Do you ever…..

23 07 2010

wake-up earlier than normal, take a walk outside and realise you are one lucky – woman, man, girl, boy….dog?

It was a boot camp morning today and I was struggling. I didn’t want to get up and I didn’t want to drive to the National Stadium to be put through the paces.

But the alarm went off. I listened to it and rolled myself out of bed, brushed my teeth, let the dogs I am housesitting out and was greeted with……this:

Bermuda Morning

The humidity had departed, the grass was slightly wet and the cool air (yes I said cool about Bermuda in July) smelled like primary school. It smelled like putting on my uniform, grabbing my lunch box filled with thermos and ham and mustard sandwich and getting into the car.

Do you know what I mean? The smell that triggers memories. India’s full of them. But so is home and not always, but sometimes the morning smell transports me to a brown station wagon on the way to Mrs. Counsel’s class.

For some reason this morning felt like that, like the fall (autumn) and hence my Friday Photo of the Day. It’s these morning when I travel back in time and realize I am one lucky girl for growing-up on  this island of mine – Bermuda.

And then I realized…..that the dogs had run off, they needed to be fed and boot camp was about to begin. But for one instant I was traveling away from the responsibilities. It was serene.

Do you have a sunrise photo/serene moment you want to share? Post it on the comments page or send it to email at: