How can you be a travel writer when you are not traveling all the time? Don’t you ever want to settle down? Don’t you want to have kids?

And the truth is: I don’t know. Is it weak to admit this today? I don’t know. But the truth is I am trying. I am trying to travel down a path that I have never been on before.

I am trying to do something I have been subconsciously working on all my life. I have wanted to travel and experience the world since I was 11-years-old and begging to go to boarding school. The “wanderlust” has never stopped. I am always curious. I want to see it all.

And now I am trying to translate this energy into what I do. But besides the cynics I have other road blocks and diversions that spring-up.

Surely if I can survive a five-day trek through Patagonia I can tackle anything?

While on the road it might have been rocks falling off the side of the Amalfi coast in Italy that closed the road. It might have been breaking-up with a boyfriend while on the trip. Now it’s tackling health insurance, pay roll tax, pensions and balance in life.

Questions loom over me. Should I spend money on upgrading? Should I go on that trip? How do I figure out how to combine my trip with travel? And how do I have a vacation?

I have confidence in myself or I wouldn’t have chosen to wander through this territory of freelance and travel writing. But that’s not to say I don’t question myself. And that’s not to say I don’t stress about things.

The other thing I am learning? The other path I am traveling? It’s down the path with people who are willing to support me. Willing to take a chance on me. And figuring out who is not.

None of this is easy and, yet, I love what I do. How do I make that work?