Save your…..

3 08 2010

Shoes in the New Delhi Market Area

things! Or so I wanted to say to the backpacked-tourist in New Delhi, India. It was busy. We could barely move. I looked to the left and I saw…..

His backpack being opened (while on his back) and someone who should not be sticking their hand in, sticking their hand in.

“Hey, Hey!” and I pointed to my back. He turned around and the would-be thief ran away. That was a lucky catch, but sometimes travelers are not so lucky.

Things get stolen. Things get lost. But have no fear! Wire-strapped bags and other valuable-carrying security devices are available here in Bermuda.

Where? The Harbourmaster. What has Sheilagh Robertson, owner of The Harbourmaster, have to say? Here is here Travel Tip Tuesday: Secure, Secure, Secure.

She said: “Take special care to secure passports money and credit cards when traveling. It is a good idea to make a photocopy of your passport and keep one credit card and some cash somewhere other than in your handbag or wallet.”

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“At the Harbourmaster there is a large selection of security items such as money belts, waist and neck pouches, locks, luggage tags and bags with anti-theft features.”

Some of those are featured in the slideshow above and are all available in The Harbourmaster located in the Washington Mall near the alley entrance.

Mrs. Robertson added: “Always be particularly careful in crowded areas around popular historic sites, subways, and train stations.

“Pickpockets are common in these areas and will often target people on group tours who think they are safe in a group and not always aware of their surroundings.”

So be aware, stock-up on your goods to secure your valuables and enjoy your holidays! Come back next Tuesday for more Harbourmaster tips.