Trials and Tribulations of Housesitting

21 07 2010


“Oh the dogs are no problem. Just let them out in the morning and the evening. They’ll be fine. Oh look they’re so sad that I’m leaving.”

Yeah and that sadness will turn into me picking up their sh…poop at 5 a.m. in the morning and every evening. The joys of housesits.

How do I get myself into them? Well often these are excuses to live in fantastic homes for the small price of filling-in for  animal parents while they vacation in Boston, Aspen, etc…

But that also often means animals that would rather never see you and take-out their parents leaving by leaving you messes. I sound chastened…I know.

That’s because I have been on a roll recently with housesits from hell! A house with peeling paint and ants that won’t stop to, two miniature dogs who won’t stop pooping.

“What is a housesit Robyn?” a friend asked me the other day. Is this just a Bermuda phenom? Where it’s cheaper and safer for the vacationing public to bring the public into their homes while they’re away?

So I’ll tell you. Housesitting is:

1. Looking after animals:The easiest are often cats, but these still pose problems. What happens when you don’t see them for days? Have the been run over? Do I have to call the parents and let them know they’ve been on a suicide mission? Phew Horlicks returned when he got hungry enough.

Dogs, on the other hand, are another set of fun. They require walking, feeding and general companionship. Exhausting stuff often.

2. Security: Really no one has gone away. Look there’s a single girl in the house now and I have all the lights on. No one will mess with me….or the house! Well at least not if I have a BBQ.

That’s when I get calls asking me if my sketch friends decided to steal a motorbike from next door.

“Yes you’re right. They left the flat screen TV, the films, the jewelry and other expensive items in your home and decided to steal a motorbike!” I won’t be housesitting for them again.

3. Water the plants: I live with my parents. Yeah I’m not embarrassed. After a year on the road it’s nice to be around them. I also provide a built-in housesitter.

They’re currently away, which means – two excited labs, one house, too many plants to count and no water. Uh….sorry mom I swear I was watering the….hell I don’t even know the name of the plants. I’m not very convincing and I’m lucky if they come back to anything alive.

Those are mainly the “whys” to housesitting. Now the hells of housesitting.

doggy daycare housesitting style

1. Dogs that run away/poo on the floor/decide they need to sleep in the bed next to you/decide they will eat an entire bag of dog food and be sick.

2. Borrowing the car. Yes it sounds like a great idea when they suggest it. And then….two days in you notice a scratch on the door. “Was that there before? I hope so. I guess they’ll tell me if not.” My suggestion: take a photo of the car when you get it to keep your peace of mind.

3. Things that break – coffee kettle no more. I don’t know how or why they thing decided to break yesterday, but it did. We’ve had the thing for six month. Two days into my housesit and it’s kicked the bucket. Why?!? Because I’m a housesitter.

And finally….being a construction boss. I’m moving into a housesit next week that is being built! I don’t know if more can be said right now. I am sure I will have more next week as the guys rock-up at 7 a.m. with hammers.

I think it might be time to rent.